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Isabel in Fantasy Spring

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, February 26, 2010

Posted at : Friday, February 26, 2010

One of Adam's oldest fan, Isabel made it to Fantasy Spring! This is a picture of her posing for the cameraman inside the room. I hope she'll have a lot of fun there! And it'll be great for her to meet Adam.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm glad she's made it. Thanks to all the fans who donated.

Lois Mullin said...

what a great treat for this lady, I am 69 and I can relate with her, I am so happy for her, just shows there are good people in this world.

lily said...

i am happy for you isabel, you are a very loyal fan and hope adam will give you a special treat. i am a 58 mom and can't help loving adam's music and him as a person. hopefully i will meet him in person when he visits sydney, australia next week.

Anonymous said...

Go Isabel! You rock!!

Anonymous said...

It is incredibly sweet that fans were giving enough to give money to this sweet women to see one of her favorite singers in concerts. She doesn't have many years left, and I'm glad Adams fans were caring enough to help give her a highlight of these years.

P.S. She lives about an hour from me. I don't know her personally, but she lives in the Appleton area and I live in the Madison area (Wisconsin). My family constantly drives through Appleton to get to green bay to see my extended family. I take a strange pleasure out o seeing people care so much about a Wisconsin person, because we are often overlooked. If Wisconsin should be seen for anything, I'm glad it was to help this woman

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

I'm going to be 73 in March & I love ADAM as if he were one of my own grandsons. I'm so happy to see Isabel there representing all of us grandmas who so love ADAM & his music. I listen to him every day & so does my 6 year old grandson. Bless All ADAM's Fans & ADAM!