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Quote of the Day

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 22, 2010

Posted at : Monday, February 22, 2010

"It's so beautiful in LA right now!"

-Adam Lambert



Anonymous said...

I'm in LA and I can guarantee you, Adam's right. It's not cold today at home like it was the past few days.

Anonymous said...

Well it's shi tty weather here in Iowa. Has been for months and no end in sight.

Anonymous said...

Jealous. Here in wisconsin the weather is terrible. Snow drifts everywhere. Bitter cold, icy, dreary. I wish we would have warmth for more than two months. Three and a half years till college!!!!

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said... in North Carolina today its been raining but other wise its been nice 63 degrees.

Anonymous said...

So jealous of the people living in LA!

Lois said...

I am an other Iowa fan, and we have had over 58" of snow so far, and more cold weather on the way LA looks good,

Anonymous said...

LA does look like a beautiful place. Palm trees, the ocean, temps in the 70's and 80's all year long. Like a paradise. The perfect place for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Here in Seattle, we just had the most amazing weekend (for my birthday!). The air was crisp and clean. The sky was a brilliant, clear blue and the sun was shining. It was cold/frosty in the morning and balmy in the middle of the day.

Anonymous said...

I'm in Hong Kong and the weather is just gloomy. LOL!

Anonymous said...

In the mountains of North Carolina, we've just had TWO whole days of gorgeous, sunny, warmish weather to where the snow is actually melting for the first time in a month. So I guess we got some of that gorgeous LA weather. Snow again tomorrow though!
Still, I LOVE my mountains.

Anonymous said...

well, try being stuck in WV.... never liked it here from day one !!!!!but STUCK!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Live at the beach in NC and the weather is beautiful. Had a couple inches of snow last week for one day. That was enough - everything closed for the snowman fun.

Anonymous said...

D.C. area -piles of dirty snow everywhere haha. for sports tryouts the kids had to bring shovels to to get the snow off the lacrosse and baseball fields. haha. i would love to be in L.A. right about not:)

Anonymous said...

I sure could use some of that LA weather right about now. New York State has great weather spring summer autumn but these winters are brutal especially by Lake Erie ... BRRRRR!

Marilyn in Canada said...

I'm in northern Ontario, Canada the land of ice and snow. It's freezing rain right now and I can't wait to get on that plane to Palm Springs on Friday!