Skinpress Demo Rss

Adam Lambert Interview with MTV Japan!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 16, 2010

Posted at : Friday, April 16, 2010


Anonymous said...

Please continue to vote on Time poll. #1 is locked in, but #2 and below are still moving until results on Thursday. Adam dropped to #6 - please help bring him back up to the #4 or 5 position.

2 or 3 windows open, voting and refreshing in succession:,28804,1972075_1972078_1972237,00.html

Anonymous said...

ooh that's a shame. I thought the votes didn't count anymore so I stopped voting:(
As for this video. it's a shame Adam doesn't sing Time for Miracles anywhere. I really like the song. I wonder why he doesn't sing it;/

Anonymous said...

I had trouble with that slider, it just would'nt respond correctly for a while...but all back O.K.
So voted!

Anonymous said...

please keep voting..adam is's too bad, someone posted on this site that the voting is over, not at all!!!!!!everyone else is getting votes like crazy.......adam needs our help!!!vote vote vote........just wait for the slider to move to 50 by it's self then slide to vote vote!!!

Anonymous said...

vote!!!!!!!hit refresh and vote again, again and again...we need help people!!!!!!!!!