Adam Lambert Interview with Ryan Seacrest!! Big News!
Filed Under (album news,interview ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Picture of Adam in the studio with Ryan.

Adam confirmed that he's about to begin working on his sophomore album. And he hopes to release it next Spring!!!
Start the countdown!
Adam confirmed that he's about to begin working on his sophomore album. And he hopes to release it next Spring!!!
Start the countdown!
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I thought they said 2012?
Yay I'm so excited.
I'm so addicted! Frick.
2nd Album - next Spring - heaven.
OMG - this picture!! The leg, the MOUTH, the everything...dayum.
Thanks for getting it posted so fast 24/7.
ps. and why does it not suprise me that it took a minute or two for Ryan Seacrest to get what Adam was saying at the end...Seacrest's idea of happiness and success is different from AL's - big surprise - NOT. (and he's such a fanboy of AL's, can't hide it no matter how much he tries, IMHO). Well, anyway, interesting to hear the little blurb at beginning about E filming the interview...let's see if E airs something on broadcast show or just E-online...and if it's SNARKY or not?? I'm gonna be pissed it they do and it's snarky!!
by the way I aleady have lost patience for adam's upcoming album
What a sweetheart! I love his current CD and especially his live performances of those songs but I'm sooooooo excited that we are soon going to get a new CD. I'm so greedy (or perhaps needy would be a better word) because I want to hear Adam sing his own material plus every GOOD rock and pop song that was ever written just because he could sing them better than anybody. Sigh!!! He is just awesome.
Guys, this means that IF I HAD YOU is the last single off FYE.
:( I wanted more singles.
Sorry sorry!! the correct website is
(adam lambert new fan video)
@9:24AM The link you posted contained a malformed video ID. Please post it again. Tks.
I was curious as how they divided the band and dancers for the buses. Now I know Adam said he has the dancers in his bus and band in other bus. Makes sense, cus they probably have important things to share , which they couldn't if the dancers and band were mixed up betwwen 2 buses. Not sure how Adam will make time for another album, but it will be great, can't wait.
Hey Adam! you're like camping in luxury ( same set up as yachts ) from city to city!... that's fun in my opinion!:} Glitters are a must to Adam's concert... better get me some So glad to hear, you're very happy!!!
Can't wait & excited for Adam's 2nd album to come out!!! let the count down begin... like christmas!:}
Strike while the iron is hot!
I love how RCA/19 are handling Adam. They realize how important it is, especially early in forming a music career, to keep the artist in the public eye, but not to over saturate.
I don't think IIHY will be the last single off his album. I fully expect Sleepwalker to be released in the fall. By the time Sleepwalker dies down early next year, they will hit us with the first single off Adam's new album in early spring. Perfect timing for another single in my opinion.
Hey! Thanks for posting this. I really love it so much! Btw, really really look for his new album =)
Means alot to me.It's all for Adammy
I also think there will be another single, but I think it will be Fever.
This means he can tour again next year. Yay!
Shirley, WOW I like how you think! OMG another tour would be awesome! Adamluv
Can't wait for his next CD! And I agree with the previous post who said he should sing every good rock song -- because no one else can sing it better!!!! So true! Two good examples from AI, Whole Lotta Love and Born to Be Wild! I've never seen two songs generated such excitement. And I would love to see him do a few duets with Alison. To this day, when I hear "Slow Ride" I think of them -- not of Foghat. :)
MassGlamFan...and...Glambrit UK.....Ay,ay,ay, mamacitas!.... A new album c0ming directly fr0m GlamG0d t0 y0u 2? Great gift f0r y0ur birt#day, yes, indeed! C0ngratulati0ns!...........Fan4fun
"One of the Good Guys" says it all...Just love listening to him speak, and am so excited to know his new album will be out "in the spring", which HOPEFULLY means another Summer Tour!!!!!! That means just getting through the winter....without a concert to look forward to....Hoping to see him on TV from time to time though...award shows, talk shows,... his own special...(.I can dream, can't I?????) more Idol involvement, whatever we can get...I'm thinking someone could be very successful opening a chain of "Glam Nation Withdrawal Treatment Centers" throughout the country, where we can watch hours of Glam Nation tour videos, and where we can pick up our anti-anxiety meds which will be needed until the next round of concerts, and which will also be handy to have on hand for the Ticketmaster pre-sales next year....They are required in order to reduce the shaking hands and racing heart (and the swearing...I'll admit it..) that always seem to happen, at least to me, when trying to get those close- to- the- stage seats (or ANY seats) and the %#*#*! * site just keeps saying "the tickets are not available...please try again later." ARGHH!!! Just thinking about it makes me all crazy!!!! Phew....can hardly wait....!!!! And the little girl was so cute, although I have to contradict her comment that her family are Adam's biggest, MY family is!!!! (Including all of us here of course...) And oh yes, that picture above is absolutely stunning (as usual...). Got myself all excited now, so better take my own advice and re-watch some GN videos...take some slow, deep breaths...., and, oh yes, time for my meds......
