Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Posted at : Wednesday, March 19, 2014
VIA Chris Von Justice
I've finally met my DivaDouble, The one and only Adam Lambert
Pretty cool though to just bump into him out of nowhere.. Maybe it was meant to be.. hahahhaa

I've finally met my DivaDouble, The one and only Adam Lambert
Pretty cool though to just bump into him out of nowhere.. Maybe it was meant to be.. hahahhaa

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Cool looking dude!
Is he performing or just walking around the party dressed as a woman?
he's slapping her titties around
Looks like it could be Bonnie McKee in the upper right corner of the pic.
don't know who it is, but nice cleavage.:))
there must be a mystery under the dress??
no breast, it's a guy.
maybe its a tranny
Yes a tranny, lives in Stockholm.
Saw picture of him with only swim trunks, on his timeline.
Must have been from Friday night, that was what Adam was wearing.
Was it rumor that Adam is back in LA?
yes, he is a tranny, saw his picture with just swim trunks. He lives in Stockholm.
Is it just rumor that Adam is back in LA?
never new Adam had a thing for trannys. Adam has so many dark secrets.
here's the original photo post
Chris Von Justice
I've finally met my DivaDouble, The one and only Adam Lambert
Pretty cool though to just bump into him out of nowhere.. Maybe it was meant to be.. hahahhaa
No surprise Adam can't let a fan get a pic with him without the trolls and haters here trying to turn it into something else.
Adam looks great.
7:35, the person was wrong, it was not Adam on the flight to LA.
did he ride the tranny? ooops I meant train. heheeheeeeeeee
yeah Adam bottomed for the tranny ;)
Pretty dude.Some women don't even have that much cleavage,but still wear low cut things like this guy.Does anyone have any idea when Adam will come home?
You people are sick and so is your attempt at humor. Adam sees the best in everyone and is very gracious when meeting people. Do you feel good making fun of others from behind your computer. We are all just people, open your minds and back off.
There I feel better.
Adam should get a sex change. That would be hot!
Tsk1 Tsk! Tsk!
why all the nasty remarks here over a lovely pic of Adam & a Fan !!!
what do u gain???
don't waste that energy of yours unnecessary,
Don't be bored by being a Bully ok,
be nice, this is an Adan Fansite:):):)
Sorry, spelling error:(
should be Adam Fansite
I bet Adam was making out with her/him
OMG!!Such hateful remarks again!TROLL/trolls,are you that bored to say such mean and crude things again?Go to another site & post things about an entertainer that you like.You are no Adam fan.Oh,I know,you're afraid to go to a site where you have to register.Admin.,please,AGAIN DELETE THESE mean,cruel,and crude remarks!!I'm outta here!
What I love about Adam is that he's so open minded. He's so openminded he'll hook up with a tranny. You go Adam. Keep being yourself. Glamberts love you.
Quit ranting in defence, Glamberts. It doesn't become this site.
Are you sure it's a bloke? He seems to have beautiful hands AND a beautiful face.
RobinInSA Weather forecast for Houston July 9: Cloudy with a chance of GB ;-)
This blog is gross. I think Admin isn't Adam fan at all as far as he/she doesn't delete these disgusting comments.
glambulgelove82: collage #10 for all you adommy shippers ;)
itsmeansku: Adam❤Sauli #kiss #love #beautifulcouple #redcarpet
EysoMonsBert: New pic of my idol
Adam Lambert
I wanna, , a kiss like that!
Adam is so elegant :)
This thread is wasted by cray cray shippers. Their heads are diluted by fan fictions. Admin. Next news thread please.
ATTN real fans: Don't open any links. The trolls are making them sound like something they are not.
The mental resident is having a picnic in this thread. Ignore!
Adam's expression says it all. He really likes this guy/girl & who can blame him - he/she's gorgeous.
Have sex with me Adam
Nothing nasty in thinking Adam could be attracted to a tranny. He always said he loves women but they just don't have the right equipment under their dress.......this guy does, and
I'm sure he doesn't run around dressed like this all the time. Adam has many friends that are drag queens, and his mind is much more open than any of ours. These people are all men.........nice looking men, and if he is attracted to that person, go for it....
New Tweet from Nile @nilerodgers: @adamlambert Is that just you and me singing on "Put Your Hands All The Way up?" It sounds huge!
Love Nile he is such a tease.
Nile rocks! Can't wait for what him and Adam are working on. Thanks for the tweet LL!
