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Siobhan Magnus: " I am Adam Lambert. "

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, May 30, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Top 10 of American Idol Season 9 had a reunion party and they sang some songs. And Siobhan performed Whataya Want From Me.

From Los Angeles Times:

Siobhan took on "Whataya Want From Me,” which went well with a comment she made earlier, declaring, “I am Adam Lambert," then broke out the octave-defying wail that was, in a word, stupefying (and could be heard clear as day through the ceiling to the floor above).

Credit: theluckygal


Anonymous said...

whatevs! girl dont have shit on adam...just sayin.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope she does not compare herself to Adam in the future, she is unique but NOWHERE near the vocal ability of Adam.

Anonymous said...

sorry, no, you're not.

Anonymous said...

Siobhan, sorry, but you are no Adam Lambert. You may have range, but you scream. Adam hits mega power notes. And,...well...Adam is modestly confident...ego clearly in check. You might want to learn from him on that count. Does Adam compare himself to Freddy? I think not.

I don't mean to mean, but to compare herself to Adam, besides being ridiculous is pretty ego driven.

I find her self-comparison to Adam extremely annoying.

May said...

You girls are being mean. I think she's genuinely a glambert! This isn't the first time she's said nice things about Adam!

I think she's cool. Anyone who likes Adam is cool by me.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she was joking? And not really comparing herself to Adam? Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

don't like hereat all can't even come close to adam don't even like the way she looks. adam is dead gorgeous, sexy a lot of charisms. and she doesn't have any of that.adam has alot of sex appeal,charismatic and voice one of a kind

Anonymous said...

she has got to be kidding me..she is nothing like adam and i wish she wouldnt compare herself to him, ever!

Anonymous said...

its not even the look, her voice is horrible. just because she can could danny when he sang dream on. pleaseee

Anonymous said...

No comparison in any way. Thought she was very pretty, but I didn't like the tone of her voice. It had a strange understated quality that I suppose made it different, but it was not pleasant to my ears. Her screaming high notes sounded terrible--at least on my speakers. Maybe it's better in person. Glad she's apparently an Adam fan, but she ain't no Adam. Of course, she can take the publicity this is bringing her all the way to the megabank.

Anonymous said...

Shibon has got nothing on Adam. He is one of a kind. I don't think she is justified to call herself Adam Lambert just because she has range. Her screams don't even compare.

Anonymous said...

OK, we all know is not in Adam's league in any way...but remember how he dislikes fans giving snarky comments about others. You can't blame the girl for Wishing she were that good! And Adam gave the impression (it seemed) that he thought she had one of the best voices in the competition. Course we all know talent doesn't win AI anymore!!

Samantha said...

"You can't blame the girl for Wishing she were that good!"

I agree 100%

Anonymous said...

sorry but the poor girl is still so deluded,
i think she always uses Adam name hoping someone will notice her,
where are her friends or family to tell her no darling you are not Adam Lambert!
must say that pic above with Adam and that Gorgeous Happy Laughing Smile is so Adorable
God he,s so Beautiful
Love him Loads
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

If you watch the video she was clearly kidding, she was going to say more, but then got cut off by the group. I like Siobhan, but she's def not in Adam's league. Sometimes I think she might have Asperger syndrome.

Anonymous said...

sorry girl, but're not adam lambert!!

Anonymous said...

she wears cool boots...thats about it!

Anonymous said...

siobhan is an ox eyar born/aries sign-- ox eyar born not a gifted birthyear zodiac animal sign. sorry siobhan;; just like you not your singing.only one adma lambert no one can top him classic example the gifted singers are; adam lambert/michael jackson and elvis presly-these guys same zodiac sign animal sign cojncidence?thyre gifted.(this is a phsychic birthyear analyzer. kris allen also is an ox year. born it says not a gifted singer/lee is a tiger year born 1986-not gifted either just ordianry singer/also hes an aries sign.wonder why adma lambert is so unique singer bec. hes really a gifted singer he got that unque voice..adam lambert birhtyear sign -its says gifted/ voice wise -i cnanot tell ehre why aimal sign og adma but same as elvis/michael jackson even though its different. birhtyear.