In my opinion, Adam's first single and the one performed on that awards show should've been "Whataya Want From Me". I truly believe the song would've gone to on Billboard. "Sleepwalker" should've been the second single - again, another potential number one. By then, he could've released anything he wanted to as a third single, but "Fever" would have been a good choice. "FYE" was not a good choice as a single, period, let alone the first one. And after the AMA's, I think the people that run the radio stations(staight middle-aged men?) and perhaps the dj's had it in for Adam. "Whataya Want From Me" went to no. ten and it still wasn't played as often as it should've been. I heard Kris Allen more, and what's he doing now?
I hope it's an ALL ROCK album.
I think there will be at least one-two more singles from the FYE album. Hey, it's likely a year away before the release of his new album, and there are some great songs on his first. Fever is one that will probably be released everywhere except US because of homophobic Americans. What about Soaked. This seems to be the favorite of many people. No, it's not rock, but it's a great song (TY Matthew) showcasing Adam's brilliant voice.
Pick U Up is the best pop song IMO. Don't know why he's avoided it, but he has. Think it has the potential of WWFM. So many options, so little time.
Was always disappointed in the lack of play TFM received. Have to agree with Brian May that the song should have been a major hit. Stations have to play it. Guess some people thought it was too corny, smaltzy or whatever.
Hope it's NOT an all rock album. This is not Adam's forte'. JMO And Adam wouldn't do an all rock album anyway as his music taste/style is too eclectic.
Hes such a workaholic.
Oh, now that I have taken my meds and I can start to think rationally again, I have to agree with 9:30 and 11:23...Adam can take ANY song and make it better than the original....My husband, who is a big fan as well (bless his heart), is CONSTANTLY saying that, with no prompting from me (its true...)...When we watched Idol this season he was always saying, "Well, just think what ADAM could have done with that song....." No kidding......
And I also have to second (or third, or whatever...) the thoughts that Sleepwalker would make a great next single, it has such universal appeal and I would also love to see Fever be released as this point, everyone knows his "preference" so don't think the word "he" will make much difference, and even if it does to some, they probably wouldn't be listening to it anyway....It's just such a GREAT song, I hate for it to be "buried" just for that one little word.... Just my opinion, for what its worth...So many newer TV shows( for instance "Modern Family"-love that show, and "Brothers and Sisters") and movies show gay couples (and singles) living normal lives and its time to acknowledge that in song as well....Not the main reason to release it though, it's just a great happy, get-up-and-dance sexy song....and the one I listen to every day on my way to work, just before I get out of the car...just puts me in my "happy place" to give me a good start to my day....No body can rain on my parade after listening to THAT song....
Adam Lambert tweeted that he wants "to be a f--king billionaire so bad". Here's a novel idea: Get 19 Entertainment to film your Glamnation Tour and release a "LIVE" video. With all of the fans here, and more importantly all the fans internationally that live and die by what they can see of you on YouTube, You'd sell a bazillion copies. I think that would give you a good start to that billionaire dream.
@ 1:03, I would love to see a documentary about his tour and life after American Idol - with him giving his thoughts on Idol and the whole trying-to-make-it-pop-music thing. Would be very interesting. Good idea? Bad idea?
Anon 1:03 pm
Sounds good me, I know I'd buy one (or one for me and all of those who went to the concerts with me....and that will be more than a few....) Think its time to do some "Tweeting", just joined Twitter, so will be good practice...Also emails.....
Anon at 1:03 (the first one..)
Yes, GOOD idea...
OOPS meant anon at 1:11 the first one....guessing those meds have kicked in....