I love Nile a lot. As much as I look forward to attend Queen concerts, but I think and feel Adam working with Nile will be a huge thing for Adam in US music industry. Nike to me is like Quincy Jones.
10:53 here...sorry that's Nile not Nike. Ipad autocorrect.
10:53 never thought of it that way but your comment is so true.
What a honey! Adam has great taste.
This guy's nose, eyes and lips are very similar to Adam. If he was dark haired, they might look very much alike. No wonder Adam likes him. And he is a bloke, how nice. That could be a perfect match.
My only question is re the tweet.
How could he be your 'diva double', you say it yourself, there's no one else like Adam!
you need new glasses!
There are a few children that post on this site. It's the same childish comments over and over. It bothered me and I would answer back but it just excites them more and that's what it's all about. These guys/women/teenagers who post sexually charged comments are getting turned on and when you realize that and stop responding they will get bored and look elsewhere for their daily e citement.
I find them pathetic.
the guy is Asian ! there is no Similarities between them .
congrats !!
you just discovered the Structure of the atom ,wow
i find you moronic
@8:44 PM You can quit expecting admin to be an Adam fan. Admin is only using Adam's name for his/her benefit here.
*whisper* we know !
Adam Lambert replied after Niles's tweet to him
@nilerodgers: @adamlambert Is that just you and me singing on "Put Your Hands All The Way up?" It sounds huge!
@adamlambert: @nilerodgers yes!! Hey loving your work on the new @Tensnake album.
@adamlambert: Happy New Year Persian Glamberts! ;)
please delete all the awful one liners, especially the multiple ones coming from the same IP address(es). The constant inappropriateness (are there no LGBT community people here?!) and other namecalling gives such a bad impression of this site!
WoW is right! He is beautiful
I don't know what nationality this guy is but he definitely isn't Asian.
You are overreacting for nothing. As usual..
The guy in the photo is really beautiful......Adam is rather gorgeous too:)
Gorgeous-looking guy (who looks like a girl) with Adam.
4:48, it really is inappropriate.
Maybe we need to remind Admin that we don't want to read comments that include terms that offend the LGBT community.
Not to mention the sexual comments and the name calling.
Sorry but he is of Asian descent. Makeup, haircut and blue contacts makes a big difference. Look at Lambertlust @7:51, he provided a link to said person, Chirs Von Justice. Research it and you will understand.
@6:14 AM Admin does not care. Admin is a reflection of all things posted here.
Gorgeous picture. So deliciously sexy!
The guy is probably half Filipino since he is a member of some groups for Filipinos in Sweden. Also looks like he posted an old baby picture with his mom who is Asian.
I was certainly glad to hear the communications between Nile Rodgers and Adam. Fellow fans, I think this is going to be fantastic; cannot wait to hear it.
I think this reflects the fandom, that overreacts a lot and has a wild imagination. Especially if Adam is in a pic with a male. Any male.
The tickets to the Queen and Adam tour are reportly going like wild fire. I am so glad there is so much interest in this. I think the GMAC spot that Adam and Queen had really helped. Also, that whole do of meeting with the press, etc. They are their own best sale person. Of course, Adam is one of the most charming human beings on stage and off. People just love this man. People that may have wondered what happen to him; found out in a big way!!
Love to see Adam so happy in all the pictures that he is taking with all fans and friends; and working associates. He is such a gorgeous man; and so kind. Never have heard Adam say a negative word about anyone. Therefore so many good and wonderful things are happening to him. I think it is very true; what goes around comes around! Seems like all the good things are coming around to this beautiful soul, and Adam truly deserves.
Adam looks so beautiful in this picture; my goodness; what a gorgeous man. No wonder everyone wants their picture with him. He is so sweet; always takes the time to be kind to a fan.
the cray cray one liners are brill.
way hey ho thrown across the bar that night?
was hey ho thrown across the bar that night?
6 58
Then You never heard adam talk about clay aiken. Lol
Adam has such beautiful devoted fans. No wonder he always brags about them. I remember years ago an interviewer, I think it was from MTV, was saying something about his fans and Adam should tell them to not be hard on him jokingly, Adam said that MTV is can take care of them selves, you don't have to stop. The man started laughing and asked what is with your fans? Adam was so cute, and answered, with pride, "my fans are very protective of me". All I could think of at that moment was, "yes we are; and always will be"!!
@7:04 AM
That was in response to what Clay had said about what Adam's voice did to his ears when he was singing "Ring of Fire on Idol" in a very mean spirited way. Only when Adam was asked about it. I personnally would have said a lot worse in response to Clay. He comment was so uncalled for.
