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Adam Lambert to perform on the American Idol Finale?

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, May 18, 2010

There were rumors going on that Longineu confirmed on his Ustream chat that Adam Lambert is performing at the American Idol finale show but then later on, he denied it. People are speculating that they still need Adam's approval to appear on the show.

Longineu's tweet: "I never said that we were playing the Idol show, I answered a question about Texas. I don't know yet about the idol show."

But who knows, maybe Adam IS one of the performers of the night and he'll be presented with the Gold record for his album and Platinum for the single that night (but do they even do that on the finale?). There are always some performers that were not announced until the day of the finale every year. So Adam may be one of their secret performers of the night.


Anonymous said...

I sure hope so. The ONLY reason I will watch the finale, is ONLY if Adam preforms.
Please vote on best idol ever. Today is the last da. Vote as much as you can, PLEASE!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree. Won't watch the show without Adam. A lot of my friends feel the same way. Are you listening AI?

Anonymous said...

omg im very happy adam perform on finale- wow.

Anonymous said...

Agree with everyone...I hope Adam is there..No, I demand that AI gets ADAM to perform on the finale, otherwise I'll just watch Christina Aguilera's performance and than it's bye, bye baby, for me.
I don't really like any of the finalists so I'm expecting Adam to be presented as the surprise final act.
Take Care,
Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

I had heard that Kris was on the finale??

Anonymous said...

*then instead of than.. sorry ^_^

Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

yup Kris is on the finale (so shouldn't Adam be there as well?! for thought)

Portuguese Fan

bec said...

Saying you won't watch the show unless Adam is on it really seems a little silly and could, i'm afraid, even have a slightly negative effect for Adam, if they are even paying attention. I do think it would be great for Adam but he was just on with that almost heartstopping performance we all enjoyed,so, they might have something else in mind :) - I am sure there will be big names vying to be on this show and to be honest I would love to see one of s9's finalists give an outstanding performance and kick off their career in a big way, so I will be watching but I agree, it won't probably compare to last year w/Kris & Adam, but I actually hope it does :) :)!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous statement(11:43). Nothing can compare to last season's final with Kris and Adam. It was spectacular and I doubt any two finalists will reach that height of excitement again. Would love to see Adam on the finale. It would be the best part of this season's overall lackluster performances. Adam Lambert set the bar so high during season 8 that no one will ever come close to achieving that kind of enthusiastic support and success even though he did not win.

Anonymous said...

christina aguilara suppose to perform would be a great duet

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

does anyone have any thoughts on - if Adam was on Finale it might, like - like he might outshine others and the very purpose of the event??? Just wondering if anyone else has had this thought? Am I being too much of a die hard AL fan by saying that - is that foolish to suggest??? Any of you hardcore AI'ers out there now if other RUNNERS UP have been on the NEXT season's finale before - or was it just the winner... I could see where Clay Aiken or David Archuletta might have been on the finale for the next season along with the winner??? Thoughts? I just have this weird feeling that producers will be wary of the finale turning into an Adam Lambert lovefest if he was on, and maybe that being a bit of a slap in the face to Kris Allen - or am being foolishly Adam-centric with that... like the whole world revolves around AL when it doesn't :).

Anonymous said...

American Idol is also about ratings.....Lambert brings the ratings, I would be shocked if he's not included. Simon Fuller loves him.

Anonymous said...

I am waiting and listening to hear if Adam Lambert will be on. But I doubt it. Although the program has acted like they are keeping something under cover. Everyone is saying they don't know, even Ryan Seacrest But it would be great for Adam to sing his latest new single.Don't forget he will be on Ellen's the 19th, and Jay Leno the 21st.

Anonymous said...

Why would they have Kris Allen in the finale, they usually pick a huge star, ( nothing against Kris) But think about last year, it was Kiss
for Adam etc.

Anonymous said...

Adam was presented with the Gold award for his U.S. album while he was in Japan. They did a little ceremony for him there. I don't think they will give it to him again..???

Anonymous said...

Simon Fuller is Adam's manager.if he wants Adam to preform, then he will. I pray that Adam will. A lot of us don't watch AI because its F@ BOARING. The cotestants are a SNOOZE!!! When Adam is on ,we want to watch, and it's a GOOD thing NOT bad for Adam. It's GOOD FOR ALL!!
Adam makes EVERYTHIG EXCITING and there is NOTHING wrong with that.
I am off to vote on Billboard and VH1.

Anonymous said...

Tommy had also said they were going to perform on AI again , then quickly recanted it, as not being confirmed This was in an interview in Finland

Anonymous said...

It would be crazy NOT to have Adam on there. Simon Fuller do your job as manager of Adam and the orginiator of Idol and get our boy on there! Pronto!

Anonymous said...

Simon Fuller would love Adam he is also Adam manager and knows Adam will perform If I Had You,
Simon also knows Adam is set to become an International Superstar so lots more money heading to Simon,s Wallet
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Adam will be there. He'll be the SURPRISE performer of this year. Last year was QUEEN.

Anonymous said...

kris allen,oh yeah i had forgotten about him,

Anonymous said...

i will only look forward to watch the AI9 final if adam is on it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let's not be haters, OK? I can't get my brother (one of the Idol producers) to even give me a hint other than Xtina and Kris Allen. IMO there aren't any big names out there who are asking to be on the finale because of the ho-hum talent this season. I crossed my heart and promised not to tell anyone, but big bro only said yeah, right.

