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Adam Lambert Interview with ICRT

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, March 28, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, March 28, 2010

From hyvul3ao3sm3's channel: "ICRT is a Taiwan local radio station but all the Dj speak english mostly. This interview was done in Jan 2009,I guess."

Credit: hyvul3ao3sm3


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this interview. The interviewer was very intelligent the way he handled his questions. Even though we've heard most of this already the interviewer addressed it in such a fashion that kept it real and interesting. Thanks for the videos.

Anonymous said...

this is a great interview. thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

the dj have an american accent and sounds well educated.

Anonymous said...

If ADAM had been the AMERICAN IDOL he would have been their BEST REP all over the WORLD. AI would be the TOP RATED TV PROGRAM this year but ... Oh well ... another MISSED opportunity AI!

Anonymous said...

Great Interview! Adam is always so articulate .

Anonymous said...

Great interview!

Anonymous said...

I think you mean sometime in 2010.
Great interview.

Anonymous said...

Thought I detected a slight Canadian accent. Very nice interview.Classy D.J! Wish there had been more time for Adam's answer to his input on the bridge of 2012 song in video.