No one said Adam would not defend himself; or respond in kind if he wishes; he is only human.
But, like the person said; I also, have never heard Adam being intentionally mean to someone; as Clay did to Adam. You can twist it anyway you like; those are the facts. End of story.
Having a picture taken with someone is not "hooking up." Did Adam record a song with Nile? I'm confused. "Put Your Hands All The Way Up." ????
This site will never change as long as it has anon posting.
6:24 AM
All I can see on that link is this photo of this guy with Adam. I googled his name and what came up was a link to his images but the link was full of pics of other people.
Adam Lambert's fan site. If you want to talk about and defend Clay Aiken, I am sure you must know how to find your way to his fan site.
This is for Adam Fans. Thanks.
This guy with Adam is a BABE!!
"Put Your Hands All The Way Up" sounds rather suggestive. I guess we'll find out in time.
Adam seems to be haveing such a wonderful time in Sweden. Also seems to be very pleased with the way his album is coming along. Cannot wait for the album, and the Queen and Adam concerts; and his return to Glee on April 1st.
Our man has so much going for him right now; I am beyond excited.
Also, that inverview with Darren Criss I saw yesterday; was beyond generous to Adam. Everyone who meets Adam is just amazed by this talented kind man. Darren said that Adam was a great guy and his buddy!
Looks like most people are ignoring the childish little crazies; that is a good sign. Pretty soon; he or she will get tired of talking to themselves and slowly crawl on away.
If it is a child, as this behavior may indicate, I hope when they leave for school; the parents will lock the computer for a long while!!
7 18
Thanks for proving once again that posters here are dumb as a box of rocks
Adam is a normal person, not some saint the way some of you people want to believe. And he dissed clay on the Andy Cohen show which was 4 years after idol.
Most people here think Adam looks good with a tranny, that's cool. Love this site
"4 years after Idol"???
Adam has dressed in drag before many times. That's half way to a tranny
What's wrong comment to close for comfort? ?
haha don't forget adam making fun of poor old Susan Boyle. He is plenty mean when he thinks he is off record.
Lmao no one is getting turned on except the old ladies who call adam BB. The rest of the comments are just joking around and trying to get people riled up.
Lmao no one is getting turned on except the old ladies who call adam BB. The rest of the comments are just joking around and trying to get people riled up.
7:44 AM
I remember that.
Yeah, Adam isn't perfect, nor is anyone else.
You,troll, twist things to your own liking and enforce others to accept your lies. Go away!
7 51
Exactly. But when people say stupid things like he has never said a mean thing about anyone then someone is going to correct them.
7 56
Lmao. I don't think you know the meaning of the word lie.
lambert is a joke!
let me take a #selfie
looks like Lambert wants the best of both worlds. T on top and D on bottom. get my drift?
The trollosophers picking apart IP addresses has a little more time in their schedules. Pa-thet-ic-O
I bet he has had his share of Swedish meatball already. Next...
I actually thought this guy s a lady, he is cute!
Still trying to understand the tranny, drag thingy...i swear, i dont understand it...
#will google it.
Well, now, some of you piss poor Glamberts! I bet you would all just love a beautiful poem from Lam-my just about now, after this crappy thread with Adam being so terribly bashed with his homosexuality. But, NO, you have to take your time to hate on Adam's real fans who love Adam with all of their hearts-Lam-my and Lamberlust! Shame on you losers! You deserve all the crap when you are so fricken' mean to Adam's loving fans!!!!!!!
its so hot when Adam makes out with tranny she-males. Adam certainly likes a broad range :)
this is cuteness overload!! :) Pharrell's 'Happy' Gets Even Happier When It's Re-Written For Puppies
Buy tickets to Queen + Adam Lambert North American Tour!
Had to look twice to see it's a guy. The picture is kinda hot and alluring, can't deny it.
If you want to be a fan of someone conventional, average, common, just okay, sounds like everyone else, mainstream, non-risky, blends in with the masses, then Adam is not your guy. Adam is my guy.
lam-my stop it !
we know it's you ,lamo
Chris Von Justice:
Haha denna bild har hamnat på en Adam Lambart Fansite.. nu får jag massa vänförfrågningar från hans Fans... hahahahaha
He is laughing at you; talking about his picture landing on a Adam fan site and glamberts wanting to be his friends now.
I have to differ with those who say Adam never says an unkind or negative word. In the early days when questioned about his dedicated fans - the Glamberts - he referred to them (us) as "fruit flies." This happened on more than one occasion, I found that less than kind.
