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Confirmed : Adam Lambert to mentor American Idol next week!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, April 06, 2010


19 spokesperson confirms exclusively to EW that @adamlambert will indeed be next week's American Idol mentor. 3 minutes ago via web

Adam Lambert exclusive: Confirmed as 'American Idol' mentor next week! What do you think?
by Michael Slezak

Adam Lambert will serve as guest mentor on the April 13 episode of American Idol, a spokesperson for 19 Entertainment confirms exclusively to EW. Internet buzz began swirling this afternoon that Sony Music reps had contacted selected radio stations with the announcement that last year’s runner-up would advise season 9’s Top 8 contestants, and then perform his current single “Whattaya Want From Me” on the April 14 results-show telecast. There’s no official word yet on what theme the contestants will tackle during Lambert’s visit.

Lambert as mentor should provide a glittery adrenaline shot to an Idol season that’s struggled to find its water-cooler mojo. Adam, perhaps more than any former contestant, should be able to help Idol’s low-key crop of current contenders add some much-needed drama to their performances. Plus, what better way to promote Adam’s single (currently lodged at No. 20 on Billboard’s Hot 100) and planned summer tour?

Of course, there will be some Idol fans who argue Adam is too inexperienced to don a mentor cap, seeing how only a year ago he ended every one of his performances with a critique from Paula Abdul. Point taken, but what Adam lacks in music-biz wisdom, he makes up for with his knowledge of the singularly grueling Idol experience. Just yesterday, while interviewing season 9’s latest ousted contestant Didi Benami, talk turned to her struggles with last week’s R&B theme, and she didn’t seem to completely understand where I was coming from when I asked her if she’d studied previous Idol successes like Adam, Kris Allen, and David Cook — and the way they managed to sculpt a wide variety of genres to fit their artistic styles, and not the other way around. Surviving and thriving in the genre-a-week Idol rollercoaster is something that a Mick Jagger or a Dolly Parton or even a BeyoncĂ© or a Kanye has never had to do. If Adam can help season 9’s Top 8 to better understand the mechanics of the show — and it results in improved performances — I don’t see how anyone loses.

After the jump, sound off in our PopWatch poll and tell us what you think of Adam Lambert as Idol mentor. (And for all my Idol news and commentary, follow me on Twitter @EWMichaelSlezak.)


Anonymous said...

YIPPEE!!! I'm thrilled that Adam will be a mentor and completely agree with M. Slezak that his experience with Idol PLUS his amazing, articulate and positive way of dealing with people should be a Win! Win! Wonder how he'll dress for the Idol show and performance ... :-) Already set my DVR!

MiMi said...

This is fantastic news!! I haven't watched AI this season at all but I will be watching next Tuesday and Wednesday for Adam. Adam will be great. I can hardly wait. Congrats Adam!

Anonymous said...

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO Excited.. Adam was the best and now he can make this season less boring!! YES!

Anonymous said...

At last I'll b able to sit through an entire season 9 show without pressing that FFWD button constantly!! He will be FABULOUS!!! I always record and watch later.

Anonymous said...

I will watch it if Adam is on. AI is a snooze this year. I just CAN'T believe that after all the auditions (of apperantly thousands) The judges came up with these finalist. No wonder Simon Pumps up the girl with the gitar. She is a SNOOZE, but I guess she is the only one who can carry a tune.
Adam is the ONLY amazing thing/talent to come out ofAI>
So, I hope this rumor is TRUE!

Anonymous said...

If it's true, do you know what it means???
Adam made it BIG!!!!
I am so happy and will watch it. I will NOT vote, SORRY!

Anonymous said...

It probably won't be country music week.

Anonymous said...

awww, I want him to do 'STRUT'

Anonymous said...

I almost faint upon hearing this glamtastic news!!!!! OMG

Silly Sally

Anonymous said...

Does this mean more Adam on TV?????

Anonymous said...

Wow! Adam on Idol again! Too bad it had to end last year, but I'll take whatever I can get.

Anonymous said...

Adam himself just tweeted it was true, this is so exciting!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can see him not only giving good lessons the remaining 8 could use especially about how to connect with the audience and stay on pitch. And I'll bet he'll be very nurturing. He's one of the nicest people I've ever seen in the public eye.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ratings will skyrocket!!! . . i wonder if he will kind of go back to his not so much make up on like he did for american idol? who knows i guess we will see

Anonymous said...

