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Better Quality Videos of Adam Lambert at HEAVEN!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, April 27, 2010

For Your Entertainment




Strut -



Anonymous said...

I just realized that the DWTS commercial I saw on TV with FYE as the background music was on abc! Maybe abc is reconsidering their stance on Adam?!

Plus, in case you didn't see my post about it earlier, the ONLY week that American Idol has been #1 in the past month (maybe longer) was the week ADAM was on!!!!

Maybe that's why DWTS chose FYE for the TV commercial. They realize ADAM is the ONLY reason they weren't #1 that one week that he was on Idol!!

Makes me feel so happy for and proud of him!!

Anonymous said...

How does he do it that it's different every time? you just can't get bored! especially WWFM. i've heard that song performed by him a million times and he still makes it interesting! Universe bless him!
Poland Loves Adam horny during "Fever". if you watch you'll probably know at which moment;)

Anonymous said...

I am so pleased that Adam released For Your Entertainment as his 1st UK single,its right up our street in music style and a fantastic Video of Sexy Adam,it has had alot of airplay and TV music shows,Album is out next week and cannot wait for all of Adams new UK fans to hear what i have been playing since dec,Adam should be so proud of his interview and Top Class performance on GMTV as he was Superb!! in everyway,HOT,STUNNING,BEAUTIFUL, SEXY!!
Thankyou Adam for coming to The UK and you are well on your way now to Mega Stardom,so pleased for you,Loving the Lambert UK FAN xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Adam is so great, and getting greater every time, if that's even possible! BUT that giant dancer in the fishnets is really distracting. I like Sasha (?) tho, she adds to the act in a good way...she is in Adam's league.

Anonymous said...

adam is surely trending the UK!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that Lambert released FYE in UK as first single too (I never had any doubt he would). And just heard Xtina A.'s new single for the 2nd time today - just confirms for me that Lambert's "FYE" single was right in keeping with what's hot right now, because in my humble opinion, Xtina's new single is very much in keeping with the flavor of "FYE" single. Thoughts anyone?

Anonymous said...

"Plus, in case you didn't see my post about it earlier, the ONLY week that American Idol has been #1 in the past month (maybe longer) was the week ADAM was on!!!!"

Seriously? That's soo amazing.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that DWTS always mentions that they are #1, but the week Adam was on Idol they didn't mention it at all. I knew Adam would bring in Idol viewers!

Anonymous said...

Adam you should be so PROUD of yourself,you have put on some Fntastic performances for us UK Fans,Well Done and Thankyou,
Also i think Adams Dancers (his friends)really work,it gives Adam much more confidence in moving around on stage,he is just getting even more sexier,(if thats at all possible)
Loving Adam so much UK Glambrit xxxxxxxxxx