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WWFM is Double Platinum and FYE is Platinum in Canada!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sony_Music @t4miracles WDYWFM is double platinum and FYE is platinum in Canada

Credit for finding info: maestro

Congrats to Adam!!


Anonymous said...

im happy for you adma lambert-double paltinum in canada wow.u deserve you adam lambert.

Anonymous said...

Adam, we love you so much in Canada. Come see us often. BTW, watch FYE go to Double Platinum here as well. It is a great song, and Canadians who love you look forward to the day when we can give a big FU to conservative USA on your behalf.


Anonymous said...

Canada loves you want you to come for your Summer Tour, Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam will bring on "Fever" as a single in Canada. It will be HUGE. That pesky little pronoun will not bother anyone here, in fact, such a controversy is viewed as ridiculous and insulting. We are free thinking people here in Canada, no one group gets to dictate to the whole country, if you don't like what is on the radio, f**kn turn it off! Everyone has the right to decide for themselves. Sorry for the soapbox, jut don't understand the controversy ????????

Sörkän Salli said...

In Canada, platinum is 80 000 and double platinum is 160 000 sold songs!

Anonymous said...

Adam So Pleased for you
You have worked so Hard on your Amazing International Tour as proved by your Record Sales and for those who didn't know you before and have since heard your Beautiful Voice and seen your Stunning Face and Felt your Charisma,and now you have stolen their Hearts,it will not be long until you are an Iconic Mega Star and our Adored by Fans all across the world,you so deserve this Adam,you are the Perfect Man and have Filled our hearts with Love,Joy and Happiness,Thankyou Adam our lives will never be the same thanks to Adam Lambert,thankyou you have save all our lives xxxx
your single FYE is out soon in the UK and is Played alot on the Radio so once released will race up the Charts
We in the UK like Every Country except your quite frankly
Old Fashioned Conservative Country sadly filled with far TOO many Homophobic Bigots who have such Issues with GAY,,sadly they should be Ashamed of themselves,
they so do paint and UGLY picture of the USA which the WORLD can clearly See,sending all our love from GREAT BRITAIN and see you again in April
Love and Light to all Glamberts and Lambrits across the World xxxxx
also a Huge Thankyou the the Glamberts in the USA for all your hard work with standing up the the Bigotted Americans you sadly have to Live with xxxx

Anonymous said...

I want to move to Canada! the UK! New Zealand!...anywhere people appreciate talent and a beautiful human being! I am almost embarassed to live in a country that has so many close-minded individuals. Fortunately, I live in a city where people accept people for who they are. If it weren't for that I'd be applying for a visa immediately!!!! The US barely got him to gold. Way to go Canada and New Zealand! And maybe - Japan too????

Anonymous said...

I work hard everyday to teach tolarence and respect to my kids and ppl I have a chance to talk to. I am in my 40th and have 3 wonderful kids that are the new generation. We have to instill tolarence and respect for ALL NOW!!! So hopefully the bew generation will live in harmony with EVERYBODY regardless thier sexuall orientation, skin color and any differences.
It WILL happen. Don't give up hope. Keep advocating and talking about theses issues. Let's not push them under the rug like the US did to the wonderful Adam's song FYE.

Anonymous said...

OK, everyone. I live in the US. I am very liberal as are many of my friends. There are pockets of liberals all over the country and many who LOVE our boy Adam. But, sadly, there are also lots of conservative people and many homophobes and bigots. Just, please, remember, that there are lots of open-minded loving people in the states. It's just that the bigots and haters scream louder. Don't hate us all. :) Generalities can be which ever direction they are thrown. And with that...A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL THOSE WHO LOVE ADAM! We have become an true Adam-lovin' internation community. Peace and love from Seattle!

Anonymous said...

Canadians have good taste in music as usual! Gay marriage is legal there too, I think. Very nice country.

Anonymous said...

but if the conservative bigots spent time in the same room with the Beautiful Adam they would or should change their outlook,i am from the UK and we don't have problems with same sex,our uk laws protect gays from any discrimination,no doubt we do have some bigots in our country but they are in the minority,i think Adam enjoyed his stay in the UK,he seemed so Happy and relaxed,
Adams fye will do so well its right up our street in music and videos,Adam will also amass lots of new fans when he comes back in april and plays at the G*A*Y gig in London,they will love him,
so please dont think we dislike american folk its just the homphobics we detest!!!!
love to all Glamberts in the US keep up the good work of Loving Adam lambertxxx

Anonymous said...

Yes, thank you 2:03, this is great! Adam lovers united worldwide!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Anonymous 2:46 for your statement that other countries do not detest the USA, only its conservtive and bigotted idealology. I am Canadian, and we are much like the Brits, whereby our laws protect gays and other minorities from discrimination. To discriminate in our country is considered low-class and uneducated. The USA wishes to be the peremminent country in the world, yet it is so backward in many ways. Poor Adam has quite an uphill climb in his native country, but perhaps his fans around the world can circumvent that. PLATINUM IN CANADA, ADAM. WE LOVE YOU. Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

Hey, for those of you reading from Canada, "Entertainment Tonight Canada" is having a contest to see Adam in Vancouver. Details are announced during the show and/or on their website: (the news will come up in the main box eventually)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE CANADA!!!!! Wohoooo! I love all his fans! you guys are awesome. Lets just keep supporting this beautiful guy so the creepy haters will realize what they are missing..
Love you CANADA and all the international Fans!

Anonymous said...