You bet the ratings will skyrocket! What an absolutely boring season. I find none of the contestants interesting. Sure a couple can sing, but so what? It's not just about singing. It's about entertaining, and that is totally missing. You go Adam. Can't wait for your observations. I mean if they had 17 year old Miley Cyrus on there, they can certainly have Adam who while new to recording business, is not new to singing or performing.

Anonymous said...

Who else thinks this is the last year for AI? I agree that they should have/could have found some better talent out of the thousands they screened. They're out there. Adam did spoil AI for a lot of us. Just never going to be another Adam, and that's the way it is.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said.....
I think that Adam Lambert set the bar so high with last season's performances that this season is absolutely boring. Also, the contestants lack personality, charisma, and and appeal for the audience who will be buying and listening to their music. Adam will bring the WOW factor back to Idol again and hopefully to some of the contestants he will mentor.

Anonymous said...

I can't think of anyone better than Adam to be a mentor for reasons already mentioned, plus he's had a wealth of musical experiences in other venues from established musical theater to underground avant garde clubs. I mean, who on earth thinks Quentin Tarrentino is actually a credible mentor; yet, he has been on AI more than once. If I were any of those contestants, I would take heed and follow whatever suggestions Adam has. Too bad he can't be there to help them with song choices. He's the master of song, production, musical styling, and staging.

Anonymous said...

So it's true? For
real? I have to check Adams Twitter. Also, is thy true that Simon fuller is Adams manager? If so, it's perfectly fitting that he would want Adam to be a mentor on his show. This will blow the Internet all over the world!!
Omg! What a great move. Can u imagine how si
on cowell must feel?
I am sooooo happy. Cuz I love Adam.

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking about this the other day. I was like i wish adam could mentor idol this season,but in my head i was like probabily not. I knew he was going 2 sing this season but mentor is like OMG yay i am sooooooo happy 4 him.

Anonymous said...

GREAT. I would think that 18 years of experience would be enough, the only thing he is new at is travelling world wide to promote his album and singles, which by the way he has done outstandingly well.I think this might boost their ratings for one night. He is getting busy again 2 nights in BC this week,and the AI then another gig in Los an geles later this month. He wont have much time for writing any new songs or making videos of his current album. I bet Paula Abdull will come to watch/

Anonymous said...

It's like, okay, Adam, you broke Idol, so now fix it !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I heard that he was helping some of the contestants last year, when he was on it.

Anonymous said...

OMG! am speechless! is this real! is this really happening! greeaaat news! adam will give AI the highest ratings this season, i guarantee. I will not miss AI next week for sure!

Anonymous said...

I will watch at least two AI shows - the two days with Adam. I am sure it will help AI's waning ratings. He will be a great mentor as he is multi-talented - theatre, music and etc.

Anonymous said...

2 nights in a row of his sweet face. I'm drooling already

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see ADAM again! We should campaign to AI that he be allowed to sing 2 songs on Wed. Maybe even Kara's Strut. The
comments on MJSbigblog are almost to 900! What a big bump this will be for AI and I pray that ADAM will gain back some of his fans that were so disappointed after AMA's. I felt bad in his tweet he thought he had to say "it would be family friendly". Anyway, if they don't see what a special person he is=with a god given talent, its their loss.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the ratings will skyrocket!! i wonder if adam will look or dress like he did when he was on idol?

Anonymous said...

anon 3:09 soo funny!! yea!!! woo hoo!!!....for all the naysayers on other sites....boy has been in showbiz for 10yrs in many genres....knows a thing or two about a thing or two!!! so excited..gotta go progam DVR!!!

Anonymous said...

It will be so interesting to see how people react to Adam mentoring. It is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE not LOVE Adam when you hear him speak, his inner light shines, always coming from a place of kindness and love.

He may have temporarily "scared" a few people off a while back, but like the song says - Hold on until it's over! And it's not over for Adam. He's back to capture the hearts of those that got left behind. What a tremendous following he will have after this! This was a brilliant move on the part of Adam's management.

And...he will be a fabulous mentor!!! I can't wait!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Thank you God!!!!!! I am so freakin' excited!!! Two whole nights with our beautiful Adam on TV!!!!! He has REALLY made it!!!!! I don't see Kris Allen being a mentor.....actually he had to share the AI stage with Allison!!! You go Adam!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Someone in the biz commented that Adam has an unbelievable music vocabulary..meaning he knows his stuff. He is schooled in music. He can sing like no one else. He has experience in theatre, recording, concerts, performance, dance, AI alum. Been singing and performing since he was 10 years old. Yeah, I think he can mentor.

