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Adam Lambert - Black and White

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Adam Lambert will be mentoring the Top 8 on the 13th next week. In addition, he will be performing on the 14th. To celebrate Adam's return to the American Idol stage, let's take a look at his first performance on American Idol in which he performed Black and White by Michael Jackson. Technically, this was his official first performance on the main American Idol stage. (Satisfaction was for the Hollywood week.)

Adam Lambert - Black or White from Pwnoy on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

I remember watching Satisfaction and i wasn't too crazy about Adam, it seemed a little too Jonas Brothers/My Chemical Romance for my taste but i said "the guy got pipes" and i never get too excited about someone so early on the competition.. But when i saw Black Or White i realized he was a great performer too!

Anonymous said...

I took notice at Bohemian Rhapsody and looved Satisfaction. Strangely enough, Black or White was and still is, my least favourite AI performance. Not entirely sure why, but that doesn't mean I don't like it at all.

Anonymous said...

When Adam did black and white i was in love with his singing.

Anonymous said...

Same here, Anon 1:05.
He caught my attention at Bohemian Rhapsody, and then I sorta just went off the radar after that because of college and stuff. When I finally came too, I happened to catch the week where he performed Feeling Good, and I thought to myself, 'Good heavens!! Where on Earth have I been all this while??!' I felt ashamed to have missed so many of his performances before that. Thank goodness for the back to back marathons they aired just before the season finale.

Anonymous said...

Aww. It's like falling in love all over again.

Anonymous said...

It's so cool; they all saw from the very first beginning who he was as an artist and how big he was going to make. Paula especially who cheered Adam and was his biggest fan back from the auditon and all the way to the finals. Kudos to her! :) And Adam seemed a little emotional when he listened judges feedback. I remember watching this performance in the hotelroom and I was seriously impressed right away. That was when I realized who my favourite in the competiton was. That's when I realized Adam Lambert was (and is) The Best ever comes out on American Idol.

Anonymous said...

Just look at that face...Beautiful!~

Anonymous said...

This was the performance that made me fall in love with him.

Were the kissing pictures leaked before or after this?

Anonymous said...

how Beautiful was that to watch!
Adam is just so Special! what a performance,
aah Adam in the making,
yes it is just like falling in love with Adam all over again,thanks 24/7 what a treat xxx

Anonymous said...

I am having goosbumps watching this again. Thanks for posting it. Brings some amazing flash backs. No one comes any closer to him.
AI is OVER!!!
I am falling in love ALL OVER AGAIN!!!

Anonymous said...

I lloved every performance, and I fall in love every time.

I love how he gets a little teary here- happy tears. They love him.

Anonymous said...

Aww i love him so much!!! i actually have listened to this 4 times today on my ipod:)and i love his look in the beginning as well. also has anyone else realize this that whenever adam is singing the judges are watching and have their full attention on him? also simon is always so intrigued and always has a smile one esp in this video. i guess he just can't believe that adam is so good this early on and is doing the things he just did. and i love how the audience in this and in everyone of his songs cheers so loud to where a point the judges have to wait. there are also have been countless standing O's from the audience. i loved how he got a little teary eyed...his dream is coming true standing on that stage:)

Anonymous said...

I remember Seeing adam sing Satisfaction and thats when i fell in love with him. Then when he sang Black or white thats when i really fell in love with him. I miss seeing Adam ever week on idol. This season is really boring.

Anonymous said...

he sang satisfaction and i said wow this man is different, he's got talent and so polished from then on i became adam's fan.

update: 2010 most influential people time magazine: adam is still in no. 5 but catching on conan for no. 4 spot. the power of his fans proved that he could achieve more than 100,000K and it happened. pls vote.

Anonymous said...

Could someone post the Time link again so I can vote! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

So sad that MJ is gone. Watching this video makes me realize how much I miss Paula's enthusiasm. I miss her standing up and dancing and her excited stumbling for words. I remember thinking how goofy she was, but boy does AI need her now. She openly saw the star Adam was to be from day one. I just hope Adam's advice can liven up this year. He'll probably be reticent to say too much, and most of these guys won't listen anyway. But it will be fun to watch. Honestly, I wish they would have the guys stand up there and sing without their guitar crutch. This is not a guitar competition (Casey would win hands down) but a singing competition. The guitar is like a chain pinning them in one position on the stage. It is BORING AI!!!