Anonymous said...

anon 1:28 I agree with you. That's also why I don't think they'd present him with his gold and platinum records. The finale is about this year's contestants. It would be like David Cook being presented a gold record on last year's finale, talking away from Adam and Kris' moment

DC from Canada

pat said...

He has not been presented his (USA) Gold Album yet. That award in Japan was something else.

Anonymous said...

If Adam is not on the fianle,WHY WATCH? Not a hater, but I didn't watch all season accept when Adam was on. Why start now?
This season is a SNOOZE. DID YOU SEE/HEAR the last 3???
I want Adam. He is the only one that going to make me sit thruogh it all. Even Christina, Her new song is really BAD! Very tastless. MY opinion.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:06 -

The gold record award he received in Japan was for Japanese sales only. Their gold record achievement is different than ours. He has to sell 1 million here. It's not quite that much over there. It's based on population percentage or something like that. It would be cool as hell if Adam made it to gold here by next week. They would totally have to recognize it on the show, with him there or not.


Anonymous said...

I heard that the AI finale will be cut to 1/2 hr. because of low ratings. Does anyone know if there is any truth to that? If so, then time would be pretty limited for Adam to perform. I think that would be a major mistake on their part. I would love to see Adam and Chritina sing a duet. She's one of the few that has a voice powerful enough to keep up with his vocal power. I think Adam would be the only draw to beat Dancing With the Stars rating. Adam really set the bar too high for any of the contestants. No passion, surprises or outstanding vocal ability. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

He tweeted an hour ago to say that he is not perfoming on the finale.

Anonymous said...

anon 10:59 you just broke my heart....Idol is sooooo bad this year why watch it without ADAM.

Anonymous said...

Sorry. I'd like Lee to win, not that I would buy his records, but he's the best of a bad bunch. Missed last weeks, and will miss this week, as our Broadband tv has gone haywire, but for the first time I don't car if I miss the shows. Will just watch Adams songs from last year on youtube instead.
I was really hoping he'd be on the finale, but didn't think it would happen, he would overshadow Kris and the contestants too much.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert's tweet: Unfortunately not performing on Idol Finale. Guess they have plenty of artists booked. Catch me on Ellen tommorow and Leno on Friday.

Guess, there's no point watching the Finale now.

glitzylady said...

Gosh, sounds like even Adam is disappointed he won't be on the show. My hopes are dashed.....But then its not surprising, he would truly overshadow the other Idols, and Kris Allen, as 11:28 said. Not bashing Kris, just a fact. Maybe he will at least be in the audience, after all he was a mentor this year and therefore was an important part of the show. Even a few glimpses of him would be great. So now moving on to Ellen, Leno and the Glamnation tour, and looking forward to the new IIHY video!!!!

Anonymous said...

honestly the only reason i watched AI was when adam tutored the contestant, now i will not be looking forward to the final.

Anonymous said...

I don't give a **** who wins AI this season or any other season for the rest of it's existence for that matter. This is the final season as far as I'm concerned. After this SLAP in the face from Idol ... I hope ADAM leaves them in the rear view mirror (as Paula said at one time). GOODBYE FOXTV!!

Anonymous said...

to the poster above who mentioned liking Lee but probably would't buy his records - EXACTLY my thoughts. Like Lee, Like Crystal alot and might buy her cd - but the operative word there is "might? And (not hating) isn't that sort of what happened last year with Kris Allen - I think Kris is very talented, but his fans didn't exactly come out in droves to buy his record - so that is why I'm mentioned him - just as the most recent example of a competition show's finale excitement failing to carry through in a big way for sales... I mean, honestly, Lambert's domestic full cd sales haven't blown the roof off (the difference there is his Int'l. sales and great longevity-in-the-biz potential). Kris' single did great, loved it myself and I'm happy for him, but 19 and gang need big sales... and I don't see that really happening with Lee or Crystal either. Truthfully, I see Casey having better sales in the country market - those country fans are NOT afraid to open their wallets for artists they like.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but the only American Idol people will remember will be OUR BOY ADAM LAMBERT

Anonymous said...

anon 10:01, it's the result shows for each week that will cut down to half an hour next season, not the Grand Finale this year.

Anonymous said...

Thanks anon 9:03 for the info. Will watch the Grand Finale, but will sorely miss not seeing Adam. Think he's spoiled us and no one can follow his act. funbunn40

number8gurl said...

I'm sure someone already said this, I didn't have time to read all the comments but Adam did tweet early this morning that he would not be on the idol finale and I agree with whoever said this (and I already wrote this on another forum today) that I also believe that the reason they can't have Adam on the finale is because he will overshadow Kris. As a huge Adam fan, of course I'm disappointed but since the finale IS about crowning the winner it only makes sense that last years "winner" be present and not in his runner-ups shadow. It's unfortunate since Adam SHOULD HAVE been the winner, but S8 is history. Adam's achieving all of the success that we all knew he would regardless of the outcome of American Idol so let's move on!

ps:I was also hoping that Adam would be presented his Gold album on the finale. The other one that he got was in Singapore, not in Japan. Maybe next year they will give him a Platinum album on Idol :)

Number8gurl said...

@justpeachy Adam's album has been certified Gold in the US for over 2 months. Gold in the US is only 500,000 units, not 1 million. That's Platinum. He was presented his US Gold album when he was in Singapore in March. I agree though that he should be presented it on Idol in the US again because a lot of people don't know he got that one in Singapore.