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(Audio) Interview of Perez Hilton Talking About Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, March 31, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, March 31, 2011

Perez Hilton starts talking about Adam Lambert at around 5:30 (So skip to around that) to hear what he had to say about Adam. He talks about Adam at Lady Gaga's birthday party. The things he said weren't nice. This is particularly confusing because Perez Hilton just said in another interview that he was inspired by Adam and his charity. Now this.

UPDATED with YOUTUBE Version (Thanks Carlos for the tip!)


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Anonymous said...

The point is, Gaga didn't invite Adam to her birthday party.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Seriously dont promote this shit. Hes an asshole.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a pig, talks like a pig, what the *%#@, he is a pig. He obviously proved that he is not Adam's friend, not even a frenemy, just a plain old enemy.

Anonymous said...

No, the point is that there was no need for Perez to trash Adam the way he did!!Jake Shears was invited and had Adam come as his guest. Haven't you ever brought someone along as a guest???

Anonymous said...

Perez is an ass that all I gotta say. The story is totally made up. How come we didn't hear it in other gossip media outlets? Not even anyone else at the party tweeted about this.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Adam go to Gaga's party then skip Perez's blue ball party? So . . . Perez, blue-balled and green with envy, lashes out. He's so useless, it's laughable.

Anonymous said...

Yeah its not like he just showed up he came with a group of people that were invited. They were prob like hey we are going to Gaga's party want to come not a big deal he is just being a gossip.

Anonymous said...

The truth is Perez is a LEACH... THis is what he does for a living, trash out people. THis isn't the first time he trash talked Adam, he has done it million times before. However Adam is a class act and he charms everybody, including Perez to fall under his feet. Knowing all this about Perez, that he is an attention whore and he kisses asses (such as Gaga's),First of ,Adam doesn't need to be invited by Gaga to go to her party. As long as he is a guest of somebody there, in this case Jake shears, he can go and have fun. Second, Adam is an adult, he can drink as much as he wants and he doesn't need to explain his every move. Get over it people! We all get drunk at one time or another and no one holds us responsible for it. So suck it up!And Perez, you got what you wanted, the attention of millions. SO congratulations D-bag!


Anonymous said...

Perez should be vaporized and burned in hell. Adam has been friendly with him lately, why did he trash Adam like this. The way how his voice burst into laugh make me sick. I am naive and think people can turn around from their evil spirit, I guess is not in this case. Never see someone turn so ugly and so fast.

Anonymous said...

Why does this site put this stuff out there. Now you must share something salacious about yourself. Promoting Perez Hilton is what it's come to.

Anonymous said...

maybe GAGA is two faced like alot of people in the world. no big deal!

Anonymous said...

Perez is getting even because Adam chose not to go to his party.

Anonymous said...

alot of things in Hollywood are Fake and people are walking around with blinders on. Adam will know his true friends in the very end.

glitzylady said...

The thing that really pisses me off about Perez Hilton is the way he took obvious pleasure and pure glee in talking about this to the world.. He is no true friend of Adam's as far as I can see..We all have our moments of being crazy and over the top (okay..I have anyway..) but we wouldn't want our "friends" or those who we thought were friends, to tell everyone about it, and in this case everyone in the universe. I guess the moral to this story is if you are at a party with Perez..leave..., or assume he will report everything you do and say on his gossip program. ( I actually kinda wish I had been there to watch Adam dancing on the bar ; ) ). And besides, this is Perez' version...I think he really stepped over the line with his speculation about "or whatever else he was on"...that's just too much...Adam tagged along with Jake Spears..I wouldn't call that crashing the party. Perez is just such a jerk..I thought he had changed his tune a little but guess not. I'm hoping Adam will be able to see the humor in this at some point. He probably did until this, and maybe still does. In reality, we're probably more upset than he is..I hope so. Oh well, "Rock Star Adam' is all I have to say!

Anonymous said...

So Adam went to a party, (and not just any party, but Gaga's party) got drunk, punched a hole in the ceiling and tried to feed her a cupcake. Come on thats Rock and Roll! (and great press) It's not like he punched his boyfriend or threw a chair though a window over times square. I think the story is mostly true but not nearly as bad as Perez made it out to be. Adam isn't to upset about it or he never would have tweeted about it, as he would say it not that deep! and the cupcake thing IS kinda funny. ;)

LIVA said...

Wow.Perez says something nice about Adam, then he says something bad about Adam.

he's such a two faced....

Anonymous said...

adam fed mamamonster a cupcake? that is a kodak moment for sure!

Anonymous said...

perez is a jealous man- nasty and bad person in sdie thats his nature. bad person always been a bad inside. pretending to be a friend of adma lmabert. perez hilton get away form adma lambert will you ur indecent guy and id never like you understand?

LP said...

I am one of Adam's fans, but even though this is part of his private life, why oh why does he have to drink so much. We have seen and heard about this all through his tour. I agree that Perez was miffed because Adam didn't go to his party, I figured there would be some pay back.What kind of choice did Adam have, to go to Gagas party or Perez.I would choose Gaga myself if Jake invited me.Adam admitted that he put a hole in the ceiling, and I assume he will pay for it. Thankfully Sauli wasn't with him. That ceiling was awfully low, it showed in pics.It isn't easy to go to several parties in one evening without embibing too much. Thankfully he always has a driver, when he leaves.Maybe he has B D parties out of his system for a while now, and can settle down with Saulie and drink moderately. He does not need any bad publicity right now, and we also know that Perez didn't lie, he just didn't have to talk about it, I am sure the rest of the party wasn't sober either.I don't think anyone was standing on a bar, unless they all were. If you look at pics that ceiling at that point in the room was very low, and Adam is tall.Hopefully all this will be old news tomorrow.Still luv ya Adam :)

Anonymous said...

Well Adam did tweet about this. He probably paid the restaurant for damages. (Adam's tweet admitted he made a hole in the ceiling).

Perez is just a rotten person, certainly cannot be trusted and FRIEND?? I do not think he has a clue what being a Friend means.

Perez saying Adam arrived "sloppy drunk" and "whatever else he was on" -- how crappy can he get?

Jake Shears, Fergie and alot of other stars love and respect the true man that Adam is.

Adam -- cross Perez off all your lists - birthday being at the top. Perez is gonna get his - what goes around comes around -- and when he gets his -- NOONE will have any sympathy.

Anonymous said...

Things are never as bad as gossip people make them out to be. I am sure Adam was drunk but I doubt it was as bad as Perez made it out to be.

Anonymous said...

Is this site an Adam Lambert site ??... I will never know why it quotes that ridiculous Perez Hilton.

Adam rocks and IMO Gaga will probably now invite him to parties that she actually knows about and runs.Good to have people who know how to partee. This was a surprise party for Gaga. Do we actually think anything would shock the shocking Gaga .. Adam probably just went sky high in her book. Perez, Adam shocks you.. you're in the wrong business you need to get on your priestly garb.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like the radio hosts were enjoying Adam's wild antics at the party which is probably not the reaction Perez was hoping for. They immediately said they need to get more gay friends because they know how to party. So there Perez

Anonymous said...