There's some unrequited love here, and I'm not sure that it's Adommy. I don't think it is Cheeks either. MA and IIHY spell it out I think. Interesting. Should make for an interesting next album.
Oooooh, I love that photo...haven't seen it in a long while!
And YES, "One of the good guys" indeed Ryan.
Thanks for saying that about our boy.
I hope we WILL be seeing an Adam segment on E!
Hi to everybody, while I'm still catching up!
LOVING THIS THREAD!! I can feel the excitement through the screen :)...
And regarding the lamenting about how certain FYE single releases played out and such (which I do too, we probably all do, out of concern :)) my POV is this - no use crying over spilled glitter... and on to bigger and better things!!
ps. Thanks Fan4Fun :)!
Happy happy B-Day, MGF and GIOW! Nice Adam news for you two as well as all of us! Hope his new album will be a mixture, like last one, something for all of us and different moods. Would love to see Fever, Sleepwalker, Soaked, Pick U Up and Broken Open as videos. I just can never get enough of that man! Ryan always does a good interview with Adam and supports him, but he's a little shallow when it comes to what's really important in life as Adam stated. I think Adam really gets his fans now, In the beginning I think the fan attention was intimidating and eerie for him, but now he seems more comfortable and having fun with us. He brings such joy and I think he feels it coming back at him. Ditto, Glitzy lady, hope meds will help, but don't think anything out there will take the electric edge off. The magnetism is too strong! Oh happy day! Can't wait for new album! Don't forget Adam rerun on Oprah tomorrow! funbunn40
p.s. to anon at 12:20, the reason Adam has avoided Pick U Up is because he says it's REALLY hard to sing live. He and the band have tried to work it out and haven't gotten it down just right yet. (Plus it doesn't fit into the theme he wanted to create in this tour.)
Yep Anony 1:40, it would be hard to sing live, but it's still a great song. I think Pick u Up it does fit the theme, right there with IIHY. It has had a bit of studio modifications that would be difficult to translate to live performances.
One other comment. Wasn't Adam quoted lyrics when he said he wanted to be a billionaire so bad?? I thought he was--those in the know, please let me hear the word on this.
Got fantastic seats for Houston and OK. Really close. It's almost scary :)))
I’m not one of those who want to see Adam releasing another album as soon as possible. I don’t want to see him burnt out as an artist. I want for him to have more time to think and create after his own soul. I want for him (and the team of his choise) to write long-lasting songs much more than great summer hits. I'd admit there are a couple of songs on his current album that have this potential. (Will see, won't we?) And I want for him to have time to chase up those people he wants to work with so the second album will be epic ...and reach the top of charts, of course.
But I’m definitely waiting for a live album from Glam Nation Tour instead. THAT would be a hot item on the market and feed some hungry fans while BB takes some time off the public eye...for creative purposes (and personal ones)!
he's goin to be beezey!!!! it's great that he gets to take some time to make music..i know he's goin to really make this somethin worth waitin for..he's goin to have to think about everything he does because although his fans will wait music will not....
..../he's goin to have to think about everything he does because although his fans will wait music will not>....
Thanks funbunn40 - and yes to your "The magnetism is too strong!" I'm so far down the rabbit hole of my AL addiction it's sorta scaring me a little! (good word Anon 1:49, and close seats to me would be almost scary too). But the pull is too strong, I can't seem to break away, lol. Maybe I need some of glitzylady's meds too.
ps. Hey There Sweetie, hope the catching up is going well :)! Adamluv says Allison and Ori are on SYTYCD this week - yeah!
AWWWW- "one of the good guys"!! Hard to imagine that Sleepwalker won't get out there as a single. Hey, no one ever mentions Loaded Smile - so cool and translates to everyone who has ever questioned a relationship experience(everyone), besides being incredibly melodic and a showcase of that sexy, powerful voice.
yea, Ryan and Adam seem to knock heads about the meaning of "IHY" Ryan seems to see the song as a song...
I wonder what the new year will bring for Adams band. With Monte having twins and a couple of other kids,he won't see them much. Longenue said he wants to get married to his girlfriend. I don't think Adam will find a lasting relationship unless he stays in one state long enough to find one, ha ha ha and that isn't going to happen any time soon. Then there's Tommy, I think he had a girlfriend before the tour, but he has the same problem as Adam, they don't stay in one place long enough.Now if they could find someone who works behind the scenes, not actually in the performance. just thinking!
