Adam Lambert Worldwide Certifications and Chart Placements
Filed Under (charts ) by Admin on Saturday, May 1, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, May 01, 2010

Here is an update on Adam's sales around the globe! Thanks to indybeck71 for compiling this list.
U.S. Charts (as of 5/2/10; all numbers are peak placement)
“Whataya Want From Me”
#10 Hot 100
#1 Hot Dance/Electronic Singles Sales (two weeks)
#1 Hit Singles Sales
#6 Adult Pop Songs
#8 Digital Sales
#12 Pop Songs
#15 Adult Contemporary
#20 Radio Songs
“For Your Entertainment” single
#5 Dance/Club Play Songs
“For Your Entertainment” album
#3 Billboard 200
“Whataya Want From Me”
#13 Top 40 (also American Top 40 chart)
#4 Hot Adult Contemporary
#11 Adult Contemporary
International (as of 4/30/10; all numbers are peak placement)
“For Your Entertainment” single
#1 Hot 100 Airplay (Billboard)
#2 or #3 Hot 100 (Billboard)
#5 Singles
#10 Top 40
#46 Singles
“Whataya Want From Me”
#4 Singles (ARIA)
#1 Hot Adult Contemporary (Mediabase multiple weeks)
#3 Canadian Hot 100 (Billboard)
#1 Remixes (Nielsen Soundscan)
#4 Top 40 (Mediabase)
#14 Singles
#3 Singles
#9 Radio (overall)
#3 Mainstream Radio
#3 Youth Radio
#4 Top 40
#7 Recording Industry Association of New Zealand
#18 Singles
#9 Digital Songs
#11 Singles
#11 Singles (
“For Your Entertainment” album
#6 New Zealand
#8 Canada
#18 Australia
#26 Japan
#29 Finland
Global Certifications (as of 4/29/10)
“Whataya Want From Me”
Canada – 80,000 units: March 2010
“Whataya Want From Me”
U.S. – 1,000,000 units: April 2010
“For Your Entertainment” album
Canada – 80,000 units: March 2010
“For Your Entertainment” single
Canada – 40,000 units: March 2010
“For Your Entertainment” album
U.S. – 500,000 units: January 2010
Canada – 40,000 units: January 2010
New Zealand – 7,500 units: March 2010
Singapore – 6,000 units: March 2010
“Whataya Want From Me”
U.S. – 500,000 units: February 2010
Australia – 35,000 units; April 2010
New Zealand – 7,500 units; April 2010
“For Your Entertainment” single
New Zealand – 7,500 units: March 2010
FYE Album: 615,000 units US (current)
WWFM: 1,051,000 units US (current)
Credit: indybeck71
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It's so awesome to see all these numbers listed! His hard work, and some talent, along with the fan support is paying off. So happy for him!!
We certainly love him in New Zealand. Just watching music show on TV and he is currently No7# on Top 40 with Whataya Want From Me and on our Select programme he is always on (where viewers pick who to see)
He has shot back up the charts after his American Idol appearance, and so he should that was incredible.
WOW!!! When you see it all like that its VERY impressive!! Congratulations Adam!!!
very well done adam lambert, next time you will be no. 1.
This has to be incorrect for the UK. We love you Adam
hi Adam Fans,this is Fantastic News,i live in the UK and went to HMV to buy Adams single FYE and guest what NO they didn,t have any?? shop assistant was a complete waste of space...
any UK fans can you help me its it not possible to go into a music store and buy this FYE single on cd or is it only avalible on download?????
from frankly peed off UK Lambrit!!!
please any help i would be very grateful and so would my partner who arrived back from the shops empty handed and got a right earful (poor darling)I want this CD...
dont tell me HMV is owned by ABC!!!!!
To Anon 10:50... the single FYE is digital download only, go to itunes or or any digital download store and you can get FYW and WWFM. However the album (CD) drops on May 3rd and you can buy that from stores, it has 14 tracks + 4 Bonus tracks.You should check it out, it is amazing!
Good luck to you!
this is wonderful news! so happy for adam!!!!
In NZ WWFM peaked at #4 on the official top 40 chart in its 2nd week of release. Has been in top 10 ever since, currently sitting at #7
Album is currently #10, peaking at #6 a few weeks ago.