Never been drunk......never saw the point of it..if I'm at a good party one or two drinks are my limit...then I still know what I'm doing and can step around or over the drunks. If it's not a good party I just go home.....does this make me smart or boring?........JAK

Urethra_Franklin said...


Glitzylady you commited the carnal sin in your last post... Care to help me clean up the vomit on my monitor? :/

Anonymous said...

Well, Adam DID tweet about it, plus while it was happening, people at the party were tweeting about how drunk he was and what was going on, including the ceiling. It was all over the twitterverse the night it happened. I'd say it's all true. If you get publicly drunk and do things and you're a celebrity, you KNOW it's going to be out there for the public to hear. It's just too bad that Perez of all people had to get some attention from it, but hey, fame is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

gee, I don't remember Adam tweeting all that.

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam works hard and he parties hard. Nothing wrong with that. Funny thing is tho that they're both gonna be presenting next week at the New Now Next Awards, Awkward!

The Dark Side said...

Don't think anyone denying this story, it is just that DB Perez Hilton has to put his holier than thou bitch snit on it. I read Gaga was also very drunk herself. Also agree Dally etal sounded like they would have liked to have been there. Give it up Perez, Adam might have had a good reason for missing your blue balls party. Pun intended.

glitzylady said...

What did I say..Please tell me...What "carnal sin" was that??

Anonymous said...

Bloody Perez Hilton, yeh there would have been a modem of truth in his story but it would have been dramatized and exaggerated for effect. Thats how he makes a living. Hate wht he does.
I guess we will be more upset about it than Adam.

Anonymous said...

What is the big deal Adam got drunk so what it has happened to the best of us.

Anonymous said...

OMG this was worse than I anticipated! Perez really went all out insulting Adam...what a jealous douche bag. Guess he doesn't feel good unless he's hating on other people who have real talent.
I agree Adam should avoid him from now on. He even accused him of doing drugs...I don't ever want to see Adam giving him another interview. He doesn't deserve the publicity from the fans.
What a hypocrite.
Adam should put some ice on that first and then let him have it for talking so much crap.
Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Gaga's BD party is not like any other BD party. It's wild and crazy. I saw bunch of pictures and videos of her BD parties on YouTube. She got crazy crazy gifts. A D**k Doll. She was wearing an outrageous outfit totally showing her boobs out and free. Saw tweets about her mom murmuring her name. Oh Stefano. Saw one tweet about Adam that he fist pumped at this BD party made a hole in a ceiling. For those who don't know because of earthquake here in California actual walls or ceilings are made out of slab dry walls. Anyone can easily put a hole in drywalls cause it very thin material. I put holes in walls by accident by opening doors or windows. The point is Adam didn't do anything unusual at this party. Perez is an A**Hole. Making up stories. That's his business. His untrue stories is about most celebs. We shouldn't pay any attention to it.

HK fan said...

At least we now know what Perez really thinks of Adam, so we know never to give his site any hits. I'd seen tweets from several people about the ceiling, but none of the tweets said he was really drunk, and if he was I'm sure he wasn't the only one...And if Perez wasn't invited and wasn't at the party how does he know Adam wasn't on the list, and all the things that went on. It seems quite a lot has been added to his telling. But agree with others, it was the way he tells it, gleefully and with spite (about his friend) that is the worst.

Anonymous said...

Perez? His he the guy that took some pictures up a teenage girls pants or something like that?

Anonymous said...

This thread is a perfect example of the cliche "It takes all kinds"......

**shakes her head**

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

That was so bad, but that was funny as hell!!! Wish I was there. lol

Anonymous said...

It wasn't Adam who punched a hole in the ceiling. It was dis b*tch. She framed him!!! ;)

glitzylady said...

Oh Good God! I just realized why I caused you to "vomit on your monitor"!!! I am SO sorry! I gave Jake SHEARS the wrong last name, and one you perhaps do not want to see associated with Jake...Had to think about that for awhile...not that I think "carnal sin" is a bad thing in the true sense of the word necessarily ; ) , but I can see where that one would be a very BAD one in your book, and probably rather unforgivable.. Again, sorry.... BTW, I would really like to see the Scissor Sisters live sometime. That Lady Gaga/Scissor Sisters show would have been more than fun to see. To say the least. Hope you'll forgive me.

Anonymous said...

You guys are all extremely pathetic. He behaved immaturely. Life isn't rainbows and butterflies, and Adam Lambert isn't perfect. You can't walk through life with rose coloured glasses, hate is bread by ignorance.

Anonymous said...

3:44 WHAT???????????

Anonymous said...

If this was such a big incident why haven't we heard about before now, also if he was that drunk and unruly someone it seems would have stepped in and stopped him. I don't buy 90% of this!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam admitted to trying drugs way back when. He said he tried it for a couple of months and didn't like it. I believe it was when he was touring Europe in "Hair".

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but Perez crossed the line big time! Wonder if he had an invitation or was even there. He is well known for embellishing, exaggerating and printing his fantasies as fact. Consider the source. His nose is probably out of joint for some unintentional slight on Adam's part or just plain jealousy that he's not a part of Adam's inner circle. There's also some generalizing about Adam drinking. With all of the videos and time in the limelight, I've never heard of him being obnoxious or falling down drunk. He's a pussycat compared to most rockers and men his age that just likes to go out and have a good time. I don't think he overindulges out of the ordinary and it's really his business unless he drinks and drives, which he doesn't. He had a good time and probably was tame in Gaga's circle. Adam always owns his behavior and what you see is what you get. He has no pretenses and lives his life, which is his right. Perez is a gossipy celebrity wannabe with no credibility and is a very mean spirited, irresponsible excuse as a human being. I really hate being ugly, but am having a hard time containing myself. Glad I don't throw furniture, but I sure am disgusted. So much for turning over a new leaf. This is one leopard that will never change his spots. funbunn40

Urethra_Franklin said...

GL its ok. ive recovered. :D

3:44 you speak some truth here. i get ya. But the problem I think most of have that maybe isnt quite being articulated is that Perez is a douche bag. Of ALLLLLLLL the people at that party hes the ONLY one that felt the need to go public with these "details." It speaks to his character. THATS the hooplah in a nutshell.
K, Bye

Anonymous said...


WAS Perez at the party? Was HE invited to the party? When was his Blue Ball?


Anonymous said...

I don't know why but that whole story has me lmao, hahaha. I don't mean to condone Adam's behaviour and seriously, consider the source anyway, but truthfully if I was a hollywood celebrity I could only imagine how many times myself and friends/family would be in the gossip news after ahem, some "crazy" parties with out of control drunken behaviour by one or more attendees. I'm guessing, yep, pretty much every time I had a party if some gossip mongrel like Perez Hilton was present. Soooooo anyone else have perfect, never out of control drunk friends at your parties... You do? Must be pretty boring then, heehee. Besides, we know Adam's very GAGA over GAGA. He definately has a hard time controlling his like for her : )

Anonymous said...

Why would Perez be invited? I smell a rat!! Do we really know he was even there?

Anonymous said...

How does Perez know Adam wasn't invited? Did he see the guest list?