I think it was the video for "IHY"...maybe a lot of people were not ready for Adam's interpretation of the song used for the music video..
BTW, have anyone heard of this? Do you know what is all about?
# RT @MIHollywood: RT @MikebTheWriter: @adamlambert is holding auditions at @MIHollywood Musicians Institute.
# Drummers needed for adam Lambert call this # for audition info (323) 860 1118
# @adamlambert is holding auditions at @MIHollywood Musicians Institute.
Yes, Adam was listening to a popular song in a taxi and was quoting lyrics to the song...thinking he was feeling pretty good about life that day...
And, the anti-anxiety meds I referred to were only to be used in extreme cases of withdrawal from the Glam Nation Tour concert joyride that we've been on for awhile...when the realization that it will be over in the fall finally sets in and there is nothing on the horizon for awhile....obviously nothing can help us with our Adam Lambert addiction and who would want that anyway???? I like being fully awake and functional to watch the videos, listen to the interviews, and just enjoy all of the great moments he has brought to us....and all of the "happy" feelings that they cause within my soul and other places...Wouldn't mind a little help with the "Ticket anxiety" part but then again, that feeling of elation after getting those tickets is worth it all....And the close seats thing....all the better to see nothing but Adam...Oh dear, the mind wanders again, back to the Seattle concert....the sweat and the glitter........Oh, oh, ...Flashback...Gotta go now... Post-concert cure for that either...
Oops... my Anon post @ 1:03...I didn't know they were lyrics. SORRY ADAM! I was just trying to back you up with a great idea to make all that dough!
Oh, Adam, Adam! with all that glitter and glamor and yet can be such a deep individual!!! Another thing to love about you!:} Never cease to amaze me!!!
And loves funnel cake!... I don't think I have tried that... but anything deep fried I can't resist!... lol I'm sure it's yummmy!:}}
So excited for a new album!!! I hope it's another mix of different types of music like FYE (rock, pop, electric, etc...)
I think Ryan is sort of an awkward interviewer, He didn't seem to get the meaning of IIHY either.
Adam was great, as usual. I loved the drag queen story.:) The little girl was really cute too.
The Costa Mesa fair sounds like a lot of fun, but not especially for Adam. He can't go anywhere in a crowd. Hope someone brings him some funnel cake, cuz he sure can't go get it himself.I heard he had sold out one of the nights 8,500, but I didn't hear about the other night Thats a lot of people.I think the tickets are very cheap.
Hi Glamberts
no kidding but i was drooling over this picture of Adam sat on the table draped in black and wearing those excitingly tight pants only last night in my own Adam Gallery wishing i could get a poster of it....and bless 24/7 for showing it was taken while Adam was on his International Tour...(adam has worked so hard in the last 7 months)..
thanks funnbun and Fan4Fun for sending me Bertday Wishes...
also H*A*P*P*Y* *B*E*R*T*D*A*Y to GlamMassFan xx
yes i was a lucky girl one of my pressies was WWFM CD(again) and the beautiful poster of Adam the one with blue hair with arms outstretched ..i wanted that poster so much
and now news of new album....What a great bertday i am having!...hic hic thud!!!!!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
@Glambrit Isle of Wight
Adding my Happy "BERT-day" wishes as well..that picture at the top of the page is enough to make anyone's day.....maybe someone will take pity on us and make a poster of it as well......had to scroll up to take another little peek before I continued...
Hoping you will soon get the BIG PRESENT from Adam.....and of course what I am referring to is the good possibility that you will see him in the UK in person....and then you will truly be "Berting with Happiness"!!!
OMG, that'll be jus around my birthday then. yay for spring birthdays!
Don't know if this is where I should post this, but I'm going to his concert tomorrow night and am SOOOO excited!!!! I've got a "glitter tattoo" (temporary) that is the Chinese characters for "WILD" and Adam's name above it! My daughter also got a tattoo!! Spent a FORTUNE on scalper prices to be up close and able to see his glitter!!! Worth every cent!! I can't wait!!! LOVE this guy!!!