Adam was not perfect, he prostitute for society ... despise him as a person ... a complete decomposition of society. I do not troll. Sick of it all ....
Adam was not perfect, he prostitute for society ... despise him as a person ... a complete decomposition of society. I do not troll. Sick of it all ....
ADMIN, this is disgusting and offensive. Why are you letting this go on?
what "fruit flies" means ?
*mean .. sorry
Adam has a snarky side....he is human. The fruit fly thing was kind of cute (yet still kind of a diss to us) but the thing that made me squirm was calling his back up girls the VAJAJAYS. I'm sorry, but I thought that was disrespectful to them. Love him to the core, really really do...but I am finally realizing that I just don't understand everything about his lifestyle. I'm not particularly talking about his orientation, but just where he draws the line in his personal life. Just want his beautiful voice reaching my ears for decades to come. We aren't his keeper.....we don't have to know everything he thinks or does. A picture with a person doesn't mean they are bed pals. However....if he is taken by drag queens or trannies, that is his business. I believe they are all of the same orientation, so it doesn't seem strange to me.Hope he is happy, and safe. safe.
Fruit flys is another way of saying fag hags. Ie women that want to hang around gay guys all the time
Anon 8:44
please don't start that now, its a dead issue.
Anon 10:42
i usually read all comments to see the point made in them, i'm sorry, yours didn't make any, not one bit.#js.
Adam is not perfect, i am not perfect, we aren't perfect, its part of the human nature! It is an idiot that will labell him a bad person because of his shortcomings, just as it is painfully stupid to say he is perfect ( not referring to his musical abilities now).
South africa loves Adam
11:13, the back up singers picked their name. Also, drag queens and transgender people do not all have the same orientation. It is not at all the same thing. Go read up at GLAAD.
maybe he likes to mix up his bag of orientation a little. a little bit of lass a little bit of sass and a little bit of ***. you know how that goes.
I agree with the vajaja name. I don't care who thought of was tasteless.
oh contrare..Clay was the one who dissed Adam terribly..when on Andy Cohen, Adam really did not say anything..he was asked in a game to name 3 things positive about Clay and Adam looked into the camera and with a look on his face that must be seen to be appreciated, and simply said "can't think of anything" it..the term "fruit flies" is applicable to women who hang around gay guys..just a figure of speech..more demeaning to the gay guys than to the women (I believe that most gay men like women - as friends)..the Susan Boyle thing..I heard that and I go agree, he just doesn't care for her..but he did not say anything really mean at all...nowadays, Adam parces his words more carefully..I mean, if our words were recorded and put out on the internet - do you think people would get a different impression of you?? I can guarantee they would..Adam is just a man, a human being..we come in all sexes, orientations,colors, etc.
oh..and calling the back up singers (who obviously did not mind the name) the vajay jays is alot better than calling them "the cunts"..
Adam was calling me fruit fly and i have no idea! ,, very rude Adam
even it was figurative ,, still rude .
@12:32 PM - @11:47 PM
No more rude than you have been behaving on here. The intent is very important; even in a court of law. Adam's intent is always pure. So get over it!!
By the way, to be clear; the Back Up singers picked that name for themselves, said that is what they wanted to be called!
Well I am off to work with Adam singing on my Cd player all the way!
Have a great Glambert day everyone!
@7:44 AM and your numerous posts!
He was just playing around and explained that and it was not mean spirited. Adam is not a mean person; but apparently you are; being a non fan; you don't understand his humor. You must have some dirty little research team trying to pull out every thing you think may be offensive to your evil mind on Adam and trying to say "I got him now."
That is all in the past now.
You live, you learn; even Adam. But, what I can say about Adam, he is a good person and never trys to hurt people intentionally.
Can you say the same about yourself; and the zillion posts you have been posting all over this blog about Adam? I bet you thought we wouldn't notice. Got you!!!
Do you think you might now stop posting and agreeing with yourself, since nobody else is?
Great, great news about Adam and the album he is working on; so great from Billboard. Happy days are here again.
So thrilled. Best news of the day. Bye, off to read it again.
@12:51 - correction/
Post is for 11:47 AM not PM/ Thanks.
If you agreed to be insulted then fine , but don't ask people to get over it !
Yah go way plz
Adam Mitchel Lambert is
"Perfecto in Spades",
yada, yada, yada!!
Don't ever forget it!
No one more perfect on this earth.
Deal with it!!!!