Anonymous said...

Same person as anon 3:44

If I were at a party and my best friend got extremely intoxicated and was putting holes through the ceiling, I would talk about it if someone asked me about the party. I don't go around sheltering people from the consequences of their behaviour.

I don't doubt that Perez is two-faced, most people in reality are, but the glorification of Adam is really sickening. He is a person just like the rest of us. To just say "shh.. don't talk about it," or "that isn't positive I don't want to hear it" is really immature and it happens a lot on the comments on this blog. It's sad really. Sometimes, the comments are atrocious.

This comment here: "Perez should be vaporized and burned in hell."

That is worse than everything that Perez said, it is despicable.

Anonymous said...

Question: Was Perez actually there witnessing this, or was it handed down to him 2nd hand? I, too, find it unlikely Perez was on the invitation list. It is a funny story & has probably been embellished further to make it an even better, funnier story--as people do. Getting kicked out could have meant somebody called him transportation to take him home for own good.

Good news is Adam did not hit his head to break the ceiling & that the ceiling was probably dry wall. (Could have really hurt head, neck--even on delayed basis). He was not driving drunk. He did not get mean or belligerent drunk. It sounds like he got really, really silly, childlike drunk. He may have assumed that GaGa would be OK with this since she is the one who brought whiskey to him to the studio when he recorded Fever--her egging him on to get even looser with it.

Bad news is it does seem like Adam LOVES alcohol--maybe too much? He is always talking about it, has been photographed over & over with drink in hand. For a club kid, as he describes himself, this degree of drinking in his circle in LA (& in gay community) may be considered normal. It may be very normal for all the people he was with, to include GaGa herself (who has been rumored to drink way too much). I'm sure he was invited--by Jake Shears. They had just been partying & drinking together, afterall. If Adam were too drunk for them, they probably would not have brought him. But alcohol is alcohol & it still takes up space in one's bloodstream with the same effects no matter what the venue. Adam said something one time when asked where was the strangest place he'd found himself when he woke up. His answer (heartbreaking to me) was he awoke in the bushes of a park with a terrible hangover with no memory of how he got there, which he referred to as a "wake up call".

Love you Adam. Please keep it real.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:44:
and I suppose you think Perez did the right thing by dissing him in every possible way?
I'd say THAT is what's pretty pathetic.
All ppl on here are saying is that it was a party and Perez made it sound like Adam was possessed or something (he even called him "demonic" at one point...give me a fuckin break)
when really he was just trying to have fun.
Was is necessary for Perez to go into such gory detail and to publicly announce that he wasn't invited to the party?
Don't you think that looks bad, considering Gaga gave him a song for his album?
Perez is a poser and a lowlife. If he really cared about maintaining his "friendships" he wouldn't be talking so much crap.
Besides, I never justified Adam's actions, yes his behavior was immature but people do stupid shit when they're drunk which is beside the point...
the point is that Adam was just trying to have fun while Perez is out to harm his reputation and career which Adam has worked hard to maintain.
Of course Adam is not perfect, but he aint scum like Perez and that's what everyone here is getting at I think.
Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Also, (same as anon 4:00), people aren't defined merely by the last thing they did. Perez can disagree with Adam's behaviour at the party while still admiring his birthday charity.

Anonymous said...

Perez is a parasite who trashed his truthiness long time ago. But the big money question is: Who's holding this mangy dog's leash? The bitch needs his rabies shot.

Anonymous said...

Oh and, as for out of control parties, just check "ANYWHERE" on the internet, or magazines to find out just how crazy some rock band parties get, with trashing hotel rooms, etc. I do hope Adam remembers to be more careful next time, but let's face it, he's insanely star struck over GAGA and obviously behaves like a silly school boy in love doing silly, stupid things for her attention. Just look at the AMA's. I still blame his star struck GAGA syndrome for the over zealous adrenaline rush. It was a prime example of the crazy effect she has on him. I just hope that I don't act crazy like that if I ever meet Adam in person. Chances are though....

Anonymous said...

It's Ok everybody...true or not true...exaggerated...blown out of porportion...stinking drunk...or just a little bit drunk...who cares...something tells me everyone was out-of control at Gaga's birthday party...I doubt seriously he was thrown out of the party...unless Gaga was thrown out of her own party with him...if it's true...this wasn't the first time Adam has been wasted...and probably wont be the last...hope he has a great time...and someone else drove him home!!! Glitterglasses

Anonymous said...

The story is already spreading . . . . plus another "eye witness" account.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure Perez wasn't at the party. Wasd't that the same night as his own Blue Ball Party? So it sounds like a case of chinese whispers.

Anonymous said...

The *ahem* story made it to Us Weekly **eyeroll**. Only one comment so far on that site.

So Adam gets a little tipsy,punches a hole in the ceiling while happily fist pumping,tries to feed one of his favorite artists a now he's being painted as out-of-control!!!! Gee Perez. Talk about a 'Fairweather Friend?'

Gee,must be a slow news day,even for the bottom feeding tabloids.

Anonymous said...

*Us Magazine*

Anonymous said...

It is the same story started by Perez, then repeated from one magazine to another. And who is that another "eye witness"?? Perez himself?
I'm not defending Adam, but most likely he wasn't the only one drunk.
The story was blown out of proportion and will be forgotten in two days.
And Perez is a douchebag.

Anonymous said...

This is only full of none sense!!!!!!!

You worried if Adam is under age!!!!!!!

And for you Perez Hilton, jealous and for sure Adam is just laughing about this matter!!!!!

Adam fans will just laugh about this!!!!

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Now yahoo and MSNBC are picking up on the story . . .


Anonymous said...

Oh sh*t! Now there's video of Adam getting drunk at Gaga's party!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Im sure he was probably there. For WHATEVER reason he and CaCa are friends. Whether or not he saw the guest list, who knows? Hes a douche bag. I dont think anyone made that point yet.

And PLEASE JESUS make the pearl clutchers STFU about Adam and how much alcohol he drinks...FUCKS SAKE!!

Anonymous said...

Ureeeeeeeeeee Babyyyyyyyyyy ****French Kisses***** back atchaaa Darlin!


Anonymous said...

We all know Adam drink and party OTT. But it's Perez diss and downgrade Adam publicly over a radio broadcast in the whole universe, he could just do this in his own blog. I bet he did not say anything about Gaga this way , he sucked.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Adam is star struck by Gaga and it probably affected his AMA performance as well.
As for the drinking, Gaga is a major party person who brags about brushing her teeth with jack Daniels. I don't think she really cared if someone was drunk. I put a hole in our drywall by opening a door too fast and I'm a 100 lb weakling haha

Urethra_Franklin said...

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ *makes obnoxious sex noises*

4:47 thats Kow$sha that brushes her teeth with JD but I get your point

Fan4fun said...

