What American Idol Season 9 Needs is Another Adam Lambert
Filed Under (American Idol,article ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Something is Missing on American Idol in Season 9 -- and it Seems to Be Someone to Get Excited About
American Idol Season 9 has gone through Hollywood Week and eliminated its contenders down to the Top 12 finalists, but the show doesn't seem to be generating the buzz it did during Season 8
and a couple seasons before. What are they missing? It is difficult to believe that American Idol judge Paula Abdul was really that necessary to make the show exciting, so what could it have been? They still have their little scandals and controversies. Fans are still peeved that some stay and some get booted. Could it be that American Idol needs another Adam Lambert?
Of course it does. And why not? Adam Lambert was scandal personified, an openly gay contestant that screamed even after the judges told him it was self-indulgent, rearranged songs even after judges told him it was just too much, and wore his shock of black hair and mascara even though glam rock had more or less died out with the onset of grunge music. Not only could Adam Lambert sing, Adam Lambert could perform. And every week during Season 8, it wasn't just the excitement of American Idol that had people tuning in, it was also to see just what (and how) Adam Lambert would perform.
There are a few notable performances over the years on American Idol that people can recall without thinking. Chris Daughtry's "Walk The Line," David Cook's "Day Tripper," Jason Castro's "Hallelujah" and Kris Allen's "Ain't No Sunshine" come quickly to mind. But Adam Lambert has an entire catalog of memorable performances.
From his rendition of the Rolling Stones' "Satisfaction" to his powerful version of Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love," Adam Lambert ruled the stage and his performances were exciting and something to watch. From his new-age styled "Born To Be Wild" (Steppenwolf) to his funked up "Play That Funky Music (White Boy)," Adam Lambert got the audience involved. From Muse to Smokey Robinson to Johnny Cash, Adam Lambert's versions of their songs held sway from week to week over the American Idol audience. Stories about Adam Lambert became the norm.
Many still can't believe that, once the field had been narrowed to Adam Lambert, and the irrepressible dark horse Kris Allen, the glam rocker lost during the American Idol finale.
Be that as it may, an Adam Lambert is what Season 9 is lacking.
Crystal Bowersox has generated some enthusiasm, especially after she performed Tracy Chapman's "Give Me One Reason." Michael Lynche got people's attention in his Top 20 and Top 16 performances, even prompting judge Kara DioGuardi to tear up when he sang "This Woman's Work." There is some excitement, but not like the excitement generated and anticipated by Adam Lambert.
But there's still hope... Eleven weeks to go to get to the American Idol finale... There's bound to be somebody...
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NOBODY is coming out of AI that is going to excite us Like Adam did. Not in our dreams. Adam Lambert is ONE OF A KIND. The like of him come once in a generation. Not only Adam is extremly talented. He has an AMAZING personality, and a HUGE heart. You can not NOT fall in love with this guy.
I know I am deep into this man. Music will never be the same. He made me want to listen to music AGAIN!!!
Thank you Adam.
I doubt we'll see another Adam anytime soon. I heard Kara mentioned Adam last night when she was reviewing one of the girls.
SIOBHAN MAGNUS!!!!! she is becoming the female Adam of this season. She has the 'wow' factor, drama, different interpretation, AND the notes Adam is known for. But she is also completely herself, and a definite front-runner. I still love Adam more, but still :)
~ Emmaline ~
Siobhan is good, ADAM IS GREAT enough said
Ms. Magnus WISHES she could sing like Adam. She cannot. Her vocals are all over the place,(those screams she made last night were more reminiscent of Gokey than of Adam) while Adam's are professionally trained, and spot on. Why do people promote these ridiculous comparisons ???
Because the talent pool is so empty this season, and she is one of the best of the worst. Not a huge crudential.
I agree with Anonymous 6:31 the only comparison is that she is different and quirky, but no where near what Adam is. He is by far the best that AI will ever see. I don't think I will be watching the rest of this season its way too boring.
offense but don't insult her just because you like Adam. She is talented, and she took that note a bit far. She has different training than Adam. For example, se was trained in opera. I am sick of people insulting her off of one note. She is a GORGEOUS singer and not at all boring. She is not the one making the comparisons, and I am not saying she is Adam, but he has the lambert factor, she divides people -and makes an impact.
