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Sex, drugs and Simon Cowell

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, February 27, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, February 27, 2010

America's new gay idol Adam Lambert tells all

SINCE leaving Simon Cowell speechless with his sexually charged performances on American Idol, outrageous pop prince Adam Lambert has become one of the most controversial stars in the States.

The openly gay 28-year-old's raunchy routines, unique style and outspoken attitude have seen him dubbed Lad GaGa (although he thinks his close friend Lady G should be known as "Madam Lambert").

And for that reason, he's about to take the UK by storm, with his first visit planned for next month.

Adam invited me to hang out in New York where he revealed for the first time that, despite being 'out', he gets off with guys AND girls.

"I get girls coming on to me a lot," he told me over a pink cocktail in Manhattan's trendy Hell's Kitchen district.

"I find women beautiful and I have been known to make out with girls at parties especially when there is alcohol involved.

"I am a pretty open-minded person and I WOULD have sex with a woman.

"Although I am not sure about a relationship, anything is possible because I am really comfortable with sexuality generally."

And like GaGa before him, Adam - whose inspirations include Boy George and David Bowie - is also open about his crazy adolescence, which included drug use.

"I went wild and I was experimenting with certain substances," he disclosed.

"It didn't get to the stage where it ruined my life or where it was anything too serious but it was definitely something I tried.

"At 26 I started running with hippies, going to underground events, I was really drawn to that crowd, everyone embraced each others differences."

And in a swipe at his critics, Adam blasted: "There are so many parents who are too conservative in America.

"There are certain drugs out there that are really fun and recreational and can mean a good time.

"I'm not an advocate for drugs but it is all rock and roll and we are all adults."

GaGa wrote a wicked song called Fever on Adam's debut album For Your Entertainment after they became pals.

"It is a great collaboration but there is mention of a guy in the lyrics so they wouldn't play it in the States because we can be so conservative," Adam explained.

He added: "People call me the Lad Gaga but I reckon she should be the Madam Lambert. I mean, I am older!

"But seriously, GaGa is someone who appreciates the artists of the 70s.

"The acts doing well now are theatrical, that is what makes a popstar nowadays.

"Not many men have been going that route lately, I eased myself in by taking risks because I wanted people to understand my music first."

But then Adam caused a huge controversy with a provocative performance at the American Music Awards where he kissed a male band member and simulated oral sex from a bloke dancer.

"I was overtly sexual on stage so I invited more conversation about my sexuality.

"But there was a lot going on before that performance that charged me - Out magazine criticised me by saying I had a lot of responsibility to be out and be proud.

"I was thinking: 'Is this gay enough for you?'

"I was being over the top and crazy, it is less to do with my sexuality and more about my style. That is what it came down to.

"The song is about sexuality and sexual dominance and it is threatening to some people."

Runner-up Adam's sexuality was a talking point during his time on Idol from early on.

"A bunch of pictures of me and my ex-boyfriend kissing came out and I thought: 'Oh no, this is going to ruin it.'

"In the past there has been speculation around artists that were gay and it does hurt your chances.

"But I am not ashamed of it for one second, I just didn't want it to overshadow the singing.

"At the end of the day it is hard being one of the first who is out.

"I don't want to push my sexuality on anybody. I like to keep people guessing and keep it fresh.

"I didn't want the label to take precedence over what I was there to do."

Despite helping turn him into a star on the show, Simon Cowell is not involved with Adam's career because he's signed to rival Simon Fuller.

"I knew he wasn't going to be involved in the album but I really enjoyed his stamp of approval on the show, it meant a lot to me to get his praise from week to week.

"I am more out the box and alternative than Simon is. I have very strong opinions and I voice them actively."

Adam, that's why I think you're going to be one of most exciting new popstars of the year.



Anonymous said...

Yes! Adam is a super star!!!
Just be yourself. I love you the way u r. I will miss him tonight. Have fun if u r going.

Anonymous said...

Ewww. Love Adam - Loathe bad journalism. News of the World is a trashy UK newspaper but has a wide circulation so he'll be noticed. He needs recognition for his music not sensationalsim!!

Anonymous said...

Watch being perceived as endorsing drug use. I suspect your just trying to be "rock and roll" but you could be hurt by that perception. Just be a little more careful. Even people with no filter, know some things just aren't that funny.

Anonymous said...

As a child of an addict (dead now), and the mother of an addict in recovery for seven years, I will say this, "Please do not endorse drugs, Adam." They have given me and many others years of pain. Just keep singing with your beautiful voice and entertain us. That's what you know how to do so well.

A Fan

Anonymous said...

This is such a chopped up interview. It's hard to tell the context of anything written.

Anonymous said...

i got your point adam but being a mega star you have responsibility of maintaining your attitude. we don't mind you being vocal and having opinions on everything but there should be some moderations and subtlety. i like you very much as a singer and loving you as a person but there are limitations adam. i wish you all the best and hope you are comfortable in what you do.

Anonymous said...

please do your fans a favour adam. please do not endorse drugs, any kind of drugs. keep the opinion to yourself and not publicize it. we do love you but please don't push your luck too hard. a piece of advise, take it or leave it. you are a good singer and we adore you for that. let yourself shines in that area not in the way of bad publicity. anything too much will create TROUBLE.

Anonymous said...

Adam came up in the club scene and drugs are part of that scene-- when he speaks about his drug use it appears he is being honest and accurate about that scene and his experiences.

lola said...

don't you like to be a model of younger people adam? why do you need to mention drugs let alone endorsing them. as a mother i was so surprised that you said something like that. at this stage i still like you and will patronize your music but please adam, clean your act everything has limitations and we your fans are hoping the best for you.

Anonymous said...

First I don't like the article its choppy and doesn't run smoothly. Like there's no coherent thought to it.

Second, Adam has every right to say what he wants. He's clearly not endorsing drugs in excessive amounts or even dangerous drugs that are additive and kill people. But I'd rather him honest about his drug use, then be PC about it. We need to talk about these things so people get a better understanding of them. I had a friend who went through the stage of doing drugs and drinking, but it was just that a stage. Her parents and her talked about it, and moved on. It's not that deep guys.

Anonymous said...

People shouldn't be making a huge deal of the fact that he has tried drugs.. Heck, I went through that phase as a teenager. Admit it, the majority of us have gone through the experimental phase.
When I met him at Much my friends and I kept looking at him and I kept saying in my mind "this guy did drugs, I can just tell"
You know what...who cares? I know fans say hes 'endorsing' drugs but he's just being completely honest. He's a man not a kid. Let him be

Anonymous said...

There is a lot more to this interview and when the full meaning behind the questions and his answers aren't given they shape him into saying stuff like "susan Boyle's cd sucks and drugs aren't bad". Don't let the reporter change your opinion of Adam. He experimented with mushrooms. Then he stopped. At least he was big enough to admit it.

Anonymous said...

this is an old stuff!! take it off! this is history. we do not want to see this again1