Glamshit! Here we go again... How many times have I said here that I DON'T LIKE PEREZ HILTON?! The guy belongs to the scum of the earth!!! So... sweet Adam went to a BD party of someone who knows him and has given him a hand with a great song for his first album and tour, got drunk, danced, made a hole in the ceiling wich is very low and made of a thin material, fed Gaga and sang her a serenade. Good for him! Good for her to have at her party some action-fun. C'mon, its was all fun, ONLY fun! Sweet Adam didn't hurt anybody, didn't offend anybody, didn't get sick over anybody. And he came along with a common friend who had been invited by Gaga, and arrived walking (maybe drunk, but walking) on his feet... I wonder what Perez would say if sweet Adam had arrived inside an egg...

Anonymous said...

To 4:37 - that link took me to a very old post about a toy unicorn?

Everyone wants Adam to be a big rock star, well, that lifestyle involves partying. Which is it you want then? The personality that will never cut loose will also never sing their **s off or put on a howlin show for concert goers.

Anonymous said...

Oh, sorry, yes that was Kesha. But, Gaga smashed whisky bottles on the piano during her performance, gee I wonder if the piano was damaged. And didn't a rock star once trash his guitar on stage, gee I wonder if there was any damage...

Anonymous said...

LMAO Anon 4:47 the person who said that stuff about the jack daniels is Kesha not Gaga. Although Gaga did recently admit in a 60/60 interview that she does drink and "smoke a lot of pot when shes writing music" LOL

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ Anon 4:53...that egg bit was hilarious and it would have been hysterical had he really done that.

Anonymous said...

@Urethra Franklin Since I may be one of the only ones discussing Adam's alcohol consumption on this blog--just so you know, I do not own pearls to clutch (wish I did). I am a licensed clinical psychologist. During 4 years of my career I ran the statewide substance abuse program for the Kentucky Dept. of Corrections for everyone in community custody (on felony level probation and parole). Have done substance abuse treatment in the past. And routinely do substance abuse assessment on all my own clients as part of overall assessment. At any pt. in time roughly 1/4 of my clients have been gay.

Just sayin.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

I bet someone will ask Gaga soon but I think nobody will remember anything in the party. Ha!Ha!
Yeah, Perez need to disappear!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Kentucky Fan

I REALLY dont need to be lectured. And Adam REALLY doesnt need another mother...or a couselor for that matter.

Just sayin...


Anonymous said...

Urethra Franklin I was responding to YOUR lecturing me. I don't like it either. I am no one's mother.

Kentucky Fan

Urethra_Franklin said...

KF YOU inserted YOURSELF into my prayer to JESUS!

If you cant handle the bitch slappin that comes from it, tiptoe your way OUTTA MY PRAYER!


Anonymous said...

Perez is certainly two faced. sucking up to Adam at Adam's birthday party, now trashing him. O.K. so he probably was drunk and acted a bit foolish, but the way he broadcasted it was mean. I remember Perez said he wanted to stop bullying people when the it gets better videos were done. Well that didn't last long. We all love Adam and we know he is not perfect. He doesn't need bad publicity due to the fact there are too many haters and homophobic people out there. Perez is making fun of one of his own. In relation to how CB acted this is nothing!

Anonymous said...

Worse than I'd expected. Perez was gleeful trashing Adam. He wasn't invited? Yes he was, by Jake, as his guest. Adam had already been to Jake's book party at Chrome Hearts earlier in the evening and drank there. So he probably was drunk at Gaga's party if he drank there too.

Adam is very tall with long arms, so I can see him punching a hole in that very low ceiling. I just don't believe that Adam kept on punching into the ceiling. I also don't believe he was asked to leave. The girlfriend of the owner of the club tweeted about it that night and thought it was funny. Feeding Gaga a cupcake? Egad, how dreadful. Really, what nonsense!

Perez intimating Adam was on something besides alcohol is reprehensible. I'm DONE with this silly egomaniac and hope Adam is too.

Adam missed Perez's blue ball birthday party and Perez is pissed about it. Also, I'm sure he has blue balls more often than Adam and that kills him. Jealous much?

Anonymous said...

well said @ 5: 19 p.m.

It happens all the time when you mix celebration with alcohol sometimes you carried away but not to offend anyone..... Adam just happened too excited and carried away that's all...

If he did something really awful for sure they will call cops????????????Right???????/

Just calm down everyone and take a deep breath!!! Life is too short indeed!!!!

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun,Mar31 4:53PM - you truly are Fan4fun!
Thank U for making me chuckle...Now is a good time for me to take a bow and say good night to ya all!

GGD Gal, so ga-ga over AFL :):):)

Anonymous said...

Adam is famous and a gold mine, people write and say anything to get attention and cash from him, even pictures or video clips are twisted to make believe. After a whole afternoon excitement, I need to trust my instinct to judge Adam from his past reliable character. I believe everything that only come from him directly.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kentucky Fan,

You're the only one making any sense and I'm glad you have the guts to talk about it (of course, given your background in substance abuse, no wonder). anyway, although I agree that perez is a douche bag, i'm still worried about BB because he's photographed with drinks in his hand far too often. same with tons of pictures of him with very drunk eyes. for quite some time i've been worried that he has a drinking problem. i want him to slow down with the alcohol!!! i think this is an important point and i am wondering why so many folks are forgetting about the dangers of over-imbibing.


Anonymous said...

He is a young artist in Hollywood that is just the life style nothing to worry about its a whole different culture. Live Hard Party Harder.

Urethra_Franklin said...


Whered my ZZZZZZilicious go to???

Maria said...

calm down everyone. It's just

glamitup said...

Crap!! Now its on us weekly website!! Ugh!!

Carlos said...

Youtube version of the interview:

I tried to include on the title that it was Perez Hilton's side of the story.

Anonymous said...

this is how perez makes his money, it's his job to trash people and embellish the truth, making the incident seem more "interesting" at the expense of the person he is talking about. perez has a "holier than thou" attitude and has used this to make a name for himself. trash is as trash does or it takes one to know one.

Anonymous said...

ummm Perez is looking for attention because really Adam was an invited guest of the Scissor Sisters +1 means just that....and Perez insult was Adam singing like he was on American Idol ..... I think Perez was trying to get them to trash Adam but they treated like it was GOSSIP!

Anonymous said...

Resisting urge to comment... will allow myself to say only this - in a few days, the vibe that one has about Adam, whatever that was within them to begin with, before this, will remain THE SAME, in tact and unchanged... and importantly, I'd venture to guess this will also be true for Hilton... yet I don't think for HIM that will necessarily be a good thing.

Openly Confident and Proud Supporter of the Beautifully Flawed and Complex Human Being Adam Lambert,

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam party on...hope you had you Adam

Anonymous said...

Whoever above said Adam might have a drinking problem. Bite your tongue,you don't want to stoop to PH level and start a rumor. I am sure a lot of young people in Hollywood drink when they go out and maybe have a few too many. Adam is really grounded and not going to mess up his career. I hop Adam can get the real truth out to people, but we know PH embellishes a lot.

Anonymous said...

oops hope not hop.

Anonymous said...

i mean,really. gaga was rolling around on the floor with her boyfriend. i'm sure there was a lot going on and i'm sure that adam wasn't the only one drinking and having fun . perez must dish on someone, and since adam is famous, and perez is jealous, it goes to follow that perez would tell a story that makes him seem like a 12 yr old girl at a sleepover. srsly, don't take him seriously. this is what he does.

