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Adam Lambert Interview with Sweden's NRJ

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Anonymous said...

This is so funny. Love it! The Swidish are so open minded and fun.
Love to hear Adam laugh. Made my day.

Anonymous said...

Ok fine, talk about gay, as long as it's all in good fun;)

Anonymous said...

now there's an interesting interview

Anonymous said...

Maybe I am too old for this type of humor, however for what its worth I found the whole thing very disrespectful to Adam. Why didn't they just play his music (which they got wrong first time around and played the wrong artist). Sorry guys this wasn't good at all and made you look like a couple of idiots. But, as usual Adam being his polite self had to laugh along with them. I am sure he would loved to have given them a piece of his mind but unfortunately he is at their mercy and they will be the ones playing his music on the radio. I bet Adam can't wait to leave and come home its been a long haul for him and he deserves a well earned rest. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree with you Anon 11:37AM, it's not funny; it's humiliating testing Adam what he thinks on their almost bare bodies.

They did not talk about the CD, except being proud of their Max Martin! All they talk abt is how did he become or what it's like being gay, etc., as if they are physocologists.

Poor, Adam, he had to stomach thse gay jokes or poor/tasteless interviewers/DJs because he's very hardworking to promote his CD.

Don't worry, there's no gain when there's no pain.

Sorry, to the Swedish fans...

Anonymous said...

ditto to all the opinion of interviewers is sinking fast. Is Adam not the coolest, most mannerly and respectful person we've ever encountered? I'd love to hear those "A" holes sing, or maybe not.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what to think of this interview......Since I"m not gay, I'm not sure if this would have offended me if I was gay. Is there any gay fans here who wants to say whether this was done in good taste or bad?


Anonymous said...

I am 11:43 am, IMO, so far, the interviewers/DJ from Asia (specially the one in Taiwan) are more educated, better, and respectful of Adam!

Anonymous said...

I had a pleasure of listening to interviewer from Taiwan. Well prepared,talking about music ,clearly better educated than those idiots from Sweden.
Their jokes were in quite poor taste, and apparently they didn't do their homework.Adam on the other hand showed real class.

bec said...

I personally think the subject of his sexuality should not be a factor, of course, but in reflection, the only way that can happen is if Adam handles any discussion in exactly the way he did here. I actually think he probably got a kick out of this interview. Acceptance can only come with open discussion and amusing bits like this don't really hurt and may even help. I just wish his music was the main focus but I guess he will have to remain positive and roll with the punches till that time comes, and I think it will eventually, don't you?

Sealily said...

Don't worry about it so much!! This was harmless. You can tell by Adam's laughter that he was playing along. He didn't get "snarcastic" (always hilarious)this time which he has with many US djs. He knows that his being gay is a novelty with the press. His confession about "bitch t*ts" made me sputter with laughter. I don't think it needs to be taken quite so seriously. After all, he can take a joke.

Anonymous said...

As always, Adam is the one to keep his class. Love him.

Anonymous said...

I think it is a positive energy in this interview and that is the important thing. I had fun and it sounds like Adam had fun too.

Anonymous said...

Poor Adam. Yes, he handled the uncomfortable situation with grace .. as always. But, he probably didn't appreciate it. Some day .. hopefully .. as he has said, the 'novelty' of him being gay will no longer be an issue. In the meantime, he continues to be the class act that he is. Love the guy -

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sealily. Adam is SO comfortable with who he is that he made those interviewers sound really out of it, almost from the middle ages. The confidence that Adam shows throughout these types of interviews is contagious, not to mention his laugh :)

Who would you say looks totally stupid in the pics from this radio station? THOSE two DJs of course! Adam remained intelligent and articulate throughout the interview.

Anonymous said...

I can't help but think if Adam were not gay and the interviewers were female, would they do the same thing? "Adam, choose me, choose me." Ugh I really thought it would be different in Sweden. Poor Adam, I'm sure he left with a bad taste in his mouth.

Anonymous said...

Talk about putting somebody on the spot! I think he was actually a little embarrassed, which is absolutely charming. These guys are crazy!

Anonymous said...

Strange interview but Adam goes with the flow as usual,thank God for humor

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ADAM got the last laugh when he turned them BOTH down ... LOL ... and neither of them got a good 'critique about their physique' either ...LOL ... GOOD for YOU! ADAM!! GIVE 'EM HE**!!! HAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

What does NRJ stand for NERD REJECTS? ..LOL

Anonymous said...

This is what i think after reading people comments : That is the difference between US and Europe. US is always "offended" about everything while European take it easy and relax and have fun. American (US) are so up tight. American's attitude would turn them off. Come'on relax, have fun, loosen up everyone! It just funny! that's all. American (US) is like GrandPa and GrandMa and European is like Young Generation no matter how old they are. But good thing here is these (so called) Young Generation know to respect other people lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

Following Adam on his promo tour, we all learn something about the culture in the different countries. I find it quite interesting. Im sure Adam does too.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to the comment above me + surprised at all the Swedish DJ's so far, compared to the lovely interviews in Australia, Scotland, Britain, Japan, etc.

Just have to focus on the wonderful DJ's and questions we've gotten to hear the last few weeks!


Anonymous said...

Haha! Too bad this wasn't videotaped! Adam was clearly surprised, but its not hard to tell he had alot of fun with these silly boys antics, obviously.
Wish some of you people would lighten the hell up! Sheesh.