Anonymous said...

Let's sparkle up the contestants with a little Adam glam! This will be great!

Anonymous said...

let's celebrate and make AI next week the biggest!

but folks don't forget to keep voting for adam on 2010 most influential people time magazine poll. he is stuck on no. 5 let's help him achieve this most honorable moment, cover of time magazine. for faster result open two windows or two urls and use alternate.

also, challenge yourself, use a timer, i can make 50 votes for 15 minutes my server is slow maybe you could do it better and if you don't understand the squidgy or funny words click refresh right away we can't afford to waste time. our goal is to give adam 6 digits votes TODAY! LET US JOIN OUR POWER LIKE WE DID AT VH1 TOP 20 and make it big for adam.

Anonymous said...

I decided to never watch Idol ever again. Afterall I have my Idol, Adam Lambert, and David Cook as back-up. Plus getting rid of Paula ticked me off!!
Not to vote, just to watch Adam

Anonymous said...

Adam will definitly give Idol a shot in the arm, and help the contestants. They seem to be at loose ends.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Adam is back on idol. Thank god

Anonymous said...

OMG... i'm so exicted!!!

Adam is going to be mentor on Idol next week!!! I think Adam will give some good advice to this year's idol contestants. This is GREAT news!!!

With his years of experiences in the entertainment business... i'm sure Adam will do a great job... well done Adam!!!


Anonymous said...

Yes! Finally, Idol gives us what we've been pinning for all season, but thought impossible to attain: Adam Lambert back on Idol!

Anonymous said...

Well, so a clever move! Ratings were so bad this
year and ADAM will now blow them sky high and out the water and probably into the universe itself! The whole world will be watching after
Adam has been adopted everywhere he has ventured!
MEGASTAR is the word! ADAM IS A MEGASTAR! The world will never be the same again!

Anonymous said...

Adam knows how to convey the type of artist he is in a performance. Unfortunately, many of the current crop just aren’t there yet. For the younger ones-I don’t think they have the life experience to offset the lack of natural ability. For the others = they lack the true confidence from being able to say to themselves “I pretty good at this”. And yes, many Idol contestants last year indicated that Adam helped them …I think that peer support is missing right now

Anonymous said...

Who could be better qualified as a mentor than Adam? No one in my estimation!He had glowing reviews from the SanDiego opera,theatre experience,extensive musical training,standing ovation from Simon.perfect pitch,tenor/baritone wide range,breath control,stage presence,creative ability to make any song his own and can sing it several different ways.He has the admiration of Rod Stewart,Barry Manilow,and other seasoned celebrities in different music venues.I would say he's extremely qualified to mentor.He also always credits A.I. for his opportunities and supports his fellow idols.He's a tough act to follow and no one before or since has brought such excitement and monumental talent to idol. Can't wait to watch. Wish all of his performances on idol could be purchased.They would make a fortune! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

We LUV you just as you are Adam-don't worry about "family friendly".You are for me fiendly and MY FAMILY can't wait for 2 nights of Adam Lambert. Finally some real entertainment on TV! Season 8 had personality and talent that cannot be matched--and for many we wish they could all guest star evey week! I cannot wait til' tour dates are announced(please have a concert in CT. TRUTHFULLY I cannot get enough of Adam(his talent ,charisma, and character are awe inspiring and yes-FUN! sa

Anonymous said...

oops! mispelled friendly-sa

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

AI ratings will shoot up next week for sure! I am so excited that Adam is the mentor and we will get to see and hear him throughout the show! There is no better person to do this and AI is really smart on this one! I hope Adam will get to sing 2 songs.

melissa toronto said...

I having stop smiling since Adam confirmed the news. So I just went back to watch Mad world from Season 8 top 8 where all the judges give Adam a standing ovation. My eyes filled with tears all of a sudden, somehow this time I got so emotional. Ok...this must be HAPPY tears.
Adam, you will be a great mentor!!! AI's management just comfirmed who's the best idol & who will bringing the rating. Can't wait till Tuesday & Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

YAY! This will finally show millions that Adam isn't just what they saw on the AMA's. He will prove that he is a class act with a TON of talent!
They would never have put him on the show as a mentor unless they knew he was just THAT talented!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone catch Idol tonight when Ryan Seacrest mentioned that Adam will be there next Tuesday to mentor and the youngest girl contestant (sorry, I forgot her name)dropped her jaw. Ryan asked her why her jaw dropped and she said she hadn't heard that yet! You could so tell how excited she was!!