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"WWFM" Single Sales Update

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Adam's second single "WWFM" sold 52,000 copies last week! It was up 6 percent from the previous week! The total sales for the single is currently around 425,000 copies!

Adam Lambert, Whataya Want From Me (52,000, +6 percent, 425,000)


Anonymous said...

Wow! This is great! Almost golg. Love the song and love Adam more!!!!

Anonymous said...

I ment almost gold. This Iphones. Lol

Anonymous said...

So much success for Adam this week! The album sold a lot and the single is doing so well.

Now release the third single!

Anonymous said...

I love WWFM so much. I listen to it over and over every day. I just don't get tired of it, because Adam's voice sounds so amazing and beautiful in it. Love Adam too sooooo much!!!!

Anonymous said...

Where do you buy a single besides I Tunes and Amazon? Do they count they count the ones sold in other countries, or just the US?