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Adam Lambert Interview with Sweden 'The Voice'

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Credits: Adamholic


Anonymous said...

You didn't talk about your album at all ???? Isn't that the whole point? Is there more to the interview?

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed. Talk about his album, or future tours, anything. I just read where Adam will sing along with Train at the Tampa Bay Rays. MMMMMMMMMMMMM.

Anonymous said...

Well - he looks absolutely dreamy...tired, but dreamy.

Anonymous said...

ADAM isn't appearing with Train .. they are just on the list of performers ... ADAM is appearing with Orianthi ... the female guitarist that was on his Sleepwalker track from FYE!

Anonymous said...

This interview was just as LAME as the other one from Sweden .... don't they know anything about MUSIC in Sweden ... not the people .. the DJs!