3rd Single If I Had You SINGLE COVER!!!!
Filed Under (If I Had You ) by Admin on Sunday, May 2, 2010
Posted at : Sunday, May 02, 2010

Adam just tweeted this picture on his twitter! This is supposedly IF I HAD YOU's single cover! Very sexy!
Adam wants you to request IF I HAD YOU!
"Request 'If I Had You' at your favorite radio station now!!! Let's blow this shit up!!!"
-Adam Lambert
This is very important so please request the song on your local radio station as much as possible! We need to do this for Adam!
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I bet 1 million dollars that this will be his first #1 Hit.. GREAT single cover!!!!
Love Adam's Fashion, adore those sparkly spats!!
Gorgeous Adam
uk Lambrit
Love that Lambert can do everything with his look that he wants to do, totally embrace his Glam side, his feminine side, and still totally rock his masculine side all at the same time. Love the "movement" in this pose. Love those damn legs!!
OMFGGGGGGGGGGGG this cover is the best he's come up with so far.
I agree that IIHY will be Adam's first #1 hit in the US. This song is perfect for the radio. With the right promotions, this song can be a mega hit.
LOL I think if this was the album cover, then it would have sold over 5 million copies in the US alone. (Don't misunderstood, I love the current album cover but you have to admit many people thought it was too glam and too risky and didn't buy the album for gifts due to that).
i love it! looks so rock and glam and hot!
I love it! So damn sexy!
like it! reminds me a bit of elvis!
Anon 3:42 A bit of Elvis? A lot of Elvis! And that ain't a bad thing. Love the cover and love Adam. :)
Anon 3:16 You said it perfectly. Good on ya!
Silia 3:23 Couldn't agree with you more. Took guts for you to say that. Hope you don't take heat for your honesty. If you do, I will be right there with you. :)
Silia and Maggie i don't know why would people get mad with Silia for saying that.. I'm a guy and even when i'm not ashamed with Adam and everyone knows i like him some of my friends really thought the album cover was ridiculous.. I told em they didn't understeand the meaning but they didn't buy my explanation.
But right now let's just celebrate THIS cover and hope Adam gets 4xplatinum this time :D
You buy a CD for the music NOT for the cover. Americans are too shallow. If they don't pick up a CD because of it's cover.
Love Adams music. That's why I listen to it.
ELVIS #2 is here!!!!! He's ADAMU LAMBAARTO!
Takako <3 Adam
Absolutely love, love,love this cover. No matter what the pose, Adam always looks great. Can't wait to see the video that will be produced for this song. Rock on super glam star, sparkles and all!
Adam looks sooooooo glam and hot. If he is asking his fans to request IIHY, then we'll do it (with some restrain so radio stations don't get upset) but yeah....let's go!
Guys/Girls! let's make this work for Adam!
but yes, let's request respectfully and within reason... and to your LOCAL station, unless it's otherwise specified as acceptable to request to a station outside of your general listening area (it's all about advertisers and business let's remember). And also, I happen to know that stations get annoyed if you don't use the proper telephone#/email address/text # that is specifically set up for taking requests and such, so look into that when you request as well. And when there is the opportunity, like in an email request, to add words/language, don't be demanding! When I began requesting in a fairly good market in the NorthEast, I would add things like a simple saying "...thanks for considering..." etc. and I actually got a lot of responses from program directors and such, I couldn't believe it. Anyway, blah blah blah, let's just do AL proud and be reasonable when we request - because we have to face it, radio holds so much power, and they sometimes wield it unfairly, but it's really tough to, as they say, fight City Hall, so let's play the game like AL played the American Idol game like nobody ever in it's history, and yielded amazing results.
I live in LA. Can someone tell me where to request? Ryan Seacrest's show?
adam lambert is very handsome he looks like elvis presly son. like adams music..
Yes, Rayan ALWAYS plays Adam on his show. SO YES! ask on his show and others in your area. Don't forget the satelite radios like Syrus and XM.
ON your mark, get set, REQUEST!!!
PLZ put in some votes on VH!, Adam is Num, 7. NOT GOOD.
Hi is there anything we UK fans can do to help Adam to blow this shit up !!!!
Awesome Cover!!! Awesome Adam!!
sexy & glam...!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! RIP RIP RIP
Awesome Adam!! you are amazing!!
Uk glambrits keep promoting Adam at home. Spread his love , music and view of life. Give his CD as gifts to everyone you know. I did it and they all thankd me.
