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Adam Lambert is set to appear in Finland's X-Factor!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 16, 2010

Posted at : Friday, April 16, 2010

According to Finland's MTV website, Adam is scheduled to appear in Finland's X Factor on Mary 2nd!

More Info on X Factor MTV's official website


Anonymous said...

Adam's going to be in the birthplace of my grandparents. Yea. I wish I could read Finnish.

Liisa Heikkenen Walkema

Anonymous said...

Please continue to vote on Time poll. #1 is locked in, but #2 and below are still moving until results on Thursday. Adam dropped to #6 - please help bring him back up to the #4 or 5 position.

2 or 3 windows open, voting and refreshing in succession:

Anonymous said...

Please continue to vote on Time poll. #1 is locked in, but #2 and below are still moving until results on Thursday. Adam dropped to #6 - please help bring him back up to the #4 or 5 position.

2 or 3 windows open, voting and refreshing in succession:,28804,1972075_1972078_1972237,00.html

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam will be able to make it there with all the planes banned from flying over Europe. His whole Europe schedule will be upset. But I would rather that Adam be safe and wait for the air to clear.