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New Photoshoot??

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 21, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, February 21, 2010

Just found this on Twitter! I'm thinking this is for a new photo shoot!

Credit: Kimberly_Caldwell_4_Life


twyla said...

Stunning gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

What a beauty!

Anonymous said...

Adam is having an affair with the camera! It luv's him! It has to take his pic everywhere! HA HA Just like the song Pop Pop Goes The Camera..."I'll be in UR face til UR head aches"!

Anonymous said...

if you go to, new website for adam in the uk, (obviously), there is a link on the right side under twitter messages, that links this pic to the paper magazine beautiful people issue. Could be?? not sure. Be ready for a gorgeous pic when you open the site.

Anonymous said...

Adam, wishing you all the success, baby.

Anonymous said...

i love the hood thing!!! dying to see the pictures!!!