Adam.....all of America will soon learn to love you. Your beautiful voice and soul will be sure to end up captivating most everyone. I know you just realize that USA is different, and surely not as forward thinking, so you know you can push all the buttons you want to in these other countries, but low key, natural, beautiful, talkative, intelligent, talented and charming Adam will win over even some of the homophobics out there........if is THEIR big loss. We miss you here......I am envious of all the places that people are able to have such close contact with you lucky they are and how wonderful for you to be treated so gently and kindly. Come home soon BB and make yourself visable all over your home country.....we are all so anxious to get so see you and watch you on television or in the movies. You will be a super success....and I can't wait to still be listening to your beautiful voice in forty years!

Anonymous said...

I just want Adam to be where he is safe and free. If that is not in the USA, then so-sadly be it. He has such courage and strength and does not deserve all this hatred and distain for just loving in the way that is true for him. We should all be so honest about the wonderful gift as we were given it.

Anonymous said...

I've posted this before, but here goes again:

I am a politically conservative, Christian woman who adores Adam. I have many friends (like me) who think he is beyond fabulous. We love his voice, his personna, his laughter, his looks and don't care that he is gay. Please don't place politically conservative people into one category. Conservatives are black, white, hispanic, atheist, christian, muslum, jewish and, yes, even gay. We are young and old and every aqe in between. Conservatives love music, we like to dance and we even have children. (OMG!) It would never cross my mind to chastise anyone for being too liberal. I don't think that way.

Let's keep this Adam's safe house for love and light and not a political debate. Thanks

Deus te amat and I do too

Anonymous said...

Hello,Anonymous 5:50,

I really like your post, but one part of it really resonates with me: "conservatives are yes, even gay". Adam made that same point in an interview in Europe when asked why so much of the gay community was against him. He said that he is too "flamboyant" i.e. gay to be acceptable in some segments of the gay community. Conservative gays tend to try to fade into the background and not call atention to themselves. Well, that is not our BB !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anon 5:50!!! I'm conservative in the fact that I want government OUT of everyone's personal lives. Government is ttttooooo big and controlling. They should just butt out of everything personal, including deciding who should get married or be in the military. It's just none of their business so there shouldn't even be any debate. I'm just tired of the government spending our money like it's going out of style and passing it out like candy to everyone with their lazy hands out. It's "alms to the poor" not alms to the lazy sitting around in their underwear eating cheetos all day instead of looking for a job because the government will take care of their lazy ass. As far as entertainment goes, I'm very liberal. Art and beauty have many levels and tastes. The beautiful chameleon Adam has just begun to conquer the world. The best is yet to come!!!


Anonymous said...

Justpeachy, why do you label yourself as a conservative? Your beliefs sound very much like mine, and I,IN NO WAY, comsider myself to be a conservative. I think you are very liberal, for sure. Good on ya, girl!!!

Anonymous said...

And the commen thread that we all have here is that we love Adam! Let's celebrate THAT as a global community! Adam is a gift to the world on so many levels. He sings like an angel. He radiates love, acceptance, peace and compassion. He lives his life true to himself and hopes others do the same. If the global community embraced the model that Adam projects it would be a very beautiful place indeed. I hope Adam becomes a worldwide superstar, not just for his own personal success, but because of what can be learned from this man's courage, honestly and loving nature. Rock on Adam!

Anonymous said...

anon 5.50 this is really not about politics it is about the very sad state of affairs of Adam Lambert Music not being played FAIRLY if at all in the Country that he was born in "The United States Of America" simply because he is Gay!!!! i must say that it was not until i heard and saw and fell madly in love with the wonderful Adam that i discovered to my shock how homophobic conservative and outdated and old fashioned SOME people are in the States!! it has really opened my eyes regarding how the USA treat gay people,
i find myself never going to read anything in the US news reports as they are cruel and very unsuporting towards Adam that it upsets me too much,i prefer to use 24/7 and international news instead as it reports much more on Adams music and is truthful,i do see Adam getting out of america someday and going overseas maybe to London where he can live his life without pressure, lies and fear,
god bless Adam what is so wrong with being Gay!!
i really dont understand as its 2010 !!!!
Adam please come back to the UK as often as you can and relax, chill and enjoy yourself

Anonymous said...

anon 7.06
I live in the US and it upsets me too. If the UK is where he can be loved and live freely - then so be it. We want to enjoy his music for years to come and he has to stay happy and healthy to continue with that creative process. Fortunately for Adam, he has a loving family and a community of friends who love, accept and support him...and a huge fan base as well. But we all agree, we want him to be happy.

Anonymous said...

yes sadly all the Negative Press always comes from America!! i never do a google search anymore as it usually it is always OLD news or misqouted news ripped off from other news reports,i did notice some news taken from the uk press taken twisted and reformed by the american press,i agree lets not give them our support,this Adam Lambert News and Updates is the Best its,Truthful,Fastest with any news and we all ADORE ADAM,its our own GLAMBERT COMMUNITY and its such a Daily Treat
love and Light to all Glamberts and Lambrits everywhere

Anonymous said...

Anon 7.06 I am so sad and truly shocked to learn of America's treatment of gays and how different America is from other countries on this issue. "Gay" has never been an issue within my family or with me so I guess I just didn't pay enough attention.........I am beyond sad and ashamed that my country treats gay people so poorly!!!!
I want Adam to be happy and supported and if that means he has to live outside the US so be it. To the rest of the world, please know that not all Americans feel the same way......many of us LOVE Adam for who he is and have immense respect for this insanely talented, over the top gorgeous, sweet, humble gentleman. I know that my two sons will never have issue with those that are gay....they want to march in the Wash DC gay rights parade because of Adam. I told them absolutely yes and I will be right beside you!!!!!!! We truly do love Adam and have immense respect for him!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:06 I am Anon 5:50

You said this isn't really about politics and then you go on to explain how it is all about politics.

I will reiterate: Let's keep this a safe house for Adam and not a political debate.

Deus te amat and I do too