Randy Jackson: Adam Lambert is 'one of the best' of all season!
Filed Under (American Idol,article,news,praises ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, April 13, 2010

'He's going to be one of the best mentors, I think, all season,' Jackson says.
It might be tough to think of who could be the perfect person to replace Simon Cowell on "American Idol," but Randy Jackson said that he's excited to have Adam Lambert return to the show just one season after placing second to Kris Allen.
Lambert will appear on Tuesday's show as a mentor to the contestants and will perform his hit "Whataya Want From Me" on Wednesday. Jackson thinks this crop of "Idol" hopefuls can learn a lot from the show's latest superstar. "Yeah!" he laughed to MTV News about having Lambert return as a mentor. "Adam is great, man! He's über talented. The guy is a star. He just went through this last year with us barking at him from the stage. He almost nearly won."
So, what qualities might Lambert bring as a mentor, following in the footsteps of this season's past mentors like Miley Cyrus? "You know, I think he's gonna be really great because he knows, first and foremost, what they're going through [as contestants] and what the feelings are and what's happening and what's gonna happen," he explained. "So he's going to be one of the best mentors, I think, all season."
Lambert's appearance on the show coincides with the release of his remix EP, which will feature reworked tracks from his debut album, For Your Entertainment, as well as new song "Voodoo." Lambert also revealed that his next single will be "If I Had You," with a video slated to film in April.
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I luv Randy!
See this well thought article about Adam and the Arkansas vote. American Idol owes Adam an apology:http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2890062/how_adam_lambert_the_star_of_american.html?cat=2
Just read the article 3:04. Recommend it to everyone.
Yes, the article recommended by 3:04 is amazing. Even tho Adam's career is going global, it is thought-provoking to read this article to see the wrong done to Adam. A thought - many of the other dancing/singing competitions have a limit of 10 or so votes per phone. DWTS is an example. At the very least, Idol should adopt this way of voting to prevent the 'power' voting from a particular state ,etc. Wake up AI! Make it fair!
That's the reason o NEVER vote. I knew Adam after AI. I probably would have voted for him. But I am never voting , not until it will be ONE vote per phone. The big companies are making the big money. Sorry, but I am not a sucker!
I can't wait to see Adam tonight and tomorrow but I will NOT vote. I don't like any of them anyway.
After Adam AI is a snooze.
As long as poeple are voting, they will not change a thing. They are making tons of money, why stop? But if poeple will stop voting, they will have no choice.
I, for one, don't vote either. I am not going to help the rich get richer. Sorry.
I just want to know what the final vote breakdown was. I want to see for myself just how close it was and if they (Powers that be) made a "judgment call" based on the demographics of the people that vote vs. the people that will be buying cd's and concert tickets. We all know that most people that voted didn't vote "for" Adam so much as they voted "against" him because they possess pea-sized brains. You know what, though? It's all ok, because Adam is laughing all the way to the bank. Don't you guys think he knows he broke the mold. AI will never be the same because of him. It's hard to go back to ho-hum after a season like that. Even the other contestants were good because he raised the bar so high, they couldn't help but push themselves more. In truth, he has been mentoring contestants way before tonight. They all said that he helped them last season in one way or another. None of what I'm saying is deniable. He changed the game for everybody, especially those who have a monetary vested interest in the future of the show. BTW, Oh God! It's on now. Gotta go!!
I love Adam so much that I am going to like Randy now because of what he says about Adam.
Adam is the only idol for me. One idol is enough if the idol is Adam Lambert. I've been entertained thoroughly since I saw him on American Idol.
As for him being a mentor, Adam can do no wrong. He does everything and anything well in my opinion.
I liked your comments justpeachy. Adam will be laughing all the way to the bank for the rest of his life, and he will always be grateful for the opportunity Idol gave him. He did win, even tho he didn't "win". You're also right about the S8 contestants. They had to push themselves harder to keep up with Adam, and that made them better performers. They all did a fantastic job on the AI tour last year.
please check the e-line book 'ADAM LAMBERT SECOND TO NONE" interesting and full of facts.
Agree with Just Peachey. Dont know why they dont give you the break down of votes, here in the UK when our X Factor has finished we get the voting break down. All sounds a bit dodgy to me. We have to pay to vote, with about half going to charity, this way it makes people think seriously about who they vote for.All publicity is good publicity, he will be fine.
Love you in the UK Adam, you are always welcome here.
Luv u Randy! You've always been supportive of Adam and credits his talent!
sorry but Randy is wrong, not one of the best on the show!!! BUT, THE BEST EVER ON THE SHOW #1 ADAM LAMBERT !!!!!
Happy to see that Randy is being positive about Adam because last fall he dissed Adam's FYE CD--which was not cool IMO. I have never been a fan of Randy's due to his limited vocab and he doesn't come across as sincere on AI to me. He just seems to be phoning it in and offers babble,babble to them instead of heart felt critiques.
Hey friends, Adam may slip to # 6 today...please
vote Time 100 poll..Han Han is getting alot of votes today.....let's keep Adam at #5..please help getting this message out there...thanks!
All the judges liked Adam because he was so original...Simon said that is what American Idol is all about...finding a world wide super star and they had found it in Adam...mission accomplished finally.
Randy makes fine comments....but there was a time when he was'nt so supportive to ADAM in interviews, and that's when he lost my admiration.
if you have a twitter account please let people on the adam lambert twitter thread know about the time poll....not one person mentioned it. adam is a top trending topic at the moment! great opportunity to let them know that he needs our support!!
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