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Is Adam Lambert The New David Bowie?

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, May 05, 2010

by Tom Rose

Adam Lambert is in the UK promoting his European release of the album For Your Entertainment and its an opportunity for the Brits to have him sit down for some long talks. And they take advantage of the chance.

Adam is so popular from his stint on American Idol last year that virtually every media organization is clamoring to get their hands on him. And Adam, being the sweetheart he is, indulges as many requests as he can.

In this sitdown with MySpace UK Adam fields questions from an erudite interviewer clearly interested in drawing out Adam's British influences. Brits? Isn't Adam All-American? More like Elvis than any Pop Star hailing from the British Invasion from the 60s... surely he jests?

But it isn't long before Adam reveals the debt of gratitude he has for David Bowie, an English artist who blazed the trail Adam is following today. I won't spoil things.

See for yourself:



Anonymous said...

Good exchange, but the interviewer seemed like someone who did not sleep long enough the night before.

P.S. Adam, if you ever read these comments, you once mentioned to your girl fans during a simiar web chat to go lightly on the blue eyeshadow :) For me, the look you had when stepping out of your London hotel was just PERFECT (glammed up with leather and eyeliner but not too much). Hey, that's my preference and I stand by it!

Anonymous said...

as the UK advertisment goes..GET THE LONDON LOOK..
well Adam you sure had to look struting you stuff in London today, Loving the Leather,Punk T.Shirt Look,cannot wait to see you on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross,
Love the Lambert from a Lambrit UK Isle of Wight

Anonymous said...

Agree anon 8:39,a little too heavy on the eyeshadow, overpowering those beautiful eyes, but Adam as friendly and accommodating as usual. Interviewer looked a little bored, but nice interview. London looks good on Adam! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I forgot to comment on the photo of David Bowie. He's another beautiful man. If you're out there David, Adam would be ecstatic to meet you!!!Think Adam has had a lot of influences, but now he is his own unique, one of a kind Adam that others will emulate and be compared to him. I've already noticed some musicians with the leather, black similiar hair cut, etc. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

The Interviewer was not into Adam and was a bit wooden. Adam was more than accommodating and so gracious. We all hope Bowie calls Adam. That's the music hook-up the Lambert world is waiting for!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to disagree but unless Bowie and Adam go for a pop rock scene similar to what Adam has shown, the world is not waiting for anything..No offense to the Brits but David Bowie(seriously?) is not an ideal pick for a duet with Adam(regardless of how much of a fan Adam is)and I can assure you a lot of fans, especially people that like me were not born when David Bowie was on his peak days, will not enjoy it one bit unless of course we decide that since Adam likes him a lot we'll support him no matter what and, in general, just be happy for him.

Adam should do a duet with Christina Aguilera or Pink or with Matt Bellamy or even with Guns'n'roses or Slash, just imagine the power vocals..Now that would be a thing to be seen and appreciated...

Anonymous said...

This is an "old" web chat from a few weeks back...

Anonymous said...

I think Adam would like to meet Bowie to pick his brain, fame, life experience, writing input, etc.,not to sing a duet. He's a fan and respects what Bowie has accomplished and innovated. It would be an honor for him. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

David Bowie is unique in many ways, but in his heyday, he had not of the charisma, talent and startling good looks of Adam Lambert. He was very scrawny, and frankly homely, and had none of the glamour that Adam displays. Neverthless, he was a trail-breaker, and made some good music, in spite of a rather limited vocal range. I suspect that Adam admires his style more than his vocals.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I agree with Anon 12:06. I think Adam admires only Bowie's style not his vocals or since Adam isn't your average guy, he probably likes both.
Either way so long as they meet only for writing, I'm happy with it.
It give a great boost to his next album in the future to have something wrote with/by David Bowie or Madonna or...

Anonymous said...

David Bowie was a creative trend setter who dared to be different, but in no way did he have the vocal chops of Adam Lambert. The better duet, were he still alive, would have been with Freddie Mercury who was am amazing showman as well as vocalist. And yes, I'd love to hear Adam and Christina sing together.

