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'Whataya Want From Me' goes platinum in USA !

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 29, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 29, 2010

Adam Lambert, the former American Idol finalist and the now famous superstar, has taken to Twitter again to thank the fans for their support. His hit single, "Whataya Want From Me," has reached platinum status in the USA.

Lambert writes:

"Great news ladies and g's: Whataya Want From Me has gone Platinum in the USA! Thank you so much for supporting me! I feel so fu**in lucky!"

This is indeed great news for Adam Lambert. The single went to number 1 in Germany, and it seems that nothing but success is in store for the singer.

The singer's Glam Nation tour is sure to be a big hit with fans, and new fans alike. More tour dates are expected to be announced soon. So, stay tuned for those!

Congratulations, Adam Lambert!



Anonymous said...

Well Done Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Now let's make the album go platinum guys! Adam will be 10 times more happier.

Anonymous said...

Take that, Kris Allen!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:24 Snarky comment. WE all know who won Idol. No need to rub anyone's nose in it. Adam's happy, I'm happy, you should be too. Adam is, was and always will be happy for Kris.

Way to go ADAM!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the tour will take that album to platinum. He is so incredible in live performance-I actually wish Kris the best too. He and Adam have such a good friendship. anon @ 3:24 I know you are just REALLY psyched for Adam like all his fans.

Anonymous said...

I am really happy for Kris' success with the LLWD single... and I think he's really talented, especially when I see a comparison between Kris and this season's Lee Dwyze, whom I find quite inferior to Kris's ample talent (in multiple areas)... but I gotta say one sort of snarky thing, only because I was just thinking about it today... and it is this - I, for some reason, was thinking about Lambert's set at the "Rock My Town" concert at the Highline Ballroom in NYC back in Februrary... and how Lambert burned the frickin' place down - AND THEN KRIS ALLEN HAD TO GO ON AFTER HIM. And I did have myself a little smirk and giggle and this little feeling (even all these months later) of "take that". Childish, I know I know!! I'm sorry. Well, again, I am sincerely happy for Kris' success with LLWD, and I hope his second single does well; I think it will, he seems to get more than satisfactory radio support... and hopefully he won't have to follow Adam Lambert again any time soon. ;)

Anonymous said...

As my prediction before this year 2010 is adams good luck year everything he touched turns into gold. this eyar kris alen not too good this is not his eyar. 2010. also according to my reading about adams birtheyar chart hes very luck kid-guy bec. he has a gift a unique oen singing and as a human being as a good guy.. he was born lucky all his life.i guess he was born famous. inside and out. aqauirian born equal good birthyear traits. 1982
elvis presley-michael jackson and madonna three of them born luck gifted good voice(bec. of thier birthyear_ same zodiac sgn even though diffrent birthyear similarity?

Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam. Great job promoting after the AMA fuss. You are talented and work your a** off. You deserve everything good.

Anonymous said...

@ anon9:02 Ilike Kris too and I think people Seemed down on him because of the Adam haters more than anything. I don't think anyone can follow Adam. When you've seen the best, everyone else is anti-climatic. Hope people will be good to Allison when she opens for Adam. That's not an envious position either. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam!! this goes to show how hard u work ur butt off to be a successful superstar!!!

Wish u many good years of luck in ur music career!!!

Love u so much!!!