Adam Lambert caused chaos in Helsinki !
Filed Under (news,pictures,video ) by Admin on Sunday, May 2, 2010
Posted at : Sunday, May 02, 2010

Super Popular Adam Lambert caused chaos in Stockmann's street level, where fans wait tunkivat man's autograph.
- We love you, Adam! exclamations echoed this afternoon in downtown Helsinki at Stockmann.
Hundreds of enthusiastic fans walked along the queue stores at the street through the center of Alexander Street until. Hysterical young girls wept and shook, when the waiting was rewarded, and album covers and cards, decorating the idol autograph.
Adam Lambert tonight on X Factor! See the live broadcast the concert live sixth su 2.5. at 19:30 from MTV3. Result of Transmission at 22.35.
Translation provided by engelani84
CLICK HERE to watch a new video of Adam arriving in Helsinki!
Adam's twitter update:
Thanks to all the fans who came to Stockman in Helsinki today! Thanks for all your positive energy and all your gorgeous Finnish eyes! 2 minutes ago via Echofon
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agree with 11:50 am...this is painful. it's a sad sad day in america. all i can say is the rest of the world can recognize and love a great artist!
Fantastic what a beautiful sight Adam sat in amongst his fans aah bless him he so deserves this
this is just the beginning,just think album out in Nov....lots of apperances and some live shows in America and then he started his International Promo Tour in march april and its now May its been 6 months since the Album came out in America and is now reaching most of the world out and out may 3 in UK,
Adams rise to fame is well on the way if Adam has got this far in 6 months,imagine what the next 6 months will brings tears to my eyes Adams stealing everyones hearts,its so wonderful
i do feel sorry for you American Glamberts because you are diehard fans and work your butt off promting Adam..the US will have to accept Adam at some stage
you have Adam's Glamnation Tour coming soon now that will be so exciting and most Americans wont be able to ignore Adam
how can anyone not love this Beautiful Man
from UK Lambrit xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Adam is so very very special,we are all so proud to love him
i am very very happy for you adam, you have made it!! your success and happiness are all we want for you!
Thank you UK Lambrit ... it is an uphill battle for the Glamberts here .. they make fun of us on the message boards on the internet for our passionate support of ADAM & they say very nasty UNkind things about ADAM that are like a KNIFE in my SOUL. BUT we WILL NEVER give up. We will request his songs .. buy his albums ... SELL OUT his CONCERTS ... and PROMOTE him on everything available ... twitter .. facebook ... watch every TV show he appears on to make the RATINGS SKYROCKET so they'll have him back OVER & OVER ... VOTE! him to #1 position on all the polls he is on .. BIG or small!! VH1 ... MTV!! until he gets the RECOGNITION he so DESERVES!!
Hi anon 11.15pm, well said, before i came to this 24/7 site,i used to do a Adam Lambert google search.
but i got so upset and shocked with the things folk said to Adam supporters,i never knew people could be so cruel!!
and i will be honest and say my eyes were opened to some of the quite frankly bigoted and igonrant attitudes,i really never thought some parts of America were so backward,narrowminded with such views on a Beautiful man like Adam,
i now never go on searches using Adam's name,i stick to this HAPPY site 24/7 and Adam Lambert UK for my daily fix.and youtube
it is so nice to be able to write your feelings about Adam and not be lambasted for it,and lets face it is out of our control loving Adam as he is such a powerful drug,a day without Adam would hurt so much
i really do admire all US Glamberts cause you are 150% on seeing justice for Adam in your country.
and it must make you happy and sad seeing the world madly in love with Adam and then in your country he gets at times such negative reports,i do feel all Adam fans around the world know how hard you US fans work with everything Adam
and we will ALWAYS support American Fans,because lets face it ,if you US glambrits didn,t vote week after week on Idol and always keeping Adam in Idol we may have never ever got to hear Adam around the world,How alwful would that be ( i don't even want to think about it)
its FUN loving Adam,i now have a happy skip in my life thanks to Adam.
i am so thrilled for Glambert fans with Adam,s Glam Nation Tour and i look forward following every gig on this excellent site.
the only ever artist i have been besotted with in my life has been the wonderful *Morrissey* who also has a beautiful voice and is gay and has had also had to put up with alot of bad press over the years, and left america as it was negative and alot of other reasons,i think he was pushed out eventually because he diskliked Bush!! and they found him a threat!!
so please all you American fans keep doing what your'e doing because it is so important to try and educate America.
Big Love to all Glamberts everywhere
from UK Isle of Wight Lambrit
I agree. I am embarrassed to be a US citizen. First of all for having elected Bush, then for the backwards mentality and all the hate spewed in Adam's direction when all he is trying to do is bring live and love in massive quantities. We should be so ashamed. I am so happy for Adam that he is finding love and acceptance in other countries (as he deserves).
I, too, have found the hatred on the discussion forums and comments on articles that have felt like a stake driving through my heart. It pains me to see such hatred showered on such a lovely, lovely man! And I will defend and support him until the day I die!
Thank you so much for your support of us U.S. Adam fans. That brings a sigh of relief after last weeks' bashing of us, which hurt so much I almost didn't want to come back.
Hi 12.41 and 1.08...i am so pleased to hear you are both still on this site,
yes last week was a bit hostile and nasty!!
its only a few that are doing the bashing,most of us come here to express our love and Happiness for Beautiful Adam and to find what other treats 24/7 have found us...aren't 24/7 a fantastic bunch,
always so much to read,see,hear...i often pop on here at night and before i know it hours have flown by,but i don,t care i am enjoying myself i feel like i have been on tour with Adam at times(i wish)Lucky lucky Lane!! love to have her job
i don't know what we would do if we had no computers,where would we go,what would we do!!
it doesn't bear thinking about!!!
I love this Adam Buzz i feel it keeps me Happy and Jolly in a quite frankly drab world that only thinks about,money,greed and selfishness,i need Adam on a daily basis,he's good for me....don't you agree ladies
Uk Lambrit Isle of Wight
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