Skinpress Demo Rss

Adam Lambert interview with My Fox LA

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 15, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 15, 2010


Anonymous said...

I just love Adam.

Please vote for Adam on the Time poll. Tell everyone! Here's how:

Here's the link:,28804,1972075_1972078_1972237,00.html#ixzz0k9kjUYR

I don't twitter, but am voting like crazy. Please tell everybody you know!

IMPORTANT. Open it 3 times and scrunch them down. Wait until the circle pops up at 50% on the slide bar, slide the bar to 100%, type in the little words, click submit, refresh. Go to the second window, do the same, go to the third window, do the same.

It takes a long time to refresh, so with 3 windows open, voting in rotation, by the time you get back to the first window, it's refreshed and ready to go, etc., etc.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting like crazy too, only I don't refresh after each vote, I just scroll down to the list and click on Adam Lambert and then I'm ready to roll again. I do two screens at a time.

My fingers are bloody and I have developed carpal tunnel syndrome, but hey, anything for Adam, right?

Anonymous said...

hi anon 5:34 i have a suggestion go to www.adam lambert-2010 time 100 poll-time" it will bring you to adam's page, no need to scroll down to the list, it is faster and easier. you could open another window if you want with different url keep refreshing adam's page. in my case if i can't read the squidgy or funny words i keep on refreshing until i get the replacement words.