In Denmark WWFM is #2 on Boogie Chart (TV-Chart choosen by viewers)
Go Adam - You ROCK!
Wonderful! I'm so happy for Adam, he certanly deserves this! Hope he'll be #1 soon! Go, Adam, we love you! ♥
" This has to be incorrect for the UK. We love you Adam "
Sadly not.
The single was planned as a physical as well as digital release but the physical copy has not materialised. I think in light of the lack of airplay (FYE is not on any radio station's playlist, the national commercial music stations - Radio 1 - has played it twice, and though regional commercial radio stations have played it far more, it has not made the top 50 airplay chart), the record company decided against going ahead with the physical release.
FYE's principal promotion has come from play of the video on music channels but these only have a fraction of the audience that radio has.
FYE doesn't even appear as a single on the front page of UK itunes or any other UK download site (or Sony UK or RAC UK for that matter). If you search for "Adam Lambert" on itunes, it comes up with, among other things, the EP that if purchased as a bundle is ineligible for the official UK charts for a couple of reasons.
Several fans have been incorrectly informed that video sales count towards the singles charts and have downloaded the video in bigger than ever numbers over the past week.
You can't fault the press that Adam has been getting in the UK in terms of quantity and (for the most part) quality. With the exception of a couple of snarky articles, the press has been very positive and enthusiastic.
Sadly, our radio and television media is notoriously snobby and derogatory of most talent show contestants. I think due to Adam being so often commended for being above the average standard of talent show contestant as well as being a little bit different, his people thought the UK media would welcome him with open arms.
The new official chart is announced today and will reflect FYE's position on first week of official release (the #46 is for last week) though without a physical release, the situation is no different, just more confusing, than it's been for the past five weeks since the video and track started being played. Sadly FYE is predicted to fall this week and not make the top 40 and though the album has good pre-orders, sales of albums already out are holding up well and are likely to hinder the high entry of any albums released next week. Even Diana Vickers, whose single was #1 last week and who has an album out on Monday too is being tipped to struggle to make the top 20 with it.
Thanks, anonymous, for the info on the UK. Given that, it's a wonder they decided to expend so much energy trying to break into a market that seems determined to ignore his existence. Might have been better off to write off the UK and focus on countries that don't have such a bias against reality show contestants.
Thank you! this is great.
i luv adam and this is so exciting to see.... yey!!!!
The word from anon. in the very disappointing to hear. The UK use to be a front runner in embracing talented musical artist. Even tho Adam came from a talent show--his genuine talent cannot be ignored. To let the fact that he did AI (to get exposure) blind them seems idiotic and small minded.
His UK fans may want to do some calling around to show support for him. The people at "Heaven" knew the lyrics (to his songs) and their screams were signs that he has a following. Sometimes it takes the gathering forces/voices of fans to make the powers-that-be realize that they need to realize their ridiculous oversight of an artist.
Eventually they will NOT be able to ignore his fabulousness. It takes a while to break into a new market.. I purchased 6 cd's in the states and gave to friends. This cd (FYE album) is NEVER boring. It just keeps getting better the more you play it. It took a while for the radio stations to catch on in the US,but many countries played the music right away and LOVED IT!!! Adam Lambert is beyond phenomenol in concert, and to his ever growing fanbase- HE IS #1 and deserves to be. p.s I was driving past a house in my town,and kids sitting by their pool had really turned up the volume on FEVER! It WILL happen in UK too.
So does anyone have any clue about sales, like how many world wide???
It will interesting to see where he is this coming wk or wk #19 with all the chart #s so high.
ABOUT THE UK, note that there was no publicity whatesover about Adam until a few weeks ago. The UK has its own Simon Cowell related contestants from Britain's Got Talent and other similar shows there that are being promoted. His management purposefully upheld the physical release of his album in music stores until 3 May 2010. That's tomorrow people!
Adam has only done one show in London at Heaven in preview of the official release of his album there. He is an incredible performer, and I have absolutely no doubt that once people start listening to the 18 tracks on the album, they will go crazy for him like the rest of the planet!
Congratulations to Adam Lambert for reaching such popularity in so many countries already. He is the ONLY American Idol alumn to have done so. Let's not forget this.