Anonymous said...

Love Bowie, always have and I'm guessin' he is flattered that Adam is so inspired and influenced by him but, just my thought, these older guys who might be hanging to the long end of a vocal career, might not want to pair up with someone with a young, powerful, absolutely stunning voice like Adam. Honestly, it's hard to imagine anyone who can match the strength and beauty of his voice at its most emotional. Why does he have to be the "new" anybody other than our new, amazing Adam Lambert???

Anonymous said...

the best duet Adam could ever do is with MUSE...Adams voice is PERFECT for our ENGLISH ROCK BAND who was voted Best LIVe band for the last few years
for me this would be the perfect duet..Lambrit isle of wight UK

Anonymous said...

MUSE, yah, I totally agree but wouldn't he out sing them? He certainly promotes a different style and look but I know he loves them and all their music. Never does he sound more humble than when he talks about the moment he was offered "Soaked" but I think his version is crashingly more powerful. I just think he is a little threatening in some kind of quiet ways about which other performers aren't too forthcoming. (my own silly opinion, I know)

Anonymous said...

now heres an idea.muse are headling at Glastobury music Festival in the summer,it would be great for Adam to attend and do a set and song with Muse.
MUSE are Huge in europe and UK

Anonymous said...

That sounds so great but have you SEEN his Summer concert sched. in the US? The guy is at breakneck speed from late May to Sept. I bet they will end up together at some point. He really tried to hook up with them in Las Vegas but he was so exhausted from the Canadian run that he had to choose sleep over even attending their concert.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Muse --EPIC. That would be a cream come true for all.
Hey guys, this is the begining of Adam career. We all know who collaborate with him on his very first album. Can you just imagine his second album? It will be epic. He will have more time and will be a bad ass album.
Keep supporting our golden boy so he can continue to make us happy with his amazing voice .
Did u vote WWFM on VH1? Tonight is the last night for thus week. Please squeez in few votes.
Let's bring him back up.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder!!! That vid is so epic!! Just watched the interview from Australia where he talked about making it - the experience became so genuine for him and it really shows. I know people who never listened to him before, never saw Amer Idol and who were absolutely smitten when they saw that vid. That's going to KEEP happening and I LOVE it!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I did - voted I mean...but I'm still confused. Do you have to fill in ALL the blanks. I'm not doing that - just one and two spot for Adam but does that invalidate the vote. It looks like it's submitted but I keep hearing differently. I just feel like when I fill in all the blanks, I'm promoting some stuff that I really don't like, not very familiar with and works against the averages system. Advise??

Anonymous said...

No .. DO NOT fill in all the blanks ... only #1 & #2 for ADAM. Remember that every vote counts on that grid not just ADAM .. so if you vote for someone else it will count in their favor and AGAINST ADAM! It's the MOST VOTES that count ... not what position you vote in ...

Anonymous said...

MUSE,Muse!! Guess who will be seeing them live in two weeks? That's right, me!! Muse are coming to Portugal, 27th May, for Rock in Rio and the concert is almost sold out! I like their sound a lot and I'm starting to listen to Florence+The Machine-she's so unique!(ok, now I'm ranting). On to the subject of our adoration, I think Adam should do a duet with Matt Bellamy from Muse but like I said before(6th comment) I don't think David Bowie is coming forward to personally meet Adam or to record a duet(I sure hope not!!).
P.S.:Brits why don't you come down to Portugal and see Muse with me.. :-D
Portuguese Fan,
Irina xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Hope ADAM gets the opportunity to meet Bowie.......and did I read the Legendary Slash
somewhere! How awesome would that be for ADAM and Slash to work together!!!ADAM can cream
MUSE without any problem!

Anonymous said...

don't want to dissapoint you fans on Adam meeting David Bowie....he has not been around for a few years,
i do know the Fantastic Tim Burton Loves Adam which is Brilliant i love his surreal film making with the yummy Jonhnny Depp..can you imagine Adam in a Tim Burton Film now that would be EPIC in my Dreams
Lambrit Isle of Wight UK