Anonymous said...

give the girl a break!

Anonymous said...

phew girl thats some information,thanks

Anonymous said...

Wow, some of these comments are not too nice. I like Siobhan because she is different from the usual participants that try out for AI. She often said that she loves Adam Lambert. I agree with 4:16, please give this girl a break. She's an Adam fan, not a hater!

Anonymous said...

i dont care if shes a fan or a hater. i dont equate screaming with vocal talent. shed be fun to go to a bar with tho.

Anonymous said...

you all need to grow up and lighten up....find something worth while to do....

Anonymous said...

Siobhan, really?

You kid yourself even if fooling around.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

anon May 30, 2010 5:32 PM

you need to ligthen up and shut up!

Caty said...

OMG U GUYS HAVE TO CHILL!!!! She's a glambert!!! Be nice to her lol.

Anonymous said...

Ok shioban.. listen up girl..

if u think u r just another Adam Lambert.. well I let u hv the benefit of the doubt!! I know Adam wouldn't like any of his fans to critise fellow AI contestants.. I respect that decision n to avoid arguments of sort.. I just want to say that well girl if u think u r Adam Lambert.. so be it!

There is only ONE Adam Lambert in this universe!!! No one can ever come close to Adam's vocal talent!!!

Adam is One in a BILLION!!!!

luc said...

Nice try, Siobhan....but - ummmm, no.

Anonymous said...

she's only reiterating what so many people said about her, it's not like she thought of it.

I like her, I wish her the best, and she likes Adam like sooooo many of us.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused

Michael Jackson was born August 29, 1958 which means he was a Virgo y do people keep saying that he(Michael), Elvis and Adam r the same sign(Aquarius) i know Adam and Elvis r but not Michael? I have seen this on several sites please enlighen me r they talking about some other sign


Anonymous said...

I'm confused too

Because Elvis was born Janurary 8, 1935 so he was a Capricorn not Aquarius either

jordan!! said...

HA!!! yea right!! you wish you will NEVER be that good you can say you are but your not

Anonymous said...

Nice girl, but in her dreams.

Anonymous said...

It's one thing to be a Glambert and love Adam's music, sure. But actually saying "Im Adam Lambert' then performing his song is like Adam saying he is Lady GaGa, then proceeds to sing "Bad Romance".adam is his own person, and so is Lady GaGa in this case. He would never say he's GaGa because he knows he's Adam. Siobhan, i think that was a really ignorant thing to say, even if you were just joking. You are NOT Adam Lambert. Just because you can hit the same notes doesnt mean you're equally as talented as Adam is. If you had talent and popularity, you would have made it to the finale like Adam did. But you DIDNT, you made it to 6th place, so how can you even compare? Just because you scream doesnt mean you should. A better choice of words for you would have been "Im Danny Gokey" and then you should have howled through "dream on".

I dont care what the siobhan lovers say. dont yell at me, im expressing my opinion just like you are. this just outrages me

Anonymous said...

Siobhan, what's wrong with being Siobhan Magnus?. We are all who we are.

Anonymous said...

may 30 sound so intelligent..
don't think Adam would like you very much..
go away!!!

Anonymous said...

What??? why would she say shes Adam LAMBERT!!!!???Thats like me saying IM johnny Depp!!! SHES just stupid!

Anonymous said...

Siobhan, your 15 minutes of karaoke are are free. Time to find and embrace your own identity and persona. I'm sure it's much more attractive than latching onto Adam's.

Anonymous said...

you people are unreal...just listen to you...get
a life of YOUR own and leave other people alone.
so judgemential........adam likes peace and kindness... not the above

Anonymous said...

Agree with 1:40...lately I get nervous when I come here and see a lot of posts...usually means negative stuff being tossed about. C'mon peeps, lighten up. We all adore Adam so let's be good loving fans he'd be proud of, please. We want to be in a happy place here!

