Adam Lambert responds Ken Warwick: 'I don't feel like I'm struggling at all'
Filed Under (American Idol ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, April 14, 2010

In anticipation of Adam Lambert’s appearance as a mentor on American Idol this week, Idol exec. producer Ken Warwick told EW on Monday that “at the moment [Lambert's] not doing quite as well [in his career].” Warwick explained that he hoped Lambert’s appearance on Idol would help put him “back firmly where he belongs, as a major star,” adding that “it kind of breaks my heart to see someone with that much talent struggle a bit.”
EW caught up with Lambert at Idol last night during a post-show press Q&A, and asked him about Warwick’s comments. “It’s so sweet of him,” Lambert replied lightheartedly. “I don’t feel like I’m struggling at all. I think things are right where they need to be. My single ‘What Do You Want From Me,’ is just breaking into the Top 10 right now.” The track, which Lambert will perform during tonight’s Idol results show, is currently at No. 13 on Billboard’s Pop chart, and number 23 on the Billboard Hot 100, having peaked at No. 20.
“I’m really glad that they had me on the show,” Lambert added. “I really enjoyed helping the other contestants.” So what it was like for him to sit in the Idol studio audience instead of perform on the stage? “It was a trip being out there,” Lambert said. “My mom was sitting next to me tonight, and she was like, ‘This is what it used to be like for us! We used to sit here and we got so nervous and we’d be chewing our gum really hard and we’d be going Oh god, I hope he does a good job!‘”
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Wha? Did this guy forget who Adam is? He has been paying his dues for years-- he *got* this, ok and if it were easy eveyone would be a multi-national recording star! That's right Adam, nevah let those b*tches see you sweat.
WTH? Seriously? Adam is hot and is platinum in Canada. I don't get this guy or his comment. Adam is traveling the world and doing what he loves and what he is SO very good at. How is that struggling?
Struggling ? Where has Warwick been lately? Adam has been on an international promo tour covering the Far East, the UK and Scandinavian area. He's also done several sold out concerts in Canada. Fans in the US are anxiously awaiting his summer concert tour schedule hoping to get the chance to see him. The album has done well and so has the single WHATAYA WANT FROM ME? He's all over magazine covers and being interviewed for these publications both here and in Europe. He was the perfect mentor for the AI contestants and did a great job with his honesty and encouragement. Can't wait to see him perform on tonight's show. Struggling? I DON'T THINK SO !
What this Warwick guy meant to say during the interview was that the show that he produces, AMERICAN IDOL, IS THE ONE SUFFERING THIS YEAR and they had TO BRING ADAM LAMBERT BACK TO FIX IT!
CD sales does not determine the value of an artist in today's music biz. Live performances, sell out concerts do! There just has to be a buzz about an artist and THERE CERTAINLY IS A MAJOR BUZZ worldwide about Adam Lambert!
Ha ha anony very true. AI is hurting big time. Simon has lost all interest. Ellen--while I love her--is useless as a judge. Kara is a bully. Randy is Randy spouting out meaningless crap. In some ways I feel sorry for the folks performing on that stage. Adam gave them the best advice they've heard all year.
Also agree about the concerts. He will be HUGE on the concert tour. I can't wait. Already have my funds put away to travel if I need to.
Adam's so sweet :) <3
If anyone's struggling, it's Ken Warwick. He's struggling to find his missing humility.
Amen to the above. Adam is a SUPERSTAR. And will be ICONIC !
When rayan talked about Elvis last night, and how iconic he is/was, where you thinking that this is our adam in the making?
Well, I did. I just hope he will not end up like Elvis. I want Adam around for a long time. We all need him.
Love to all my fellow glamberts.
Please vote for Adam on the Times poll and tell everybody you know. Here's how.
Here's the link:,28804,1972075_1972078_1972237,00.html#ixzz0k9kjUYR
I don't twitter, but am voting like crazy. Please tell everybody you know!
IMPORTANT. Open it 3 times and scrunch them down. Wait until the circle pops up at 50% on the slide bar, slide the bar to 100%, type in the little words, click submit, refresh. Go to the second window, do the same, go to the third window, do the same.
It takes a long time to refresh, so with 3 windows open, voting in rotation, by the time you get back to the first window, it's refreshed and ready to go, etc., etc.
maybe warwick was referring to cd sale, with adam's talent and charisma he should chart no. 1 on billboard but then again think of how many illegal downloading people do nowadays. anyway, adam is doing fine.
I like the way the Out article describes Adam's US sales:
"midrange domestic debut sales of For Your Entertainment are only the launching pad for an international career"
whatever Ken! as if you're doing OK...your band, Ricky Minor is leaving you for a late night show (Leno show) man.... you're pathetic Ken. We all are watching and we know who is suffering.
As for Adam, ILY you sweet man of the century! :)
Guys i know you might don't know spanish but please vote for Adam in MTV latinamerica..
"Los 10 Mas deseados del pop" meaning "The 10 most wanted men of Pop"
Ryan has only great things to say about the CD on tonights performance...just saying!
I think Ken really believed he was paying Adam a compliment,but seemed to me a little out of touch,as my experiences with ceo,s,etc have been and somewhat elderly.As usual Adam was gracious and always the gentleman,giving Ken the benefit of the doubt.THink Adam didnt think it was a big deal and I dont either. funbunn40
Keep taking the medication Ken, think you need it a little out of touch..
Looking forward to seeing you this week in UK Adam
from the Glamberts, Lambrits and everyone who loves you.
Keep voting on, thanks for advice Anon 3.54, i have been voting like mad also, but this will speed things up.
Ken like other industry insiders, may have a dif. perspective of success than fans do. AI expected Adam's CD to fly off the shelves back in Nov. While he has sold a lot of CD's--they are judging his success alongside of other Idols who have sold more. It's all about the bottom line for them but Ken failed to explain that Money is and always will be the measure of success with these people.
Ken could have chosen to be more eloquent and just praised Adam but he had to be a wise-guy and say something negative.
When will these AI people learn that they don't sound important when they say these kinds of things about Adam. They just sound ridiculous!
"struggling'..I think Not! Adam is an international Star now who is going Gold and Platinum all over the world!....and full promo has'nt even been underway in the UK and Europe yet! ADAM has been working his butt off touring the globe and winning hearts and spreading glitter everywhere he goes!...but love Adam's gracious response to the situation.
Idol needed ADAM for ratings badly and in turn
at least after this amazing performance people in the U.S. can see ADAM for the spectacular entertainer and star he really is and get over the AMA'S at long last! (It was'nt even an issue overseas!) increase in sales should take platinum now!...
Make Addam a judge next year and see the rating go up.
OMG!!! Adam will be returning to AI...result's night to sing!!!!! please vote at time 100 poll to keep adam from slipping to #6.....
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