Don't judge her on one fricking note, because it has been used before and is a tired argument. Listen to yer "think". That note was great, and she is her own singer. Not Adam, she's got the lambert FACTOR. it is DIFFERENT, please people realize that.
~ Emmaline ~
Excuse me, this blog is titled "ADAM LAMBERT 24/7". We are fans of Adam. Why are you promoting this girl here? Please, Emmaline, start your own thread for this person, you will find little interest in her with us. Is she your sister or your cousin? Just askin'..............
Oh also don't compare her to gokey, or insult her because you think Adam is bad. She has come from a musical family and is professionally trained. She has a great range, from low to a high soprano, and can do some screamy notes. Last night was a strain, but saying she cannot do those notes because she strained her voice too much one frickin time, then you should know it is bullshit. It is like saying Shawn johnson is a bad gymnast because she fell off the beam once. The olympics prove otherwise. Please. Listen to wicked games, house of the rising sun, even the soprano at the end of paint it black, she sous have a great voice!
~ Emmaline ~
@anonymous 6:53:
I'm defending insults. This is in relation about her comparisons to Adam. Talk to me when it's a page with no reference to idol at all. I'm simply stating what I have seen, what I am sick of, and my comparisons. I have the right To voice my opinion when I feel people are letting their love of Adam cloud other opinions. Adam isn't the be all end all performer, even though I love him more than anything, and I feel some people are forgetting this. Kapeesh?!?
~ Emmaline ~
Let's noy compare plz. Adam is Adam And since I am not watching AI I have no opinion. But really no one can be compared to Adam. Really. He is own unique person that is fucking amazing!!!!!
Emmaline, this girl is an average singer, so you are correct, one bad note (or scream) is not going to make any difference, she will have many bad notes. Anyway, to compare her to Adam Lambert is just ridiculous, she is just not at that level. Sorry.
i did not like the screaming end of magnus, i thought it sounded like when you strangle a cat.
I LOVE Adam and nobody compares, but I LIKE Siobhan. She is cute, quirky, and has a good voice. She is uniquely refreshing on the otherwise snoozefest that is AI9.
Adam sings every note, from high to low. He has total control of his voice. His modulation and breath control is phenomenal. Not so much Siobahn. She sounded very shrieky and shrilly to me with little to no control over it, but at least she's trying and doing a pretty good job, too.
She's not trying to be Adam and nobody wants her to be. They were simply comparing the two as being different from the pack.
There has never been anyone like Adam Lambert. There never will be anyone like Adam!
I walked thru a blizzard to get to a train to get to a bus that didnt show up to hail a taxi to get to an airport to fly from the east coast to the west coast to watch and hear Adam and idolize him.LOVE him!!!
Emmaline, I like Siobhan too. She reminds me of Adam. She's different. All the others are the same, boring. Crystal is good, but not completely original.
Adam has an incredible voice, a fantastic performer with artistic style & fashion. Plus his amazing personality. This makes him exciting to watch! This year's idols I try to be excited but it really is boring. There are some good singers but that's about it.
Anon at 8:16...love it.
Anon at 8:16..
that was so funny to read
i adore Adam and would do the same
ha ha
would you like a glamburger
I am commenting one more time to apologize for my stupid outburst above. I adore Adam more than anything and I do really like Siobhan and think whn she Hines her voice more she could be a great singer. But I was frustrated because of school and sleep deprivation and family issues and what I was trying to say wasn't coming out the way I meant it and I was getting more and more frustrated and ranting more and more and generally being pissy. So I apologize for the stupid rants and am gonna just shut off the computer and sleep. Nothing I've said changes any attitudes I have about Adam. I think he is the best singer I've ever encountered and there will never be anyone quite like him on idol and will do exactly what 8:16 said.
Again I'm sorry and it won't happen again.
~ Emmaline ~
Hi Emmaline no worries just tune in everyday to 24/7 and join the warmth of Glambert Love
it will help to take any worries away
there is always soo much of Adam you will find theres no time to get down
go watch the 5 youtube razor tv singapore videos
and Adam will take you away from all your worries
Hummmm...once again folks have to make comparisons. It is uncomprehensible to me how Kara made that statement that Siobhan recalled Adam. She was talking about starting on the stairs!! It certainly could not have been anything else. :-) Si is cute and better than most of the others on season nine, but she ain't no AL. Hope this comment is acceptable.
