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Adam Lambert performs For Your Entertainment at Studio 5!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, April 29, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 29, 2010

Introducing Adam

Performing For Your Entertainment!


Anonymous said...

F**king Brilliant!!!
Adam you look so Stunning and Sexy!!
YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!
UK Lambrit

Anonymous said...

Is it just me of is the dancers a bit off? But Adam's awesome as always.

Anonymous said...

I think the dancers really work well with Adam,it has given Adam alot more confidence to strut his Stuff,
Love this Video and the GMTV FYE video and adore Adams stunning Looks and Beautiful voice,UK Lambrit

Anonymous said...

Adam was awesome. The dancers look like they belong on a darkened hazy stage.

Anonymous said...

Not trying to sound rude, but do the dancers only own one outfit. They have worn the same thing on every performance.

Anonymous said...

i liked the dancers here. i love how Adam dances with them:) i think that's so sexy:) i liked the choreography a lot more this time too. i think it was better than before.the chick with the long hair is really pretty:)

Anonymous said...

In the top video, put your hand over Adam's lower lip.....that's young Elvis!!!

Anonymous said...

Totally not impressed with the dancers. They're just meh.

Loving Adam. He's changed the song up again.

Anonymous said...

the best fye performance sofar .

Anonymous said...

every time he sings this song, he recreates it! such a brilliant man! i love the dancers too...


Anonymous said...

excellent video it equals the GMTV fye video,both are excellent love them and the dancers really work

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable at 3:02!!!! Fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Great version of FYE..don't like the dancer's look but love the coreography. Is that 3 girls and one man. I can't see well enough to tell. My monitor is not so good.Wow Adam must be tired. When does he have time to pose for all these magazines and add rehersals with his dancers.

Anonymous said...

As I've mentioned before, I like the dancers because I think they give Lambert a "context" so to speak, which I think actually liberates him more in some small way, and it works! Regardlesss, Lambert's to die for and LOVED the vocal on this!

Anonymous said...

Wish the hosts/hostesses of the show could have talked to him, or we could have seen their reaction... Adam looked f'n hot, as usual.

Anonymous said...

I like the dancers but they need to practice more so the choreography is tighter. Not all of them are on the same level either. My guess, is that there is no money to pay a prof. choreographer so, they have worked out this routine with Adam. When Adam steps in-line with them, it looks great but they need to step back behind him when he is thru with them and then come back when the song ends. It's not clean or tight when they are competing with his space 100%.
Those dancers need a lot of work to match his greatness up there on stage. Right now, they look a little amateurish.

Anonymous said...

The dancers compliment Adam better here - I think it's because the stage here is bigger and there is more room for Adam and the dancers to move.

Anonymous said...

regarding Adams friends the dancers,i feel they have given Adam more confidence to move more,also if you look at the FYE video the dancers are very close together and are trying to recreate the scene,Adams loves his dancers so come on everyone stop keep bitching about them!!love and Light