Keep doing what you are doing. U r great!
We will have to keep supporting him at home. But if we will all work together all around the world then there is no stoping Adam.
Love the cover and love love IIHY.
Love the UK Lambrits that post here! Buy that cd Lambrits, give as gifts, don't spend money you don't have of course, but do what you can. View his You Tube videos that are UK appearances - or like the GMTV official site's clip of that appearance, etc. Request UK single to radio stations. Love hearing what you Lambrits have to say - keep posting!
Fantastic what a beautiful sight Adam is aah bless him he so deserves this
this is just the beginning,just think album out in Nov....lots of apperances and some live shows in America and then he started his International Promo Tour in march april and its now May its been 6 months since the Album came out in America and is now reaching most of the world out and out may 3 in UK,
Adams rise to fame is well on the way if Adam has got this far in 6 months,imagine what the next 6 months will bring..it brings tears to my eyes Adams stealing everyones hearts,its so wonderful
i do feel sorry for you American Glamberts because you are diehard fans and work your butt off promting Adam..the US will have to accept Adam at some stage
you have Adam's Glamnation Tour coming soon now that will be so exciting and most Americans wont be able to ignore Adam
how can anyone not love this Beautiful Man
from UK Lambrit xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hello to all the lovely fans that love us Lambrits. i live on the Isle of Wight UK
We Adore Adam Lambert he is the coolest man to ever walk this Planet...what is lovely about Adam apart from his Beautiful Voice,Massive Sex Appeal, Stunning Looks,Charming Charisma,His Intelligence,Gentle and Kind Attitude towards his Fans,Happy Outlook on Life,Brilliant Fashion Sense and of course his Sultry Eyes IS that he does not have an EGO
don't you just Love him more and more everyday,
Well Done Adam all your hard work on your International Promotional Tour is Paying Off
BIG TIME and after your trip back to England Midweek you then head back off to America for your Huge Glam Nation Tour....Adam your sooo Wicked and Cool love you so much....
i have had my CD album since december had to buy it off ebay as i could,nt wait till may and yes i have played it non stop,i am always ramming Adam down peoples throats about his voice looks charisma and everything and some are getting curious the Album is out today in UK and Adam has a great tv appearance on a top chat show which will show people his beautiful charisma all fans please watch on the following day on iplayer bbc1 24/7 should show it,it will be a scream and funny.thanks everyone for all the nice messages regarding all Lambrits or Glambrits
p.s did you know its 4am in the UK right now this is what adam is doing to us its the best drug i have ever taken.hee hee nighty night
hi i am just watching for your entertaiment on uk tv at the moment cool
Not a great Elvis fan but sure as hell love Adam, he needs no comparisons,he's just "ADAM"
Hey, I will just say that Adam's voice makes me speechless every time and I can't wait for IFHY to come out. I'll hav to watch it on you tube or something because in Portugal they have not caught the Lambert fever.
Anon 8:00 How I understand you, it's five a.m. in Portugal. Only Adam has this kind of effect on me.
Dear Isle of Wight UK Adam fan - I love your posts/messages and your passion. Thank you. I always read your positive comments. :)
Dear Isle of Wight UK fan ,I love your posts too.Always good things to say and so glad the UK Lambrits are as crazy about Adam as we are in US. I've stayed up until 5am sometimes. Now it's 2:54am.Think I have a serious Adam addiction.I've never been so obsessed about anyone else in my life. No hope for me! ha ha funbunn40
Hi American & International Glamberts! (WAVES!)
I love this site, its so fun that we can all chat together about our boy.
Yes Isle of White Lambrit is right. We are working hard to promote Adam over here in the UK & Lambert-mania is definitely building slowly but surely. Even though we have tons of our own reality show contestants releasing music (therefore making it harder for international ones to do well, even K Clarkson hasnt had many hits here) I just know that Adam is a total exception cos he's soo talented & so gorgeous. Several reviews of the album here have even said as much "he'll be the one to break through here"!
I love that we can all share it our mania / obseseion here! No-one else understands!!
Happy Monday to you all xxx
Hey, Isle of Wight fan....how is that place anyway? and @7:43 Yes, the US will have to wise up with ADAM or else they could loose him one day to a country where he is embraced with love and acceptance! (and that's pretty much the rest of the world!)