Anonymous said...

MGF, you are sooooo correct in your comment.

Fan4fun said...

@ Kentucky Fan

Loved your post. As always you made a very good point. My background is opposite to yours, I mean, I've been on the other side (very). In a near past I had some serious problems because of the damn alchool, which drove me to a non sense life style for over three years. I lost friends and opportunities. I wasted my time and my money and my health. I've never woke up in the bushes but I did it in a parking lot in the middle of nowhere, and at the door of my own house(guess I couldn't find the keys?). Thanks God I didn't need AAA or any profissional help but my faith, first in my Lord then in myself plus a huge strength of will... and soon after, sweet Adam happened in my life and rescued me from my deep and dark hole.
I'm sure he'll never have this kind of problem if supported by our care and our prayers (I had nobody for me and I'm not as smart as he is). May God bless sweet Adam all the days of his long life. I so believe! And I'm a believer.

Anonymous said...

HILARIOUS Anon 6:37pm March 31, hilarious and I'd suspect SPOT ON! LOL. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted "Long Live Rock and Roll".

Perez has a problem for sure. The "old green eyed monster can make people do some crazy shit, same as anger. But GaGa did get him a B'day present. A little pink scooter.

People in the business know what Perez is like.
Just hope Adam stays away from him, cause he is not a friend.


Anonymous said...

Adam you can be such an you ..keep on having fun...but take care of your beautiful self...

Anonymous said...

After I heard this interview and read US Today article about GaGa B-day party, I thought"OMG, our boy made first page again"
However, I think that GaGa had fun and didn't have any problems with hole on the ceiling, or dancing on the table. I woudn't be suprise if she joined Adam.
About the cerenade part! Somebody had to sing song for GaGa. And she has to be happy that Adam sang cerenade for her, because he was only person on the party who could sing LIVE!!!!
Did you see this video from GaGa party? She can't sing live! It was terrible!
Adam, you are fun! Just stay away from Perez! Next time, please, check the guests list:)
Love you, Diamond Boy!

Glamitup said...

Kentucky fan,
I'm glad u r ok!!!
Your neighbor in Indiana! P.S. Be good Adam!! hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Wow delilah5, is this a whole new you??!! I LIKE IT! :).

Carlos said...

Thanks for using my link!! I appreciate it :)

Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted "Long live rock n roll"
well he better back that up w some good fuckin rock songs on his next album!!!
Just sayin. LOL

Anonymous said...

Ok Adam Lambert drunk @ a birthday party... well, alrighty then... No arrest, No DUI, No coke in the bathroom, No mug shot... just drunk @ Gaga birthday party.... reported by a gossip blogger who has had no big story in months!

PH needs the attention! Bad press equals press besides he was drunk @ a Gaga party, it's not like he was attending a dinner at the White House.

Fan4fun said...

@ Anon. 6:52PM

Never mind fellow, our delilah5 changes with the tides, with the moon and with the seasons. Only one thing she never changes: she LOVES sweet Adam to death! LOL

PS: Love you @ delilah, you are my girl!

Anonymous said...

"Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see"

Anonymous said...

I only meant to applaud delilah5's renewed optimism, which I find inspiring, as I find, have found, her resilience on this site inspiring. Yes, she loves Adam and that never changes, well said, and just right.

Anon March 31, 2011 6:52 PM

Anonymous said...

Adam parties. I've never heard of him being this reckless. I think I'll go with Anon 7:03's advice. As for Perez, the whole thing about turning over a new leaf was a temporary thing since he would rather deliver shock and awe to promote himself than be a friend. I don't think we'll see Adam and Perez together again anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

wonder why PHilton would be so self-destructive WITHOUT alcohol, geez dude, dumb move on your part if you ask me, and nothing but the dumbness to blame it on apparently

Anonymous said...

I like Adam as much as anybody on this site but If Lambert was drunk then he was drunk. If he caused an unwanted disruption at the party then those in charge had every right to toss him out on the curb.I willing to wait for more details but he at least alluded to it on Twitter so I'm sure he knows exactly what he did. I know Perez has done and said some pretty outlandish, offensive and mean spirited things in the past but I heard no ill will, malice, or back handed comments in this interview. He simple stated things as they happened and he only mentioned it because Lambert did first and I doubt Lambert would take it personally so it's really not worth getting huffy about. Perez has slandered many people in his never-ending 15 minutes of fame but this isn't one of those times as far as I can see. Just because you're fan doesn't mean you have to fight tooth and nail against every slightly negative comment raised by someone else.

Anonymous said...

Do you know that if you mix 300mg lorazepam pill with any dosage of alchocol it can cost you stroke or heart attack?
I wish I have chance to party with Perez just once. I think he would enjoy this drink. Wanna see for how long time he will not have chance to open his f... mouth!!!
@Fan4fun and anon 6:52 PM!
Thank you for compliments, gurls!

Anonymous said...

So what if he was drunk it was a party and we have all been there - well most of us! Jesus can't Adam let his hair down. Perez is a fuckwit - enough said - and bet he has been drunk and acted like a prat on more than one occasion - actually he doesnt need to get drunk to act like a prat!! Keep your eye on the prize Adam and don't get sucked into this load of nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Darn, I had really hoped @Urethra had packed up her foul mouth and bad attitude and hit the road. And....welcome back delilah!

Anonymous said...

Have fun being 29 BB. You can't do it twice, and you seem to get that, smart boy.

Anonymous said...

There is one tweet from someone at fergies/Jake shear party to Adam that said "see you at Gaga's". It sounds like he was invited. As far as Adam's condition, there are videos of him coming out of the Gaga party and getting into a car acting normally. People are assuming Perez has credibility.

Anonymous said...

thanks Anon 7:30pm 3/31

Anonymous said...

Adam's tweet: "Long live Rock and Roll"

Anonymous said...

If I had to guess between admitting he bruised his hand (people were saying head at first) and then his tweet, "Long Live Rock and Roll" I'd venture to say that most of it was true. Adam isn't denying it sooo he joins a long list of all of us that have gotten drunk and acted crazy. Lady GaGa and crazy somehow those words seem the "norm" to me.

Anonymous said...

Drunks are disgusting no matter who they are.

Alcohol can ruin careers,

Rock and Rock is a type of music,,not behavior.

People who make their living gossiping are scum.

It's easy to punch a hole in wallboard and I was drinking coffee.

Obviously Adam is not a perfect person, just a real person. Lay off the sauce Mr. Lambert. RM

Anonymous said...

@Anon March 31 7:40PM

you said "...sooo he joins a long list of all of us that have gotten drunk and acted crazy..."

YES!! good lord people

Anonymous said...

so, out of the entire party, perez thinks that adam is the only person worth talking about? i think perez is crushing on adam.

Anonymous said...

oooooohhhh Anon 7:59, good point! (the worth talking about part I mean... the "crush" part is obvious and has been for quite some time ;))

Anonymous said...

lol. I think Perez has a crush on Adam too. The way he singled him out in the interview. I mean, there were a lot of pop stars present in the party.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Adam was a little out of control at the party but I bet Lady Gaga wasn't that mad at him the next day or the others either. You always have to have someone to talk about after a great party.

