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Adam Lambert Interview with German Radio (This is the first of three interviews today)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 29, 2010

Posted at : Monday, March 29, 2010

Still waiting for two more interviews Adam did today in Munich


Anonymous said...

Such a friendly interview. These girs sound so cute and Adam is having a great time. So WWFF is the single in Germany buy FYE is the single in the UK. I wonder how they determain these things. O well I love them all.
Love adam. Plz keep pvoting him on VH1 top 20

Anonymous said...

Bendy Adam! So sexy

Anonymous said...

He is such a sweetheart. She thanks him for bringing the sunshine to Germany and he is like "yeah, It was kinda squeeze in the car..." LOL
He is so clever, witty, gorgeous, sexy, talented...this list could go on forever. Feel free to continue ;-)

Anonymous said...

Adam is sunshine, his smile lights up the world. He looks so absolutely gorgeous and it is obvious he is is having a great time with these girls interviewing him. He is such a joy and a delight to listen to. What a special, precious guy!!

Anonymous said...

Love it - he's a great example of "beautiful" American. So interested in other cultures :)

Anonymous said...

today, when i turn on my radio, first I heard Adam, then Lady-g and then Pink!!!!! GO ADAM

Anonymous said...

Hope he's huge in Germany.

Please vote for Adam in MTV's March Madness contest:

Anonymous said...

This picture of Adam sends all kinds of thoughts thru my little mind....shame on me....shame, shame, shame! are so loveable!