Anonymous said...

let us ALL LOOK forward to
(drum roll)
coming to AMERICA any day now
start gathering your leather,black colour liner,boots,feathers,glitter,lippy,camera,pen etc
and GO get some Fierce Glittery LOVE,
i am sooo excited for you GLAMBERTS,
We NEED to know everything about your Glittery Love Ride
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

I don't believe she literally meant "she's Adam". You know how often Adam gets misquoted and things get misconstrued.She's a fan of Adam and probably thrilled to meet him. They are similiar in their individuality and think that's more of what she meant, besides others making the comparison.Adam has had years of vocal training and experience which obviously sets him apart, let alone his iconic voice and presence. Give her some slack.She's inexperienced and doesn' know how to hit the notes, which with training she may do in time. " It's not that deep people," as Adam would say. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

The girl needs a straight jacket...

Anonymous said...

ok for gods sake people I am really getting sick of so many of what you guys are saying. Adam does not like the hate, you hate when others hate on adam, but when it comes to you hating on others, all's fair? you all are coming across like hypocrites if that's what you truly believe.

I saw the video, she's clearly kidding, it looked like some of it was taken out of context, and she's a fan, but clearly doesn't think of herself as "Adam".

She does not just bring him up sporadically, but is asked about the comparisons in several interviews, and responds to them honestly.

To Anon 5:35, that comment was hateful shit and you shouldn't say that about people.

I honestly can't stand that people are comparing her to danny gokey either. She has nowhere near a danny gokey scream but nowhere near an adam scream. She learned to hit high notes since before adam was famous. She learned in the SHOWER, not professionally, so you are judging her on something she has had no professional training in. She has had good screams (think) where they are actually notes, so don't just put it all into a box.

also shut up about her speaking slow. That in now way means she is "retarded". That isn't something someone can help, and you could be really hurting her or people like her if she really does have some mental incapability.

I love adam as much as you all do, but I am getting pretty goddamn sick of seeing all of the hate for others. You need to be more open to JOKES, OPINIONS, and BELIEFS that may differ from your own. I can understand if some of you don't like a person, but insulting them in such rude ways is incredibly rude. It makes me ashamed to be an adam fan at times to know that some of you can be so hateful.

She is nothing like adam, except for the fact that she is different, unique and misunterstood/hated for no reason (hinthint) and the way she said it is jokingly, not to be egotistical.

I'm usually an open person, but this is the third of fourth post where people have been slamming the poor girl for liking adam and being taken out of context. I really don't mean to be bitchy in any way, but people really need to chill, because it can really put bad labels on adam fans if this type of comments become common to the general public.

I know adam would be appalled to read some of these comments, or others being blatantly rude and insulting to someone who he likes/likes him.

honestly if she were trying to be like adam, she would be black haired, black nail-polished, leather, one gloved, crazy platform boots, GLAMMED out, but shes NOT. she has her own style, if you LISTEN to her, she sings her own way, and she's been doing it in her BAND for YEARS before idol or adam.

PLEASE read this people and try and be less judgemental or outrageously insulting to others.

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

Well said, Emmaline. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

There is no reason to go on the attack. Seriously, this is what gets Adam angry. If his fans attack everyone for petty utterances, then people will feel they can attack him for the same thing. It will never stop--the petty back'n forth.

Just be quiet and get some dignity please. Too much negativity spoils the fun. The girl was KIDDING. People are loosing their sense of humor these days and it's not pretty.

Who would want a bunch of street fighters for fans? People "who matter" will at some point get pissed off at Adam's fan base and not want to hire him because they will be afraid of being attacked like this.

What is so hard to understand about this? Sure those who think it's ok because it's just the web--but it's not. Adam is a gracious person so, why would he want fans who go postal on anything or anyone who dares to say anything that people misunderstand?

If he is someone who you admire than do him a big favor and be responsible with comments so that the collective out there won't label him or his fans as trash.

Anonymous said...

She is a glambert......and has quite a voice herself. Give her a break.....she loves Adam just like we do. Love to all......

Anonymous said...

AMEN!!Negativity and mean comments from fans will hurt Adam, not help him.It's what the haters do to him.Trashing another artist doesn't lift him up, it sounds mean and petty and not what Adam is about. It will just turn media against him. You can be loyal and support Adam and express opinions and like other artists in a positive way which is much more effective. funbunn40