Anonymous said...

As the old adage says: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. It has always been a gut feeling of mine that his "friendship" with Perez is the latter.

Adam is a smart man. He is very strategic. This may just have been a crazy night for him or a strategic plan to get back into the spotlight. (He doesn't want to be forgotten by non-glamberts)

The whole thing seems so out of charater for Adam. We have been observing his every move since his audition. In all this time he has never been crazy acting drunk. The whole thing seems so strange to me.

Anonymous said...

Drinking, partying, singing, liven it up, having fun is fine. what bothered me was how Perez could not wait to trash Adam.Saying he was not invited,and he was embarassing, and like GaGa kicked him out,yeah right! they are friends.I doubt that part is true. Life is not the people who act true on your face, its about the people who remain true behind your back. Because of Adam~Long live rock n' roll.

Anonymous said...

Perez S Hilton(S short 4 ASS)He said Adam was REALLY drunk.It's embarassing,he said.Eh?I don't see that!Love Adam no matter what.♡♡♡Somebody just mad bcoz somebody didn't go to somebody BDay's party!Adam☑Perez☒

Anonymous said...

So what Adam got trashed at a party whats the big deal.

Anonymous said...

So So Exaggerated by PH!
Ha! Ha! obviously for attention as that's his "rice bowl" of talking trash!!! how SAD for PH!!!

It's party, so all had fun ok:) Adam 's just playful & 2 happy for Gaga:)
cheers !

Anonymous said...

Leopard doesn't change it's spots...why was there a 'need to share this information' anyway!
Love Adam...And Perez maybe a little jealous

Anonymous said...

At least our boy is out there having a good time.

Anonymous said...

@8:21 i was thinking the same thing or who knows maybe someone slipped him something he didn't know about. But it does seem strange if PH is telling the whole truth.

Anonymous said...

Is any of this true? If so, Adam is pushing the limit. Instead of attacking Perez Hilton (who makes his sleezy living this way), we need to find out whether Adam was so drunk that he was out of control. That's nuts and detrimental to his career. Yep, have a good time, but don't pull a Charlie Sheen on us. We fans deserve more, and more importantly, Adam deserves more.

Understand being a guest, but all the more reason to control yourself. If you get thrown out of a Gaga party, something bad must have gone down. Adam doesn't owe us an explanation, but it would be nice. Maybe this is all OK in show biz, but I think not. Adam has done a significant amount of partying since his tour. I guess he's working on his new album because we get bits and pieces of info.

Maybe he's figureing that since Chris Brown gets all the attention for beating up a woman and trashing his dressing room, he should try some of this shit. Adam, you ain't that big yet. You can be knocked down really easily.

I'm sure my comments will engender hostility, but I have his best interests at heart. He is not a 21 year old kid. He's a grown man and should show more character.

Anonymous said...

Perez Hilton implied he was on something else besides alcohol. It's already happening. I thought Adam would handle success better than this. Very disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the same party that Gaga was in a sheer "shirt" literally naked, got an anatomically correct and enhanced male blow up doll as a gift, and was rolling around on the floor making out with her boyfriend?

Who knows what else went on? People drink at parties.

Did some people go too far? Probably. Were any of us there? Nope. Do we really know if Adam was invited? Nope. Is it likely he could get into a private party for Lady Gaga, one of the most famous people on the planet, without an invite? Doubt it.

Does Adam drink? Yup. Often. Do I as a fan sometimes wonder if he drinks too much or too often. Yup.

Maybe, just maybe this will cause him to tone it down a tad. I really would hate to see our boy in a tabloid for needing rehab.

Anonymous said...

Whatever so what if its true its not like he hurt anyone he just got really really drunk and my have embarrassed himself a little.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can't believe a word Perez says. He exaggerated and embellished because he is an insecure, jealous, hateful person who befriends people for his gain while backstabbing them so he has the spotlight. Adam is a bigger star than PH. Perez is an ingrate. Adam is going to have some fun. He is successful and young, but I seriously doubt he was thrown out. But Perez is the shameful one who trashes people to make his living. Rock on, Adam!

Anonymous said...

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord to dig down deep,

Discover a ton of dirt on PH the utter creep,

Tweet it, utube it, make it a broadcast frenzy,

Make the tabloids run utterly wild & crazy,

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you - PH does not live by this rule,

PH just doesn't get it and has alot of growing up to do,

Maybe he will finally learn if the Lord takes him to SCHOOL!!

(IMHO - 1st class for PH is integrity 101 -- school is in session !!)


Anonymous said...

Perez Hilton is a BITCH! WTH he claims to be adams friend! hell no!!!!! ILY Adam and i can't believe what i just heard!!! wow well us glamberts are not happy with this and im boycotting Perez's website, i can't believe he was that rude. he is just jelous that adam would have no interest in him!!!

Anonymous said...

@ anon 9:30 and :32

You bet! Everyone hating on Hilton but if AL hadn't acted like an out-of-control frat boy on spring break, PH wouldn't have had anything to talk about. Way to go, Lambert. Another career-maiming performance. Yeah, he has talent...too bad it's not connected to a brain. I'm done. Loser.

Anonymous said...

This is so stupid why are people getting so high and mighty like they are perfect. He bet Adam sells more CD's this week because of this publicity is publicity not matter good or bad it keeps your name out there and makes people talk

tess4ADAM said...

Don't care what PH says about the "incident" .. he is a bad person even when he is being nice to you ... I'm waiting for the words to come from ADAM & only ADAM ... in his own words ... from his own mouth ... bad or good ... ADAM won't lie ... but it seems to me that there are too many here willing to "accept" Hilton's version ... I guess you're not fans of ADAM's ... fans only believe "NOTHING THEY HEAR & ONLY HALF OF WHAT THEY SEE" ... TRUE fans ... that is ... I'll WAIT for ADAM's version THANK YOU!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh - one more thing I want to say strictly about Adam. He is entitled like anyone else to have fun and maybe get a little crazy at times.

He has a strong group of loving friends and family to keep him grounded. Family will call him out and step in (especially mama Lambert) if Adam's drinking ever becomes a real health problem.

I also think that Adam has been "lurking" as he puts it. Probably has seen it all from PH and fan reaction. He is smart and will handle this in the right way. I have faith in him.


Anonymous said...

yeah still not seeing the big deal he just got a little drunk why it that so horrible.

Anonymous said...

Administrator!!! Please delete the vile comment at 10:21 pm.

Anonymous said...

My 5 year old granddaughter saw a piture of PH in his pink & white stripped Snuggie and said, he's crazy & I agreed with her.

Don't waste your breath.....I sent him an E mail
after his last inane remarks about Adam telling him "with friends like YOU who needs enemies" and he was a "hypocrite." Then Adam does his intimate interview with him & I felt like a fool.
Adam will deal with him,just like all the other celebs do. He has zero credibility anyway.

Anonymous said...

How come the people who are so concerned Adam might have a drinking problem thought it was perfectly ok or even cute that Sauli got so wasted in that bar a few weeks ago he lost his things and PASSED OUT in the bar??