THIS IS ADAM LAMBERT - not Elvis! (With all due respect)
'IF I HAD YOU' is a brilliant single and perfectly timed. Will say it again, Watch ADAM
soar through the stratosphere!!!!! HE IS A MEGASTAR THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE WORLD NOW!
Isle of Wight fan....keep at it...keep promoting
ADAM because it works! ADAM is so contagious and he will rule this planet! Love you guys in the U.K, and us here in Australia share the same passion with you for this beautiful man and he's
amazing music!
Let's give a shout-out to the Adam 24/7 for keeping us up to date on Adam's adventures! I still get chills when I hear him sing even after a year. I cannot get enough of this phenom.
Adam has never brought anything less than perfection to whatever stage he is on at the time.
May "If I Had You" rocket to #1. I cannot hear it without getting up to dance! If this song isn't embraced then people surely are deaf.
All of you are amazing fans. It's crazy how we can all communicate with one common denaminator wichita is Adam. Adam brings ppl together. Isn't it a phenomenon by itself?
Now, back to business: request iihy and wwfm on ur local station. Buy his cd and give it as gift to anyone u know. Always speak highy of Adam. An spread love.
Love to all the hlamberts of the world. Can't wait to meet some Of u this summer.
Hi Everyone and Thankyou to all who sent sweet and kind messages to me and for making me feel so welcome on this wonderful friendly 24/7 site
...anon..7.25pm...7.35pm..10.25pm..funbunn40.1.59am..5.14 am..5.35am in Australia..and Gina and all UK and worldwide fans
before i came to this 24/7 site,i used to do a Adam Lambert google search.
but i got so upset and shocked with the things folk said to Adam supporters,i never knew people could be so cruel!!
and i will be honest and say my eyes were opened to some of the quite frankly bigoted and igonrant attitudes.
I really never thought some parts of America were so backward & narrowminded with such views on a Beautiful man like Adam,
i now never go on searches using Adam's name,i stick to this HAPPY site 24/7 and Adam Lambert UK for my daily fix.and youtube
it is so nice to be able to write your gushing feelings about Adam and not be lambasted for it,and lets face it is out of our control loving Adam as he is such a powerful drug,a day without Adam would hurt so much
i really do admire all US Glamberts cause you are 150% on seeing justice for Adam in your country.
and it must make you happy and sad seeing the world madly in love with Adam and then in your country he gets at times such negative reports,i do feel all Adam fans around the world know how hard you US fans work with everything Adam
and we will ALWAYS support American Fans,because lets face it ,if you US glamberts didn,t vote week after week on Idol,always keeping Adam in Idol we may have never ever got to hear Adam around the world,How alwful would that be ( i don't even want to think about it)
its FUN loving Adam,i now have a happy skip in my life thanks to Adam and i do still have a full & busy life
i am so thrilled for Glambert fans with Adam,s Glam Nation Tour and i look forward following every gig on this excellent site.
the only ever artist i have ever been besotted with in my life (before Adam) has been the wonderful *Morrissey* who also has a beautiful voice and is gay and has also had to put up with alot of bad press over the years, and he left america as it was very oppressive and negative and alot of other reasons,i think he was pushed out eventually because he diskliked Bush!! and they(US) found him a threat!!
so please all you American fans keep doing what your'e doing because it is so important to try and educate some of America.
Big Love to all Glamberts everywhere
from UK Isle of Wight Lambrit
for those who are interested about the Isle of Wight
it is a lovely Island filled with tranquil beauty,trees,wildlife,surrounded by Glorious cliffs & beaches...you may of heard we have alot of open air music festivals as do most of the UK..which is great fun as you could spend almost every weekend going to a music festival what a great way to spend the summer
Adam would love to be able to play at either Isle of Wight Festival and Bestival or Reading and Glastonbury
i hope we will be reading all about it for future festivals
Hi again "Isle of Wight UK fan" - I'm Anon 7:35 (and 5:04 too actually :) lol) and I'm totally rushing right now - cuz yes, I have a lovely fulfilling and busy life too, but I do love me some Adam Lambert and AL fandom, but right now I'm busy living my life, but I just had to say quickly, before I forgot - how funny your comments were, and other posters comments were, about the staying up late thing. I have to, want to, live my busy life during the day, but I fear I'm so addicted to my Adam Lambert fandom that I simply must build time into my day to update myself, so usually that is late at night. And I saw on some blog last week, can't remember details, something really funny that was sort of a "mash up" of the word Adam and Insomniac - I can't remember exactly what it was but it has not only hilarious, it was TOTALLY TRUE, lol... Of course I can sleep at night if I don't check up on Lambert, but let's just say I much prefer to hit the internet before I hit the hay for the night. Of course, my intention is to only spend a few minutes online...then an hour and a half later, there I am, still at the computer, lol. Well, there is one good thing that comes from that - which is that when I finally get myself off the computer and to my room, the person with whom I share my bed is usually quite fine and content with the fact that I've just been online checking out the delectable Mr. Lambert ;)! Well, gosh, I'm being too free with my words now 8^), the friendliness on this site brings that out in us I guess, but I really must get back to my life!!!! So much more to say about your interesting 10:46am post, but duty calls... and I know Lambert wants his fans to be living thier lives to the fullest too!