Anonymous said...

4:15, I feel exactly the same as you. It made me tear up to watch that video and remember the beginning of it all for him. I, too, miss MJ and totally miss Paula's goofiness/enthusiasm/love that just sparkled and made us smile. She knew, from day 1, what a treasure Adam is and how his future would unfold. I'm thrilled that he's going to mentor next week. I know he won't be mean because he's not like that. Perhaps he can get across to them, in a nice way, that they need some STAGE PRESENCE! What a bunch of duds this season is. They put me to sleep. And, by the way, this is not GUITAR IDOL! The only instrument they should cultivate is their voice and not use the props to hide behind. This is a really bad season and I hope it is the last. I don't think the show can survive without Simon. Adam, we can't wait till next week and watch the ratings SOAR! Love you always, from a Jersey girl.

Anonymous said...

Hi 4:32 from 4:15 ;=) I agree. Think this is the last season for AI especially with Simon launching his new talent show. It served its purpose but time for it to go.

Anonymous said...

I was not a watcher of American Idol until I was channel surfing, just in time to see Adam perform Black or White. I had an immediate reaction, I was hooked on Adam. I have listened to, watched, joined web sites, anything to feed my addiction to Adam. This has never happened to me before. Adam became a part of my life, and I care deeply for him and hope he has a successful career, and a happy, satisfying life.

Anonymous said...

It makes me think that if they were not allowed to used guitars as props then Kris Allen would probably not have won and the rightful winner would have been Adam as we all know he should be. I loved Adam from the moment I saw him on the auditions and I never waivered, there was just something about him that made you sit up and taken notice. I remember going into work the next day saying to a workmate that I had seen the winner of American Idol, she knew straight away who I was talking about.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for allowing me to view this again (even though I'm sure it is on YouTube as well). What an absolutely amazing perfomer/performance. And I miss Paula as well!

MiMi said...

Loved Adam since he sang Satisfaction. In fact, I about fell off the sofa. Black and White the next week made me realize we were witnessing the emergence of a super star. What a spectacular season last year was. I wish Adam was on TV every week, too. We were spoiled last year. I can't wait for next Tuesday. I am so happy for our boy.

Anonymous said...

Adam was able to take that whole stage and turn it into magic. Adam is one of the best performing artist around - what a great mentor he will make to those Idol kids that don't seem to get how to pick a good song and then make it your own - plus put on a great show.

Anonymous said...

Adam.. the first time i saw u doing the Bohemian Rhapsody... i started to fall for u.. i love ur voice and i said... hey this guy can be the next american idol...

u r indeed my IDOL forever!!! i love all ur performances on season 8 and never fail to watch them everyday!! (i downloaded them on my pc)


Anonymous said...

i have so much love for ADAM LAMBERT oh guys before o forgot please vote for ADAM for the "Favorite American Idol Contestant of All time" here's the Link :)

:) vote for HIM :)

staygold said...

He makes me feel proud to be his fan-happy that he was discovered-glad that he will be coming on tour soon-sad that we can't see more of him(if you know what I mean) he is personally and physically beautiful!and yes mad MAD MADLY in love with life and the feeling of freedom I get when I watch him perform! Thank you to IDOL for putting him through on your show! You really did find a superstar!

Anonymous said...

I download all of ADAM off itunes, even with Kiss!!!

Anonymous said...

the best ever !!!!

Anonymous said...

To anon. April 7 at 2:02, the photos of him kissing his ex-boyfriend (Brad/"Cheeks") came out RIGHT before this performance. He was scared that would be the end of this once in a lifetime opportunity, so that the cheers from the crowd after this performance meant even more to him. It makes his tears all the more endearing to me.

Anonymous said...

How often are stars "starstruck"? As goofy as everybody thought Paula was, she was just struggling to put into words the emotions that we all feel when we hear him sing. He is so raw and genuine. I can't even imagine how he felt when all of them were gushing over his performances. This makes me want to go back and look at the rest of his AI perfs all over again. There is NO stopping him now!!!


Anonymous said...

i cried, he was soooooo happy and america was so in love with him, now his name is said in a whisper....none of our stores carry his cd, i just don't get it..i'm 72 and i love him!