Anonymous said...

Sauli was in Finland @10:46 not here. Maybe it was just one night. Hell I got totally shitfaced a few times in my life. I am so disappointed that fans are assuming what Perez says is totally true.
I agree with @HeartAdam4Ever.


Anonymous said...

I believe the story is probably true, but I also think Perez told it in the most embarrassing way possible. Adam made a mistake and got too drunk. Its probably a rush that he's been spending more time with all these people he admires. I know I've done stupid shit when I was over excited. It was bad judgment for him to get that drunk before he went to a party with so many important people. But I think that Perez's characterization is far more cruel than necessary and probably an exaggeration. Certainly no friend to Adam. I'm glad, he's a slimy douche bag and I didn't like seeing pictures of him smiling for the camera with Adam.


Anonymous said...

Adam has never acted so sloppy drunk and obnoxious in public to the point he had to be thrown out of a place! Funny how nothing like this happened until he was dating Sauli. I think the story is true because too many people tweeted about it including Adam.

They both looked totally wasted in the pictures everyone thought were so cute the other night too. I think Sauli's more of a heavy drinker than Adam and is not being a good influence on him.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Perez is jealous because he isn't a pretty as Adam. Or maybe he's just ticked cause Adam is off the market, not that he would give Perez the time of day anyway. Perez is such an attention whore!

Anonymous said...

All the conjecture, blame throwing and alcohol advice given on this site makes me sick. Always a fan of Adam but will not be back to read the nastiness here. Some fans you are. bubye

Anonymous said...

PerezHilton Perez Hilton
@adamlambert Ha! :-)
7 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Interesting tweet from ph

I don't believe one thing this man says, gossip is a hateful thing, the only words I find credible are from Adam, he has always been an honest man!

Anonymous said...

PH was scorned by Adam since Adam was with Fergie who he hates and did not attend PH Blue Ball- Remember the Black Eye Peas had a brawl with PH and he was crying on his blog!

PH attended Adam's birthday party, but Adam was snapped everywhere over the weekend except PH's party--scorned queen alert!

Besids Gaga got kicked out by the Yankees last year remember that story

Anonymous said...

the BIGGEST Mistake Adam made is
he takes Gaga as his league. and treat her the same way he treats his own friends.
but actually they are absolutely Different!
Gaga is using Wildness as a shield to equip herself and her music. inside she is just a normal girl. her lifestyle is quite different than what she showed in public. and she takes the advantage as a hetero.
Adam is more naturally consistent in and out. he is bold to act as what he is, and easy to read.
this is the reason i like him much much more than Gaga.

PH is such a fake guy. WHY people donate to celebrate his birthday? shame

Anonymous said...

a woman shed herself with fresh blood on the stage cannot accept a cake smeared in the party?
Adam! you just found the WRONG person to have fun with!

believe or not, that's all not about the alcohols, it's about the MENTALITY!

Anonymous said...

WHAT!!! There are videos about Adam arriving to that party and he definitely was NOT sloppy and embarrassingly drunk like Perez says. Perez is such a jealous little lier.

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun 4:53PM (31.3)




Anonymous said...

Nevermind the comment above. I mixed the vids... But still, perez, ugh.

Anonymous said...

What is it with Perez and successful gays? He’s so freaking jealous, that it’s unbelievable. I don’t have any other explanation to his behavior than that he’s just sooooooooo jealous. Instead of supporting gay celebrities, he is either forcibly outing them (bullying them quite frankly) or bashing them in every chance he gets. And what kind of celebrities does Perez actually support? Well, people like Katy Perry, who uses the word gay as a way to insult people (ex-boyfriend, Bill Kaulitz) in her song and imo promotes the use of gay as a hate word. Well done Perez, you surely know how to support gay rights!

Anonymous said...

I knew this! I said to my husband that when Adam and Sauli shows that they are really couple then somebody comes and talks about ugly gossip. And I was right who will be and that was PH. Immediately
my husband asked me are we going to win lottery, because I quess those two things:) Who cares if Adam drinks his vacation or not. Main thing is that he make good music for us. By the way Sauli starts his job next week so people who thinks he is bad influence on Adam can now relax. He will have so busy time that he has no time to drink. Have a nice weekend for everyone from Finland.

Anonymous said...

Yep, Perez is jealous alright, plus reckon he
has a crush on Adam in the first place. Seem to remember Adam telling him at one stage he would never stand a chance! Plus it was GaGa's party
and so of course it would be cool, wild and out the box...and ADAM is all three!
You have to be part of the W Hollywood/Beverley Hills scene to realize what a fast and creative
wonder it is. Plus Adam is quite mature enough to gauge his own life with regards to how much he drinks. Love ADAM and love the way he is so real! He is class with a capital C! (as apposed to Perez who couldn't even come close!)

Anonymous said...

Really dislike the way everyone feels they need to counsel Adam. Get a life people!

Anonymous said...

Is GaGa paying attention to Mr Lambert instead
of Perez? Oh what a shame!

Fan4fun said...

@ Anon. 3/31 5:01PM
@ GGD Gal
@ Ronnie

I'm glad I could give you some laugh, life is short and we sure deserve as much fun as we can get from this mad world. I myself feel blessed when I make to get my daily dose of fun from my Diamond Boy, instead of only my daily dose of concerns. After all, sweet Adam is here for our entertainment. So am I, or at least I try.

Anonymous said...

Perez was extremely catty and derogatory about Adam during Idol and for a long while afterwards, then pretended to be friends with him for awhile, but not surprised he's trashing Adam again.

Perez has always been jealous of Adam (or, perhaps, is attracted to him and is jealous that he can never have him). Perez also seems to think that Gaga is his property, because he was one of the first people to heavily promote her, and he doesn't want to be upstaged at one of her events.

Either way, Adam fans, please head over to and stick up in support of Adam, as they also have a tendency to consistently trash Adam, and they are doing it again this morning...

Anonymous said...

This topic has become sooooooo boring!

How do we know that Adam was drunk at the party and has a drinking problem?? It's all just hearsay. Talk about "people in glasshouses .....".

There are some extremely ugly remarks made on some of the media sites about this hoo haa, people quick to judge others when they're oh so not perfect themselves. Some nasty comments here also.

I don't believe a word of any of it unless or until it comes from Adam himself.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU @Kentucky Fan and @Fan4Fun 6:42 PM (31.3) for your serious and very personal points of view!!!! I respect them.


Anonymous said...

Perez is an utter nutter. He craves attention himself and when he doesn't get it, he trashes whomever wherever. Was he even at the party and if not, who fed him this garbage?! Maybe some other trollop who can't get it on with Adam or it was purely conjective on Perez's part.

Anonymous said...

^Whoops .... conjecture.

Urethra_Franklin said...

7:00 4:10 YES!!! AMEN!! HOLLA!!! and all that jazz...

To the anon somewhere up there... YOU SHOULD BE SO FUCKING LUCKY!

And to all the ignorant fools who actually BELIEVE every ounce of this douchebags are so gullible. Its shameful.

Anonymous said...

@delilah5 6:47 PM (31.3)

I loved your text! Go girl!!


