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Adam Lambert may not release an album until 2012!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 26, 2010

Posted at : Friday, February 26, 2010

Is American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert working on a second album yet?

J. Kelly, Fremont, Calif.

“Adam is so not even in the mind-set of thinking of a next album,” his publicist, Roger Widynowski, tells us. “We just launched this record [in November], and that is going to carry us for the next two years.” Lambert, 28, will be touring and performing this year to support his debut album, For Your Entertainment.


Credit: alidol


Anonymous said...

That's ridiculous! Adam should strike while the iron is hot. If he waits 2 years to put out another CD that would be career suicide. I don't believe he'd wait that long.

Anonymous said...

Whatta you want from him?? You want him to travel and tour the world. Oh, BTW, we also want you to write new music, coordinate with the best in the business and start this creative thing all over again. What's the big deal? You mean you can get another album out in a year? Forgot, you're touring Europe, Australia, Far East, Canada and maybe the USA. Get with it Adam. Your fans are waiting. Career suicide? I don't think so. The preparation, production and promotion of an album are all consumming. And all this is preparatory to the associated tours. Sure, he could put out a bunch of covers, but that's not our Adam.

Anonymous said...

I don't see why he wouldn't wait. This one has hardly got off the ground yet, he hasn't started touring yet. It is usually two years between albums for most artists, some wait even longer.

I would rather he take longer with the next album because I want Adam to have written more songs, and hopefully in between touring he will start writing.

Anonymous said...

Whataya Want From Him indeed! To Anonymous 1: "Career suicide" -- I couldn't disagree more! He has been working nonstop for a year and pushed very hard to get FYE out quickly. And what a triumph that was! Now starts the grueling process of promoting an album, which takes TIME. He will be touring all over the world, and likely having US tours too. I would rather he take his time, write more songs, and put out an album that he believes in, rather than rushing to put out an album of covers. There is no timetable on issuing an album. Quality is worth waiting for. I have no doubt that he will be in the public eye for a very, very long time and the anticipation will only burn brighter for his second album. Give him a chance to follow his business savvy. He won't let us down - be patient! Forever your fan, Adam!

Anonymous said...

Two years is not a long time. The artists that I like take around 5 years to complete one album. Unless you're a fan of Britney or beyounce or Riahnna, then you're going to have to wait a long time.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Yeah, right. Not that this isn't possible, but Adam is wildly creative and his next two years will be full of surprises. If he can pull together "FYE" in a couple months, think what he can create in a span of two years. WOW!

Anonymous said...

No NO NO! Why not put out a 'rejects' album with the excess songs recorded for FYE???? I'm sure the songs are all awesome. TWO YEARS??? ARRRRRGH!!!

Anonymous said...

He still needs to have a a few more hit singles off of this album. I think he can have If I Had You and Fever, and if those two are successful, which I think they can be, then he could release Soaked, Pick U Up, and even Broken Open. In the AOL Sessions poll, more people picked Soaked as their favorite performance than any other. I also think that FYE will be a huge success in every other country than US.

Anonymous said...

I also forgot Sleepwalker and Aftermath, which I think could also be hit singles. I guess I think almost every song could be a hit single!

Anonymous said...

I don't know of any artist that puts out an album a year....we all just want soo much from him and can't wait...let's just savor what he has done so far!!

Anonymous said...

"I don't know of any artist that puts out an album a year....we all just want soo much from him and can't wait...let's just savor what he has done so far!!"

Britney, Beyonce, Rihanna....

lily said...

no no no! the fans can't wait that long. come on there were idols who are not even as successful as adam but they have at least one album a year. we can't wait that long, please

Anonymous said...

but that's exactly the point hon. Adam is much better than the others who put put albums each year, and he doesn't need to. He is very busy right now, promoting all over the world, planning a possible US tour, tv appearances, photoshoots, and he still is a person with friends and family who would miss him terribly if he was gone all the time. He needs his time for R&R with his busy schedule, and recording an album would suck that time dry. He will not go away or fade into obscurity, but people have to understand that it's hard to manage his life. I have trouble with mine, what with high school, clubs, auditions, tennis, and friends. I had to cut clubs to handle it. I can't imagine what he's doing.
It's actually very smart to wait until he has more time to relax and write and record, and until his albums excitement dies down, to start a new one.

But yes give BB some time. He does not and will not disappoint, and as a human being he needs some "me time" in his incredibly busy schedule.

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

While Britney, Rhianna, and Beyonce were all able to put out an album in a year alone they are not the standard. Britney's album I found to be terrible, but then I don't like her music. Beyonce's was good but I can't see her putting out another album in another year after 'I am...Sasha Fierce'. And Rhianna's ablum, unfortunately, isn't doing as well as many believed/hoped. Sad cause I DO like her.

Taylor Swift (and I HATE to compared her to Adam) toured for two years before putting out her newest album. So Adam can tour for a while and I'm seeing two years being a respectable time for another album.

Anonymous said...

Most people haven't even heard all of the songs that have been recorded. I'm thinking they will just offer the FYE album again with all the extra's. It would seem new to the general public.

Anonymous said...

Two years is a drop in the bucket and will fly by - he needs a year to promote and tour and another to write, record and release the next album. Give the man some breathing room!!! (I still think the next album should actually be a DVD with videos for each track - I'm sure that would take at least 2 years, right?).

Anonymous said...

Whats wrong with you people (Career suiciders) he should take all the time he needs, FYE has hardly gotten any promotion, do you honestly think they hired all them great collaborators so the album would sell 500.000 copies? get with it pople, FYE was the most anticipated album of the year but yet is sold only 200.000 copies, it is just right that he takes the time to promote and sell millions more than take the time to write an album on his own, yes with some collaboration but this time he should have much more to contribute, so people chill out.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I see. I feel thirsty all of a sudden.

coloforadam said...

There are some other songs hangin' around that might step up during these two years to keep the drooling at bay - there is Voodoo, Urban Decay, Down the Rabbit Hole, Master Plan, collaborations with others like L. Gaga, Cassidy Haley, Queen maybe. - he talks about wanting to record Sweet Child of Mine, Enter Sandman and maybe he can just perform some stuff and not necessarily putting them on an album.

Anonymous said...

While there are still writers anxious to offer songs to him I would rather he work on a new album now rather than start a long tour. That's easy for me to say since I don't live in a city he'd be very likely to visit, of course.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see another record soon, but I know I won't be bored yet of FYE in 2 yrs. I'll still be listening! Adam has to do his promotional stuff-that's what touring is all about. This is the way it all works. We just gotta be patient. Sigh..

Anonymous said...

Adam has touring to do with this cd. I want to hear Broken Open, Aftermath and Sleepwalker oh heck, the whole rest of the album, on the radio at some point. That will take a little while. So everything in good time.