Hey Glambrit Isle of Wight UK @ 4:17 - been waiting to see you post today to wish you a HAPPY BERTDAY!! I'm super jealous about your poster Glamsistah... but since I give my kids a terribly hard time about putting posters all over the walls in their rooms, I hardly think it's fair for me to pin one up in mine :)... however, my iPod Touch never leaves the bedside-table once night new one that I loaded up with all sorts of AL goodies since I gave my child my old ipod and don't have to share anymore, lol...I'm working on a special AL playlist too for my hubby, since he put forth so much effort installing those little ipod speakers on the bedside table also ;)...have started playlist off with Fantasy Springs WLL - any suggestions??? Anyone??? :).
On-Topic now, lol, I hope Kiss LA puts IIHY into heavier rotation now that this interview has been conducted and aired!!!! Heard it on Kiss 108Boston on our way to dinner tonight - yay.
And @Anon 5:15pm - have a great time at your concert tomorrow - so cool you'll be up close (as I said above, I seriously don't know how I would react to that, lol) and yes, I'm sure it will be worth every cent - please come back to 24/7 and tell us all about it if you can! Thanx.
Also, @ Anon 2:06 PM - I absolutely positively love "A Loaded Smile" for all the reasons you said and more! He performed it live at River Rock and Vancouver - which you probably know, lol, but if, somehow :), you haven't seen this, here's link:
The first link is a Suz526 vid and is great.
Want to send Happy Birthday wishes to MGF and GIOW/UK. The news about the next album I'm sure added more happiness to your celebrations!
MGF, someone from my office heard today that 92ProFM is having a contest for a meeting with Adam when he appears in RI which is a few days before he is in MA. I haven't had any time to check this out but I thought I would pass this along to you. Enjoy the rest of your night!
Oh, MGF, and thanks for the "Loaded Smile" link. Somehow I missed that one and I love the song.
Anon @ 2:24
I thought Monte was writing and had plans to tour with his own album next year.
Anyone else hear this?
I have been watching videos of Adam on You Tube for over 2 years now, so no one has to worry that they will not see news about Adam. I would guess that any move he makes someone will make a video of it. Also, Adam is a very good song writer. Can't let you go is really good, I wanted him to sing it on Tour, but didn't get a reply. Another song he wrote, Shiver, is sexy and a great dance tune. I would love to hear him rework, and rerecord that one. There are many videos of him singing before American Idol. Adam singing a song from Brigadoon is very beautiful. From time to time i have to revisit the videos of Adam singing at the Upright Caberet. I love those videos!!
Thanks for the people posting links on this thread. Enjoyed them!!!
Anon 7:06
I too love all the pre Idol stuff (as well as during and after) and have them all saved.....Brigadoon, Upright Cabaret, the Prayer, Is Anybody Listening and so on. Love to re-watch a lot of the interviews, too. I guess I can call this a new "hobby".
Hey there Glamily,
Love this thread today. Happy Bertday to MGF GIO/UK:) Worked all day but this quote keeps ringing in my head."There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come." Adam's time is NOW. I feel like he is my Burning Man Experience. He generates sunshine ( which we need in the Seattle area ha) and gives me creative ideas that will help me accomplish things that need to be done. Feel so much youth has returned. Also Sleepwalker HAS to be a single next.
Just some thoughts. lmb
That picture is of Adam is gorgeous.
2011 is going to be another good year for an Adam fan. hehe.
imho, Fever should be the next single. I think it
would have been successful as the first single.
They could always redo the pronoun for the stodgy
US (tho it seemed ok to sing I kissed a girl and
I liked it on the radio..) and then keep the original for Europe, Canada,etc.
The young people here have always said Fever is their favorite song on the album. Even the ones
who aren't big Adam fans admit Fever is really
a great party song.
I wonder who is standing in line to collaberate with Adam!! I imagine a few are. He really is getting great feed back from his fans. Alot of fans do love his ballad type tunes because of his range and voice that just takes you away. I love his song Can't Let You Go. It shows so much emotion. I believe the next single will "Soaked" that is my personal favorite. He won't go kitchy on this one....a slow one is in order now...then I think the next one will be "Strut" that is another fun one which he also enjoys performing.Just saying what I think will sound good on the radio. He is big on the Adult contem. stations and sirus radio too...that says alot about his range of fans. If I do say myself are the best fans on the planet and by the way we are all over the planet!!
OMG that pic....MY EYES, MY EYES O_O ...He is so Gorgeoussssssssss...No wonder Ryan was losing it. Dayummmm he is smokin HOT. <3
Hello! Mr. Dreamy!!!