@1:09 PM
Thanks, just saw it. Best new ever.
I just knew it would turn out great for Adam; he deserves all the great things coming his way.
12:32 yes Adam got that all wrong he should have said you were nuttier than a fruit cake.
@1:18 PM
Speak for yourself. Live in the past if you want to, or move forward with Adam and his fans.
I would not blame you, since you feel so strongly about Adam's actions; it would serve him right if you just stopped following him around. Just go somewhere else and sulk. You can't unring the bell. But, you can sure leave the party.
So I guess we want be hearing from you anymore since you are so pissed at Adam. Goodbye!
nutty as a fruit cake is a compliment right??????????
1:29pm here/correction
I meant to say: won't instead of want in last paragraph.
I never see Adam running women off. He likes it. Shhhhh don't tell*
Ha, ha ha ha ha ha!!! So funny, and true!!
@1:33 PM
Yes you are right Adam loves all of his fans; men and women. Now you on the other hand; don't know if you are male or female, but regardless; I could see him running you off and we won't be quiet about that; I would yell it to the world.
@1:29 PM #2
Not if it is a about you and your many faces on the this thread!!!!!
@1:18 PM
Not an insult! Not about you!
Get over it, or get out!!
The Billboard Link is listed on a new thread on this blog; all you have to do is click on it. Going to view it now!
1:44 & 1:29
Kiss my ass
Now you both insulted ,, deal with it and fuck off
2:16 oh man your insults are so devastating. Lol
I wish some people here were not so sensitive. Good grief. None of us is completely "nice." Not by a long shot. Adam manages to be nice a vast majority of the time, even when he is being vilified by posters, bloggers, commenters, etc. etc. He just soldiers on and does his best. He has a thick skin. If you feel "insulted" by being referred to as a fruit fly (which is meant to be a kind of fun term, IMO) then you have a pretty thin skin. Nobody called you that personally. Adam has insults hurled at him in the media. He just deals with it. For those here who seem to continually get your feelings hurt and continually misunderstand simple comments or pictures, or continually twist the simplest posts into vicious knots, you might try following a singer who is far less complicated, someone who has a simple, mainstream life. Adam is just too complex for some people.
at 1:38 PM
Adam cannot love all of his fans since in real life he can only love his nearest and dearest. Actually, I am sure that there are tons of people that he dislikes or does not care about at all. He seems to like people in general or at least he likes to have people around him and be the centre of attention but please do not call that love because it isn't.
3 46
Oh brother!
Your class is showing; run for the hills everyone an ass is about to be pulled out! Fortunately, I bet the posters were not insulted by the likes
of you. You just insulted yourself only. To be honest, you sound a little nuts; I guess we should be afraid; very afraid; because potty mouth is on the loose!
@3:46 PM
You know all of this because? Of course, you are one of his personal friends.
Please do not try to figure out Adam's life, until you get your own life together. All the words you just spit out is nothing but a bunch of bull crap.
Everyone that meets Adam, and I mean everyone, says that is a great down to earth guy. Also that he is very generous. It is not Adam's fault they everyone makes him the center of attention. My goodness just look at him. Listen to this wonderful man. He is so humble to be so great in everything he does. But you already know that don't you.
Someone once said, "to know Adam is to love him". I don't even know him and I love him as a wonderful human being. Make no mistake, I believe Adam truly loves his fans; I mean his real fans that believe in him!!
I doubt the sanity of anyone who loves someone they don't know. If you have actual people you know whom you love, are you saying you feel the SAME way about Adam? That's nuts. That word is thrown around too easily. Adam doesn't love us, he appreciates us.
Without us, who will buy his music? He appreciates that we buy, that we attend performances, that we admire him.
He's grateful for us.
I'm grateful he appeared on Idol and now I can appreciate him, his voice and his charm , but I don't know him and neither do any of you. A meet and greet, a hug an autographed picture doesn't count.
Be a fan, not a fanatic.
1:20 PM
You sound very immature.
I usually don't participate in these long drawn-out threads, but I happened to skim through it and 8:47 requested for a nice poem to swing things around a bit. Well, the fruitfly idea caught my attention so here goes:
Fruitflies are harmless and real nice
They flit around fruits of all kinds
For some unexplainable reason they like bananas a lot lol!
Perhaps the sugar and the yellow colour
But they are persistent and hard to swat
Due to the way they squat lol!
No matter how hard I try...they just won't dislodge lol!
Love your poem Lam-my.
12:02...Thank you!!
Lam-my....JAK here..... :-))))
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