I'm American but my favorite artists are British with few exceptions,and one of them is Adam Lambert.They need to recognized his talent ,he is a different kind of Idol contestant.I never watched Idol before Adam and I'll never watch again.I don't want to sound snob,but this is exactly what the British are doing,they are snob they know good music and they have good history records to prove it .British fans need to help in some way without sound crazy( I don't think they never do)
message to all UK fans
on friday 7th may Adam will appear on the Johnathan Ross show around 10.30 the programme starts,
This is a Huge Audience for Adam so hopefully a lot more people will see Adam and as we know once seen never forgotton,not sure if Adam is singing but a definitley an interview which will show Adams beauiful charisma,and there will be no digs about being Gay, for all US fans Johnathan Ross in house band are called 4 pouffes and a piano !!
uk fans please tell everyone you know to watch and then Adam can steal their hearts,
also adam played 2 concerts in London last week 1 at G*A*Y and 1 at Heaven plus he Excellently performed live FYE on early morning programme GMTV and also Studio 5 early evening
Albums out on the 3rd so lets just wait and see
FYE HAS been played on music charts shows T4 CHannel 4 music and VIVA..
Adam is having his single everyone stop worrying about the chart yet
i disagree about the UK and former idol fans as jordon sparks has had alot of airplay also our own breed of Idol and factor winners and runner ups leonna..JLS..and all the others,its still early days,
i brought my album via ebay back in early december and have played and followed via this site 24/7 everyday,
so please dont read to much into these figures.
simon fuller is english and also managed the spice girls,adam will soon be racing up the charts
Adam visits to the UK have been Very POSTIVE and Adam is back in the UK this week
love and light UK GLambrit x
Actually I love the Lambrits website. They have been onboard from the beginning. It will happen! I am sure that the people who saw him in concert there will buy the cd for themselves and friends. Adam's fans are passionate,artistically expressive,and FIERCE wherever they live!
ANON 5.46
I think your message is very misleading about Adam's music beinging played in the UK,i have seen FYE lots of times on the TV music programmes.....i dont do radio so cannot say,
Adam so far has had a very postive promo in the UK
lots of interviews and 2 Big gigs in london and 2 Live TV performances which were both WICKED and HOT
sadly FYE is only on download and Adams Album is only out on the 3 may,
I too brought my CD on ebay back in December
THE UK LOVES ADAM,so please dont let other fans think we dont know about ADAM because we do....its a very unfair and incorrect message from anon dont take any notice.
ADAM has ALOT of FANS in the wait and see Adam will be a HUGE STAR IN THE UK
from a massive ADAM FAN LAMBRIT FAN from the UK
I too disagree with anon 5.46
unless you work in the music industry and you know something we dont know i doubt that!!!
All Adams fans please take note ADAM has alot of fans in the UK and a Splendid UK WEBSITE where you can listen to all of ADAMS music while on the web and has a huge amount of Followers!!!
cor blimey Adam.s album isn,t out until monday may 3...give it a chance
i am cross that a couple of people on this thread have tried to paint the picture that Adam is being ignored! in the UK that is SO WRONG FALSE and UNTRUE and PLEASE DONT LISTEN!!
the UK LOVES ADAM very much INDEED!!
from UK GLAMBRIT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
FACT!!Adam has played 2 concerts in London UK
at G*A*Y and Heaven and LIVE TV on GMTV and Studio 5,LOTS of Interviews???
so whats with this message some of you are sending out that Adam is being ignored in the UK
quite frankly thats bullshit!!!
Adam has a Strong following in the UK did you not see and hear the crowds at G*A*Y and Heaven singing their hearts out!! (how come they knew all the words if the had not being into Adams music)
Please STOP sending out Negative news about Adam that the UK are ignoring him
that is so wrong,from a very cross UK ADAM FAN!!!
OMG -- Check out the crowds in Findland for Adam's CD signing!!
Scroll down the page and there are like 12 incredible pics.
About the audiences at the two shows Lambert played at G-A-Y & Heaven - YES, THEY DID SEEM TO KNOW ALL THE WORDS, which made me so happy, lol. A good sign. Thanks to all the Lambrits who have posted here. I'm from Boston, very much enjoy reading your thoughts on Lambert's career and how he's doing in UK.