We are all unique individuals and I appreciate all talent.Tough to compare apples and oranges, but I have never seen or heard anyone in my life as exciting and addicting as Adam. I had a busy productive life until I discovered this beautiful gift. I have turned into an obsessive glamafan that devours all news and videos. We can still enjoy differences without comparisons.
I swore myself after the (outrageous) outcome last season that I'll never watch AI again! I have to admit, I have tuned in the other night (just so I could miss Adam?!)to see it there is anybody on there that is as exciting as Adam was last year - but whom am I kidding, of course there isn't and wasn't!!
Adam brought AI back last season, and for one season only!
SIOBHAN MAGNUS is in no way another ADAM LAMBERT! She may be able to sing half way decent but there is no comparison to the talent and persona of Adam Lambert. She does not have the whole package. No one on Idol this Season 9 has any chance of exciting me like Adam did last year. Adam excited right out the box and kept on going and going and is still soaring to International Stardom. Siobahn? Good luck chick.
No one can SCREAM sing like Adam Lambert. Just because someone tries, does not make it good. When that tongue goes out of Adam's mouth, you know the goosebumps are next! He is the best I have ever heard and I am 54. yeah, Adam, SCREAM IT!
AI9 is so boring. I have watched hoping to get a little excited about the performances, but it has not happened yet. AI found their international performer in Adam and nobody can compare, IMO. He is in a class all by himself. Of the top 12, Siobhan is one of the better singers, but she cannot compare to Adam. Adam's theatre performances give me goosebumps, hers do nothing for me. I thought "Paint it Black" was a good performance, but not as great as the judges were saying. She definitely tried too hard and screamed the end of the song -- Adam sings those high notes and has much more control of his vocals. I think AI judges ared juding the contestants on a curve because the talent is lacking this year. All I can say is "Thank You" for giving us Adam.
Wow, what energized comments on this one!
Ditto to the very first comment
Ditto to the 10:26 comment
Thank you to the 8:16 comment for making me smile and nod my head and say: "Yep! That's about says it all!"
I agree that this season is a snooze. Nothing will ever top Season 8. Siobhan is edgy but somewhat limited vocally (Kara compared her to Adam.....REALLY?????); Crystal has good vocals, but not much stage personality; Casey is eye candy with guitar skills; and Lee has great vocals but no presence. The rest to me are forgettable. And Ellen as a judge is superfluous.
OMG who the hell is this Emmaline person? While Siobhan is different that is where her reference to Adam ends! She cannot sing anywhere near the vocal range Adam can, it doesn't matter how much training you say she has. Emmaline you dare promote someone here that you like and would like to compare to Adam, but you can't, because she is NOT anywhere near Adam's vocal range. If you don't like how we reply to your stupid comments then comment somewhere else. WE are here for ADAM!
I like Emmaline's comments. And even more so when she apologized. So everyone get off your high horse. We are all here for the love of Adam. No need to be snarkly here. And hey Maddie, how about you stuff your ignorant comment where the sun don't shine? It was past what Emmaline said and now you are here trying to start something.......Enough is Enough!!
Yes lets give Emmaline a break, she already apologsied, and anyway shes right - Siobhan is the only bright spark in an otherwise dull show this year. Clearly no Adam, but still, i'd like to see her win it.
And just wanted to add that sooo excited that Adam is now here in the UK. Squeeeeeeal!!! x
oh oops i was wrong, he doesnt get here tomorrow :-(
I'm sorry, but I have to put my two cents worth in .... I was truly shocked when Sioban was compared to Adam last night. What an insult to Adam. Her high notes were truly screams - really hurt my ears. Let me just say that I understand that these contestants are "green", and I myself don't rush to compare them to others. However, I felt that the comparison to Adam was another feeble attempt on the judges' part to cause excitement in an otherwise disappointing season. I am enjoying watching these kids evolve, but please. She ain't no Adam.... And, IMO, she definitely did not out-perform Crystal.
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