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More Pictures of the Hong Kong version of "FYE" Special Edition

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, March 29, 2010

Posted at : Monday, March 29, 2010

From ReneeIdolPI on Twitter:

"OMG I'm dying! Just got the condom from Hong Kong and it's hilarious!The front of the package is a mini-version of the album cover!"

"And here's the other side"

Credit: ReneeIdolPI


Anonymous said...

Oh Great, this means I should get my CD, and condom, soon too. LOL

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where they sell this online?

Anonymous said...

Go to Adam's official website to order:

Anonymous said...

haha... I don't need one but I want one :)

Anonymous said...

condom???? what is the connection??

Anonymous said... to have known what Adam reaction was to this? I want one!

Anonymous said...

How interesting is that! Is there a suggestion that Adam has an amazing affect on people!
Could that be possible? Ha!

Anonymous said...

OK/ALRIGHT! please vote for Adam at!

Anonymous said...

There were only in select CD's in the HK Record store. I ordered CD's from HMK and they had the extra sleeve, but noooo condom. So I just boosted Adam's Hong Kong sales, thank you very much. bummed no condoms, but still a great CD.

Anonymous said...

It may become the collectors item. Should I look on Ebay for one?:)))

Anonymous said...

vote for adam vh1 top 20 countdown!

Anonymous said...

omg i've wanted to buy one for a while since i heard about the condom and told my friends about it. they think im insane! and they wanna know if its a girl or boy condom (i dont even think there is a girl condom). can anyone specify?

Anonymous said...

Well it is obvious that Adam and his music have quite an impact on people and they evidently thought that a condom might be a necessity during and after listening to the album. He wanted to feel sexy when we listen to his music and the people of Hong Kong must have really gotten his message!! Wonder what he thinks of this???????? I know he is all for safe sex!!!

Anonymous said...

hi everyone i have cut and paste this message someone sent in on the other thread on this site about this free condom as i thought it was hilariously funny

People, think back to when you heard the album for the first time. Did you get a little sexed up? Well..... what's good for the goose is only better for the gander. Adam is always promoting safe "plucking" so get over yourselves. Or do you want your 13 - 14 year old daughter in Hong Kong listening to Adam's music with her 14 - 15 year old boyfriend with all their hormones raging and nothing with which to safe "pluck"?

Anonymous said...

I got Mine yesterday, NO Condom!!! Oh Well!!
But LOVE LOVE VOODOO. played it all afternoon.
GEART song, for the bedroom, like Adam said!!LOL
Can't wait for the EP in two weeks.

Anonymous said...

PLz vote VH1 top 20. Adam has to stay on TOP as long as possible!!!!
Few MIn everyday will make the job done. PLEASE PLEASE VOTE NOW!!!!!!!