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Adam Lambert on The Jo Show Birmingham BRMB 96.4 FM

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, March 26, 2010

Posted at : Friday, March 26, 2010


Anonymous said...

Adam you are so amazing!!! you are humble and so sweet all the time. You deserve all this stardom. I belive that you earn this. you are the REAL eal. You are IT!!!!
you are born STAR!!!
I love all of you!!!
BYW, where is the rest of this interview?

Anonymous said...

I just wish he'D stop saying KA is great... eew

Anonymous said...

somehow i feel sorry for kris allen when the world and simon cowell claimed that adam should have won because of his talent, what happened though was it became a popularity contest. although adam is quite popular but like what he said, some americans are not ready for his type yet. i wouldn't want to be in kris allen shoes for sure.

Anonymous said...

another good article on adam "ADAM FROM BRIGADOON TO SOUL" visit the site on "on the meaning of adam lambert" please get the book from amazon.

Anonymous said...

Oh those 'apples and oranges' ADAM! Kris was
good but could'nt hold a candle to you.....Oh for being so gracious! ....and oneday go back and
do Broadway because you are spectacular doing Musical Theatre. The best Fiyero ever!