Can anyone tell me why there are so many pauses on the videos. Sometimes it like 2 words and pause.You actually cannot follow the song.
I hope he works again with Max Martin and Dr Luke. He needs to work with people who are proven hit makers.
Thanks Glitzy for info. That quote about wanting to be a billionaire just didn't sound like something Adam would say. I'm sure he loves and enjoys his monetary success, but he's trying to minimize it. Ryan, with the mega-million contract, just doesn't get that quality at all, does he? Oh well, Ryan is a very talented and ambitious and successful man. Everything he touches seems to turn to gold. Glad he played IIHY--finally.
Great that Adam and management are encouraging a new album. No room for relaxation or vacations in the music industry. Need to keep pushing whle you're hot. And our boy is major HOT.
Has anyone heard Ke$ha's new song. Don't like to be negative, but major Yuck. Is that what is called autotuning. I'm beginning to believe that woman can't sing a lick.
Happy **Adam Lick** Bertday, MGF and GIOW/UK!!!!!!! I hope you wake up tomorrow, covered in glitter, your eye liner smeared 1/2 way down your face, and have a vague recollection of how much fun you had tonight!
A new Adam album in the spring AND this HOT picture (that makes me all wiggly...yes) both in ONE post?? Wow, this is like our own little present.
I will be so curious to hear the new album. Who knows what it will sound like...hopefully, all across the board again - as I agree with Adam - that is the way people listen to music these days, and that keeps things interesting. And here's hoping for some major collaborations for him, again!
- Adam Fix
Love his smile. Just makes me feel happy.
Hi 8.35pm. Yes that quote in Adams twitter is a direct quote from Bruno Mars singlr "Wanna be a billionaire" Which on the video on tv is "I wanna be a billomaire so freekin bad" But apparently there is a version of the "f" word.
I remember Adam saying he loved his voice it was real pretty for a guy. Maybe our boy should listen to himself a bit more, to me his voice is the prettiest ever, like an angel one minute then like a rock god the next.
re: adam's billionaire statement,he's said that this concert is on a budget and he would love to have unlimited funds for his concerts for special effects,etc. He would have unlimited creativity to light up the universe! He could produce his own movies and projects. My big concern is who is watching the record companies, contracts, etc to read the fine print and make sure no skimming, padded expenses, etc is happening. He needs are to own the rights to any song he writes and there are so many entertainment predators out there. Maybe Eber and Neil could keep a watchful eye, as Adam is so caught up in the entertainment side. Just read a book about Sammy Davis Jr.called "Deconstructing Sammy" by Matt Birkbeck, written in 2008. It goes into detail how millions were lost through bad business deals,unscrupulous recording deals by big label co.s,fraudulent legal advice, theft of personal belongings and in the end his fault for out of control spending and not auditing these people and giving them carte blanche and ultimately bankrupting him.and The IRS took what little was left. Things are happening so quickly for Adam and I hope he won't be too trusting. There's a lot of double dealing in this business and he needs to protect himself and know where every cent is going. Then he may very well, if he protects his assets become that billionaire. Oprah signs all of her checks. He needs to get a referral from Didn't mean to go on, must be the mother in me trying to protect Adam. Would love to share this with Adam, Eber or Neil, but with over 500,000 twitters for Adam and many for Neil and Eber, it's pretty unlikely. They're all sharp and probabaly have their bases covered. Sure hope so. funbunn40
funbunn40 - you are like a guardian angel for Adam. Very sweet.
- Adam Fix
OMG! people! it's just the title of the song! Don't take it literally ( word for word )... LOL
Adam might just happens to like the song NOT the title!!!... fcol You guys are so over thinking
Not sure its was really "over-thinking" so much as wondering what it meant, when taken out of context....because it didn't sound like something he would say, on the surface of it...unless you knew the "rest of the story"..... Some of us ( at least I do..) tend to be a bunch of protective worry warts when it comes to things "Adam"...It's that "Mom" thing, can't help it....But so many things he says or does get taken out of context, and hit the tabloids and media and the next thing you know its "Lambert is just in it for the money and wants to be richer than Bill Gates.." or some equally stupid thing.....It just gets us thinking about things that do relate to Adam re money,...hence the immediate thought was that if he does become that successful (here's hoping..), he will be someone who gives back to those in need and to good causes, something I am sure he has thought about as well...and something he already does. When I first read that tweet, when it first came out on Twitter, I had to look at it again, said, "Huh???"..., then realized he was just jamming along in the taxi and excited that pop music is so much fun..and he's in the middle of it ...quoted a lyric. from the song (which I have heard, so I knew what it meant..)..and that's all....nothing more than that. But when someone sees that as a quote from him ,out of context, it doesn't quite sound right, coming from him...until you realize that he just was liking the song...It made him happy.....he was having a great day, and he just had to share it with everyone, friends and fans...