Oh, and one more thing (me again, 1:20pm), another thing you Lambrits can do is continue to get those cute fanboys to Lambert's UK shows and appearances!! I'm not a cute fanboy myself, but I too will see what I can do about that effort stateside :).
I'm Anon 1;59 (from UK too) & I am giggling reading these last posts by Anon 1.20pm & Isle of Wight fan (so sorry i spelt it White before! And i'm from the UK - how embarrassing ;-))
I too really love that we can gush unashamedly on this site and no-one is mean (well hardly ever) & i love that you all get it too & we can chat about Adams voice, Adams hair, Adams shows, Adams sense of humour, Adams eyes, Adams band..well, you get it;-)
I only have 1 work colleague who likes Adam (he is a cute fanboy!) and thats it. I'm working on the rest..
I'm going to bed early for once as have a big day at work tomorrow - eeek. So no late night Lambert surfing for me tonight, although I ususally get sucked into it just like you girls! I'm lol-ing thinking about us all sneaking to bed late, dreaming of Adams latest amazing exploits.
Hi anon 1.25pm, and UK 2.49 your messages just so made me laugh as it is so ME too,
Adam is like a Doctor of Love giving us our daily medicine!!
most of us come here to express our love and Happiness for Beautiful Adam and to find what other treats 24/7 have found us...aren't 24/7 a fantastic bunch,
always so much to read,see,hear...i often pop on here at night and before i know it hours have flown by,but i don,t care i am enjoying myself i feel like i have been on tour with Adam at times (i wish)
Lucky lucky Lane!! love to have her job
i don't know what we would do if we had no computers,where would we go,what would we do!!
it doesn't bear thinking about!!!
our menfolk are so tolerant with our obsessive love for Adam,mine made me a calendar for xmas with photo's from my personal and proud photo gallery i have of Adam..how sweet was that!!! he even did some voting on the (FIXED) time 100 poll well i was holding a knife to his throat at the time...no not really only joking.....i have seen some videos before Adams fantasy springs concert will all the hubbys and boyfriends holding handbags and franticley snapping as many photos of the band for their loved ones again how sweet! i do laugh as i am 100% certain if our men behaved the way we do with Adam but say with Shakira or Beyonce..the plug would be cut of the computers by now...come on ladies you would too!!
but our guys seem to enjoy seeing us Adam crazy thank goodness
I love this Adam Buzz i feel it keeps me Happy and Jolly in a quite frankly drab world that only thinks about,money,greed and selfishness,i NEED Adam on a daily basis,he's good for me....don't you agree ladies
i am starting to send to every female and gay male i know a photo of Adam everytime i email them just so they can see what they are missing
UK Fan please remember to watch J ross on Friday night it should be great well time to switch the computer off too many late nights this week,take care..Uk Lambrit Isle of Wight
p.s i meant to have included a Hello to 9.18 in Portugal and say its time to turn the computer off and have an earlier night
we have to prepare ourselves for lots of late nights once the Glam Nation Tour starts..its going to get busy catching up with all the news,love and light and goodnight for now
UK Lambrit Isle of Wight
thank you isle of wight fan!
It's 12:37 E.T.in U.S.and have turned on my stove timer to make me go to bed at a reasonable time{for me}Thanks UK Lambrit Isle of Wight for all of your kind words for U.S. and description of your beautiful Isle. It sounds like heaven. Hope Adam will be able visit and play there. Hope we'll be able to see the Jonathan Ross interview Friday. Hi to all 24/7 worldwide posters! funbunn40
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