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Cute Comic Strip!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 15, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today is going to be a quiet day compared to yesterday but here are something to enjoy and laugh in the meantime!

The Producer's Requirements for Adam Lambert's American Idol Performance!

Click to enlarge

Credit: painted_birdie


Anonymous said...

It was hilarious when I got to the end!:) Do you guys know of a japenese guy called Hard Gay? Check him out in youtube! He always goes "woohoo"!:)

Anonymous said...

omg this is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Adam would get a kick out of this! So funny! Actually no restrictions were even brought up with him.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam sees this. So funny. Thanks

Anonymous said...

He was so excited after his performance when he said he brought the lasers. This reflects that perfectly. Very funny.

Anonymous said...

these characters made me laugh ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Adam has decorum, he knows how to act and where.

Skit funny

Anonymous said...

This was cute!