Wow, a bunch of mother hens here :)) Adam is one smart dude. Let's give da boy some credit.
Thanks to all who enlightened E1 about the lyrics. Adam keeps "preaching" about money & success not meaning a dang thing without someone to share it with.
Adam isn't a spoiled kid from a super rich family. He understands what's happening and will be careful, so don't worry. Be happy, and just look at that beautiful face. GN all. Sweet dreams.
Happy Belated bday MGF and GIOW/UK!
Here is the latest from Suz 526 at Costa Mesa 7/27!!!!!!!!!!!
1) Sweetie, are you sure it was Pick You Up that Adam said was too hard to sing? It is my fav song on the CD too and I recall hearing that but about one of the other songs.
2) Also, here is Eber's tweet from the OC tour 7-27:
@adamlambert Rock hard cuz Dads here
3) Here are the pics of his mom looking for the families' seats that I took 7-24 at Thunder Valley (she was 2 rows in front of me-she's beautiful in her see through top!):
4) Here is a link to a GREAT Adam article
Whew! I think that's it for now but I am probably forgetting something!
I'm writting from Spain, I discovered Adam Lambert 12 days ago (the single is WWFM), but his music is not promote here and it's very difficult to find his music on the radio or even on tv (clips). Right now we don't have dates for a concert (it's not confirmed). I just can see all about Adam Lambert on youtube, thanks of course to all of you.
I can't stop watching videos, I don´t know what have that guy that I'm hooked on him.
I really think that he has a gorgeous voice and also a big presence on the stage.
I think I'd never happened this to me with any other singer/showman, so I'm starting to scare!!!!
*I'm sorry because my english is not quite good.
You are welcome here, Adam fan from Spain. You are in for a treat. Nice to have you on board, I am in New Zealand, and the people on this site seem to be from all over the world. It would be nice if we could all write a comment with a name and for everyone to introduce themselves. What do others think? Jan.
You can go to and find the FYE page if you want to talk to fans with names and share your love for Adam. There is a group there who loves him and talks all day! Loos for the discussions below the FYE and join in the fun!
Ha! Yes, I worry about Adam too! Not a maternal thing for me cos married long time but never wanted kids-managing Adam would be a dream job because he needs his own management not tied to Sony!
Man, he looks tired in the picture. Give him a break of at least a week!
I also want to get something of him when he finally comes over to Europe and not collect his remains...
Phew... took a looooong time to all the above comments! Very entertaining I must say..
Yay so happy to hear Adam's coming out with second album! Honestly speaking I love all songs from his FYE album n would love to see him make music videos for all of the songs! Lol .. that sounds greedy!!
Adam I hope u get to keep all ur moneys u've earned thru ur hard work!! Plz get someone reliable to handle ur finances!!.. just worried
Wish Adam every success!!! :))
Ooops.. I meant to say.. it took me a long time to read all the above comments!!! Sorry for the glitch!!
Love this pic. What a knock-out!! He could auction his sperm for charity!
The old saying is "Make hay while the sun shines". Well, Adam is making "hay" (good music and great performances), but he does NOT need to worry. The sun will shine on him for a LONG TIME! You can't possibly have time to read what people write, Adam...but if you do...just know WE LOVE YOU!
To Daydreaminmylif,
I'm sure I heard (or read) Adam say that about Pick U Up. But I did also hear (or read) him say Time for Miracles was hard to sing maybe that's what you're thinking of? He said TFM strained his voice to the limit, and didn't sound like he had any plans to ever sing it live...whereas it sounded like he was trying to work out how to sing Pick U Up live.
