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New Adam and Ke$ha Picture

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 21, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, February 21, 2010


Anonymous said...

"New Adam and Ke$sha Picture' ???
Looks like a threesome to me

Anonymous said...

Wow, she looks like the guy!! The mouth and facial structure, nose, etc.

Anonymous said...

They look drunk
Adam don't become another lindsay lohan please!!

Anonymous said...

Who's that other hot guy? I want a name!

Anonymous said...

"Adam don't become another lindsay lohan please!!"

Ummm...Adam is not turning into Lindsay lol. There's no way. Adam's too smart to get himself addicted to alcohol.

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't even look drunk, tispy yes but that's plenty ok. Keshe looks down right trashed no offense. She's not even focusing on the camara in the picture. I fear where she's heading it doesn't look to bright.

Anonymous said...

Kind of "menage a trois"! Hahahaha.

Anonymous said...

They all look totally fucked up in that photo. Tipsy/drunk, all boils down to the samething.

Anonymous said...

oh, leave them alone; let them enjoy life. he's a good man; we don't know kesha, we can not judge her. let him be happy or see the other side, as he has been hinting to us...

stop being a suffocating mother that you want him in a box. he's a big boy and has strong values from his family and friends. if he made mistakes, that's life; he learns from them and moves on.

Thanks for the picture! I love Anything-Adam!
I am thankful but a little guilty, Adam is an open book!

Anonymous said...

"Who's that other hot guy? I want a name!"

Looks like Mike Furey

Anonymous said...

It Looks like a friend pix! I like it!!! Ke$ha always looks like that lol! i love k and ADAM!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the bashing on Kesha. If you love Adam, tolerate if you cannot accept his friends. Don't be haters. It's the same when others bash Adam, we all don't like it. That's exactly what you're doing to Kesha who is Adam's friend. If I were Adam, I wouldn't like what you all are saying about his friend. Learn not to hate please. ADAM LAMBERT is ALL LOVE.

Anonymous said...

Look, I think Adam and Ke$ha have an ongoing "game" that they think is amusing, and it was cute and they got some funny publicity,but, I think the joke may be at their expense if they are not careful. Adam has so much talent and is working so hard to gain popularity & getting photographed drunk will not help him. A luxury he cannot afford!!

wakethedead said...

I love the photo! All 3 very beautiful free spirits.

Anonymous said...

ADAM is a man not a kid ... I'm sure he can manage his own life like so many people are trying to do for him ... message board after message board ... comment after comment ... ADAM should do this but not that ... this one is okay for a friend but not that one ... no use in complaining ... ADAM has a good head on his shoulders & will do what he feels is right for him. Respect his decisions.

Anonymous said...

Mike Furey. Hes the guy that ask kesha to send a copy of the pics to him and adam ask for a copy to. That was at the club in NY on friday night before the concert.

Anonymous said...

i like who adam likes.
