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Adam Lambert wearing Fake Eyelashes?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, March 14, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, March 14, 2010

(Note: This is an old picture of Adam wearing eyelashes! Not new!)

Well, apparently, Adam bought some fake eye lashes in Japan yesterday! Here's hoping he'll wear them and take a picture to share with us!


Anonymous said...

That top pic is soooo old....Zodiak show days!

Anonymous said...

I agree ... Zodiak show days for sure! Probably 'Crawl Thru Fire'. Also ..He hasn't had blonde streaks in his hair for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Wow! A picture of eyelashes is shown at the vendor Adam happens to stop at and it is asumed he bought them? Even if he did, they could be for someone else. Just sayin' - Not worth mentioning. More curious, does he have 2 assistants now? I think that young man with him was pushing Adam's luggage at the airport.

Anonymous said...

I think there's a picture of Adam holding them fake eye lashes. I saw it over at AO.

Anonymous said...

Love this site, because most of the time you guys are the FIRST to post. However, lately you have been putting on some really OLLLLLLD stuff. Rumours of back together with Dorky Drake? Adam cleared that up a couple months ago. The eyelash photo? That has been around the net for ages. Maybe investigate more, and post less. Remember, Adam's fans know everything !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

^ I don't think the site admins meant to confuse people. That picture was there to go along with the post.

Anonymous said...

If Adam really goes OTT in a performance, he MIGHT wear false eyelashes. Show me a pic of him other than Zodiak or on Halloween (costume time) with them on and I'll eat my keyboard.