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Adam Lambert on Sirius XM!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Anonymous said...

I wish Adam would sing " Can't Help Falling In Love With You". That would be wonderful, because it is such a beautiful song.

Anonymous said...

i agree!!!!!!! quess everyone stopped voting for Adam on the time 100 poll, just afew of us are keeping him at #6......what happened!!!!

Anonymous said...

The first picture above of Adam in the suit with the grey mesh vest, tie and that shoulder piece is one of my very favorites! Also that hair is as beautiful as he is...Hope he is getting some down time since his flight was delayed to UK.
We love you Adam, take good care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to above comment-- anony 11:59

Anonymous said...

Almost forget about the shine and sparkle of Elvis. He was a showman.

Anonymous said...

Adam is also a showman...He is so exciting.
Notice that every performance is different and a PIECE OF ART!

Anonymous said...

agree with yes!! adam is a true creative genius


Anonymous said...

to anon 11;36. The time magazine poll is a complete joke, initially they announced that the poll was concluded and named the winner, then they still encouraged people to vote until thursday, it was completely confusing. adam was no. 5 when whey made the announcement. this poll is not very well organized by the time magazine people. anyway, let's be content adam in no. 6. at the moment lady gaga is being beaten alive by two asian contenders, from no.1 to no. 4 but not for long. i will not participate in this type of poll again.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam is having down time. He's probably rehearsing for his tour. If he does go to UK, he may come back later than he planned, and won't have as much time to rehearse when he gets back. He needs to get as much done before he leaves as possible.

Anonymous said...

It would be wonderful if Adam can sing an Elvis song in his upcoming Tour!? Shall we start a movement (this request)?

Anonymous said...

Adam's the only one I can think of to do Elvis songs justice."Can't help falling in love with you" would be hauntingly spectacular! "The Trilogy" would be amazing. A gift for the southern fans, especially funbunn40