Glad everybody figured out about the "I want bo be a billionaire so f**king bad" song featuring Bruno Mars that Adam was quoting. It's a great song and video if you haven't seen/heard it. Very happy and upbeat, with a line about Oprah that makes me laugh every time.
Loved this article:
Hey Glitzylady - I left you a reply on the "Two Adam songs on airplay charts" (or whatever it was)string.
We HAVE to find a way to meet in person some day. I'm still SO bummed we weren't able to find each other at the SODO show. :( You are a hoot, and we always seem to be thinking the same things (and in the case of Adam, I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing - ha, ha!).
MGF and GIOW/UK - did you two have amazing birthdays? Hope so - you deserve it!
xxoo - Adam Fix
anon at 8:33
OMG! Thanks for posting this article!
Sweetie, thanks for that info. That makes me very happy that at least he and the band tried very hard to perform Pick U Up. It is such a great song and I think would become way more popular if he had included it. Also too bad about Time For Miracles! Maybe someday somewhere he will sing's hoping.
Thanks again,
@Adam Fix 8:49
Yes, we WILL figure out a way...are you S, N, E, W, or IN Seattle??? I'm north, near Everett.....That shouldn't give too much away...
Au contraire, when it comes to Adam, its ALWAYS a good thing...he always inspires great minds to think alike, don't you agree????? But, I do get what you are saying..."Wink, wink'.... Will post a response on the other thread to your other comment there....
Hi glitzlady - I went back and read your response. Loved it! Right there with you, all the way. I have lost my mind. At least I'm not alone, or I'd think I was COO-COO!
I work DT (are you ever DT?) and live to the N. Not as far as you. Near Wedgwood...let's figure this out! I will say this - whenever/wherever we meet each other, everyone in the nearby vicinity better wear earplugs because there will be some excited, and high decible, gushing and shrieking about Adam. I know I'll embarrass myself, but I don't care! No, seriously, I'll keep it in check - it's just that I don't have any friends that are as obsessed with the boy as I am, so it would be really, really fun to meet another crazed fan in person, to "discuss" and "analyze". :D
- Adam Fix
Thanks to EVERYONE for the birthday wishes - you're all so sweet!
Loved this thread!
I normally love me my East Coast something fierce...but man would I love to live near glitzylady and Adam Fix for just a day and be able to be in on that meeting!!!!! I feel so in tune with what you guys say all the time.
Anway, just want to also shout out to lmb about your comments at July 27 7:29PM - I loved how you said "I feel like he is my Burning Man Experience." I bet a lot of people feel that way, think that was so profound lmb.
Thanks Daydreaminmylif for you post/info at July 28, 2010 2:04 AM
Wait a minute - lmb lives in the Seattle-area, too - right? Maybe we could all meet each other someday?? Just a thought. :)
- Adam Fix
8:35 yea, u got it..he needs to just drop it while it's hot...!bb!
@Adam Fix - left you one final response on that Sacremento Concert thread about the Body Roll Testing position. ;)
@Adam Fix (and all..)
Hubby works DT.....and I mean right downtown,so hmmm....
I also have a "network" of other rather enthusiastic fans that I met with just the night before the Seattle show DT and I'm sure the other people in the restaurant were a bit bemused (or amused...) One I had met before, the others for the first time but we had been in touch....
and yes, lmb is from here, we have discussed meeting at the Puyallup...
Looks like Adam is taking over the world, one fan at a time...
How about a big 24/7 convention.....
and MGF, next time I get to Boston....and Cape Cod....who knows.. BTW, Seattle is beautiful this time of year....
@glitzylady - :)
@AG July 27, 2010 6:38 PM - thanks so much for the tip on the 92Profm contest. I had already signed up when I read your post :) - but thanks just the same - that was so nice of you!! That venue is closer to me than my Foxwoods venue was!! I'm so irritated with myself that I didn't go for it and get tix to that concert! Oh well, maybe I'll win contest :)...somebody has to win, right?!! I had a dream last night about my Uncle winning a contest and meeting Adam Lambert and he brought me along - weird - but maybe a forshadowing moment LOL. Thanks again.
pop music started to fade away so fast that writers and producers prob had such a difficult time keeping up with it, so when Adam's album was released, it received mixed reviews because it wasn't exactly the type of music that people wanted to hear esp from Adam..
adam you are the most gorgeous man ive ever seen. when god made you he gave you everthing'
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