Anonymous said...

I'm not excusing Adam, but lots of celebs act lots worse and continue to sell millions of records and their careers are not ruined. This incident is minor compared to lots of star behavior. Seems like Adam always gets the finger-pointers after him more than others. I've heard it said here before that being a true Adam fan is not for the timid or faint of heart. I love the guy, and I know that this dumb incident is not what he is totally about. He'll probably learn his lesson and think twice next time. God knows, Gaga is not the best party role-model herself. Concentrate on the new music, Adam. We're waiting for that voice again.

Anonymous said...

@5:09 I agree. Look at Bruno Mars cocaine incident and he still won the Grammy. CB violence. What Adam did was not that bad, but he probably will be more careful next time. Of course everyone is drinking at these parties but it does seem Adam gets the worst press for it. Always love you Adam, none of us are perfect but looking at the whole picture about Adam he sure is better than most people. Isn't that why we all love and admire him beside his beautiful voice.

Anonymous said...

@anon 12:06

So now it is Sauli´s fault, ha??? Adam is a grown up man with his own choices. The couple had not seen each other for a while and they wanted to celebrate from the bottom of their hearts. And now they are some kind of heavy drinking punks together.
Excuse me but F**k You!

Anonymous said...

I've never like the fake guy who names himself Hilton, because he is an attention HOG and Poser. He is so transparent because he dogged Adam after Idol shamelessly trying to get Adam to like him. It's too bad Adam ever gave him the time of day! Perez is jealous that he has no BF like Sauli because he's not attractive at all and his gossip mongering is petty. Also, he has to sit by and watch really Talented people and all he can do is be catty about them. What does GaGa see in this guy? ugh.

I feel sorry that Adam felt the need to get attention from GaGa so badly, that he got carried away. It may have hurt his feelings that he wasn't invited because he worships her.

Alcohol unleashes sides of people that they later regret. Perez is far from perfect, he's also insecure or he wouldn't be gossiping for a living. No talent and No class period.

Urethra_Franklin said...

SANNI!!!! LOVE YOU!!! Such a potty mouth!! Are we related??


Anonymous said...

Gaga isn't by far a role model , he drink a lot , use drugs and exploit his sexuality on stage , not my cup of tea , Adam was very ecited on my opinion and just a litle more alcohol,he worked hard and a bed publicity is still publicity.PH is the only one who talked about this , that tell a lot of the caracter of him , love you Adam don't worry fans don;t give you up for nothing

Anonymous said...

Sanni! GREAT you said just what I think about this. LOVE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gaga is only 25, but she sings like an old witch. A DJ once played Bad Romance and Fergie's My Humps at the same time and Bad Romance sounded horrid. Jake Shears has openly recommended drugs and that might be the reason why he's a relatively unknown star. He's got 30k twitter followers. Perez is more widely known, with 3 million twitter followers.

Anonymous said...

I just want to throw a ditto at the poster upthread somewhere who mentioned the fact that

*this did NOT blow up on twitter the actual night of the party, very worth noting IMHO.

People, c'mon, do you really think that many other legit eye-witnesses (people in attendance) would have been able to use that much willpower and discrestion to NOT tweet about it?!! Sure, A-listers probably aren't going to rat each other out, but I'm sure there were plenty of others in legitimate attendance who would simply not have been able to resist the urge to tweet if there was really truly something overly indulgent to tweet about (human nature is such that not everyone has that kind of willpower, I know that I don't, there would have been more tweets about this if there was a good story to be had... which is not Adam getting drunk and being sloppy, OMG, such a non-event!)

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately this mess just made my local Los Angeles entertainment news (KTLA). They said in so many words that Adam showed up drunk and became unruly and punched a hole in the ceiling. What a mess.......

Anonymous said...

I hope Lady GaGa is a bigger "person" than ABC and extends the olive branch and does something publically with Adam to show people that they are okay.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Paris Hilton for turning over a leaf just to turn it back again. Adam trusted you. Ellen was skeptical. Guess Ellen was right.

Fan4fun said...

@ Sanni
Icon and I have a big glass of great and very cold beer to celebrate your comment above (the one about our favorite loving couple). Call Ida and join us under this beautiful sun that has just come to visit Azores. It's Springtime and it means that we've survived to another winter (and without GNT)!!! Let's be warm and happy!!!

@ Ronnie
Thanks fellow, 24/7 «Paradise» is my journal and I am an open book (does it remind you of someone else?) lol

Anonymous said...

@anon 6.42,
I just wish some of those attendees and eye witnesses would come forward and defend Adam.

Anonymous said...

perez is just a big liar! yes adam was druk, (who in the party wasn't?)
and he admitted he made a hole in the ceiling.
but perez is just "Getting Back" at adam for not coming to his party!

and it's weird that perez is the only one who is saying something like this.

no other person who actually was at the party said something like that about adam.

they just said adam got a lil carried away and punched a whole in the ceiling, nothing about him being "drunk or on to someting else"...

PEREZ IS A LIAR! Just saying!


Anonymous said...

I read few artcicles about this story.They are absolutely identical. Like somedody click "Ctrl+ C" and "Ctrl+V". Only source they have is Perez and some witness!Does anybody know his name?
And like everybody say, the story would be on twitter in the same night! And deff few of the guests would make the pictures and published them on Facebook! Everybody have cells and would make a short video! Only video we saw is lady GaGa was trying to sing live without any success:)
Next. This is about Adam's drinking problem!
Watch yourself, people! Don't mess with me!
If Adam would be sloppy drunk, how he could dance and jump on the chairs and tables?
I wish I twitt about alcohol side effect to Mr. Perez Hilton! When people are sloppy drunk they just roll on the floor in the restroom and hug the toilet!!!! As far as I can see some of you ladies don't have any idea what people are doing when the very very very drunk!!!!!! They can't stand up. At all!
Do you know that you can write the article in any blog as Examiner, New York Post, USToday, etc? They offer you to become regular publisher at the end of every story! I am so upset because English is my second language! I would write big article with responce to Perez. Also, I would use the Photoshop, to make pictures of him smoking pot or drinking on street, or something else even worst. Also, I would find witness with name:)

Fan4fun said...

@ delilah5 (8:09AM right above)

Ok, dear, I tell you what: let's invite fucking scum Perez Hilton to a delicious «Mushroom Dinner at our JAK's house». Tomorrow night is too soon for you? I'll be free to cook! LOL

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun 8:22 AM This is perfect! Just have to book the flight and call my doctor to give me presription for high dosage lorazepam! My doctor thinks that I am in too much stress and I need to have have of the 100mg pill occassionally:) But I hate pills:)
Drinks on me!!!!!Hahaha!
I have a lot of fun already! Now I have to pretend that I am inlove with my job! But like people say "Thanks, Lord, I have one"!
So, for is for dinner, except desert?

Anonymous said...

The news is everywhere that Gaga kicked Adam out of her birthday party. I belive it's true. Good news is, here in Finland Adam has gained credibility in the eyes of the Finns. :D

Anonymous said...

@9:08am, what do you mean exactly, I don't quite catch your meaning

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