The crowds in Finland are HUGE! UK shout out to all fans there. I too love your posts! It is really cool to read postings from other countries. New Zealand, Canada,Germany Japan, Singapore,Poland,Australia etc etc..
Hi everyone! I'd like to congratulate you for being open-minded enough to see Adam's talent instead of ...whatever..But for the people complaining about UK ignoring Adam Lambert, let me just say that at least you got the chance to have him in your country. Unfortunately, I live in Portugal (which is next to Spain) and this phenomenon hasn't reached YET the radio or tv in this stupid close-minded country! Remarkbly Kris Allen single has reached the tops in here, I think it's so unfair! And I can't even buy FYE cd because it's not out yet..I'm starting to wonder it ever will..
So to everyone who received Adam in their country, just shut up and be happy about it. At least he's being recognized in there...
Go, Adam xoxoxoxo
we all take a part in how adam is doing. we all have the same goal in mind. we desperately want adam to conquer the world! we want this love for they guy to rub off on everyone. it will. how could it not?
Awwww that is a good point from Anon 9:32. I think he will get to these countries. I too don't understand why the cd is not released everywhere!.Maybe it is financial.. He is so fascinating to see in person. Of course he'll visit more countries soon.( After the tour in the States) xo
I'm another Lambrit! First time posting here! I just want to say that Adam's single is #39 THIS WEEK! It's still not on the Top 10 like other countries but we're catching on!
I'm a Lambrit too & i think Adam is getting there in the UK. At least half of my friends have heard of him now. I went to the Heaven show and it was amaaaaaazing. I feel so lucky i was able to see him & in such an intimate gig. I'm sure the next time he does shows here it'll be big venues only.
Remember everyone to watch the Jonathan Ross show next week (non UK fans you should be able to watch online the next day & i'm sure this site will post links). Its the biggest chat show here, and the only have bonafide stars as guests so they obviously know Adam's the real deal! It should be v funny too, JR is a great interviewer.
Woo hoo, world domination here we come!!
Hi another Lambrit or Glambrit here,
its is great news Adam,s single has reached the top 40 hopefully even higher next week
also great Adam is on J Ross show he is a very witty guy and i am sure Adam with love his dry Humour!
yes it is the biggest chat show and J.Ross inhouse band 4 pouffes and a piano will all probalbly be wearing Adam lambert T.shirts.(they will love him)
this show should propel Adam to lots more fans...not sure if he will be singing as they said on last fridays show it would be the drums but here's hoping.
Hello to all other Adam Glamberts around the world...Adam is in the UK again this week he's so Adorable and yes he has stolen my heart which i am so pleased about!!Loving Adam is so much fun and Thankyou to 24/7 for all you do for us Adam Fans.
always madly in love with Adam xxxx
Just got my new Rolling Stone - turn quickly to back page. Adam is BACK - in two places. #35 top album, ITunes top singles - #9... This is HUGE!! Love it!!
Nr 1 WWFM in Germany!!!
Its amazing to see all together!!
Proud as a mother henn!!
anon 2;12 are you talking about the US rolling stone Mag? Who is on the cover? Thanks.
I just know that the U.K. will eventually fall under Adam's spell. His voice is beyond amazing and he has the charisma and talent to go with it.He's paid his dues for the last ten years. The Glam star originally came from the theater world, this will appeal to the snobs among the Djs and reality talent show critics. To know him is to love him. You'll see in time, Great Britain will be over the moon for Adam.
Don't know which Rolling Stone 2:19pm is talking about - the Lady Gaga cover does not mention Adam one single bit. Neither do any of the other last 3 issues - I comb them from cover to cover and Rolling Stone has completely dropped any mention of him. I will let my subscrip run out and concentrate on Entertainment Weekly cuz they still appreciate how hard he is working. Rolling Stone is old school snobbery personified,in my opinion. They don't like anyone who is over hyped, even if they were part of it. They like deep, dark train wrecks who don't sparkle too much. OOOOOOO - I sound bitter (sorry).
he's sparkling the charts...
as the people from UK says it..
i wish the philippines will also be cast on Adam's spell...
This is from May of last year, but good to see how much Adam is supported worldwide by his fans. Now if the powers that be in the UK would give his fans the Adam visibility and access that is due,it would bring fairness and credibility to to the music industry in the UK. funbunn40
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