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New Email Update from SONY UK

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 26, 2010

Posted at : Friday, February 26, 2010

Hello, and Happy Friday to all you Adam fans
So…. Exciting news….. Adam is booked to arrive in the UK on the 18th March, Heathrow Airport (Terminal 5), at around 2:30PM!!
He will spend that weekend in London, then will do a regional radio tour of the UK starting on Monday 22nd March.
The film we got of the fans talking to Adam last week hasn’t been edited yet, but I will send it round as soon as it’s ready!
And don’t forget to get News of the World on Sunday for some more Lambert-Loving.
Adam HQ x



Anonymous said...

Bwahh ha ha ha! giving out when his plane will land? That's awesome, but how is he ever going to get out of the terminal now??? A Heathrow Parteee! Wooo Hooo!

Anonymous said...

They shouldn't post his information like that. Don't they know how psycho people are?

Anonymous said...

uh, we are a bit more civilized than that in the UK! He'll recieve a warm welcome. He's still relatively unknown over here.