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Jay Leno mentioned Adam Lambert on his show again!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, June 20, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, June 20, 2010

During a sketch on his show, Jay Leno was showing pictures of various celebrities' yearbook photos and Adam was one of them. Leno says Adam is "the most likely to marry a Massachusetts".

Credit: SyberiaWinx


Anonymous said...

'...likely to marry IN Massachusetts' :)

Anonymous said...

Haha Jay loves out boy as much as we do. He never lets an opportunity fly away without showing Adam's picture on his show.

I watch Jay a lot but I missed this episode for some reason. Thanks for posting it!

Maria said...

I don't get it, why a Massachusetts tho?? Was Adam born in that state?

Anonymous said...

Adam has upcoming appearances on Ellen and Oprah. You can check the dates at AdamOfficial. They're listed under Events.

Lisa said...

"Adam has upcoming appearances on Ellen and Oprah. You can check the dates at AdamOfficial. They're listed under Events."

Are they re runs or new appearances?

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious. !!

Anonymous said...

Because in masachussets gay marrige is legal.
Correct me if I am wrong.
It's funny.

Anonymous said...

They are re runs

Anonymous said...

11:24 you got it!! I bet Adam laughed his ass off

Anonymous said...

That's great! We love him here in Mass and Connecticut too! All his shows sold out here like in a second!:)And I have a lot of cute gay friends;)
Dominika from Worcester, Mass

Stephanie said...

Mass legalized gay marriage first in the US. That's funny! but I'm sure Adam will marry a Californian. gay marriage is bound to be legalized in CA in the coming years. Hopefully.

glitzylady said...

Recently spent part of a vacation in Provincetown, MA, on Cape Cod (I'm from the west coast..). Very "gay friendly", lots of various combinations of couples, no one batting an eye (except maybe at each other once in a while) and everyone having a great time. Felt a bit in the minority for once, being non-gay and all, but loved the fact that everyone felt welcome and relaxed, free to be whoever they are. The way it should be everywhere....

Anonymous said...

He is just as likely to marry in Iowa.

Yana said...

" He is just as likely to marry in Iowa."

Yup. It's sad that only two states in the US have legalized gay marriage. And this is 2010. How sad.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yep Iowa, go figure, but not California thanks to Prop8!!

MiMi said...

All the states should follow Mass. and Iowa in allowing gays to marry. I am not gay, but I will fight for the rights of gays because it is the right thing to do. BTW, Adam looks really cute in that picture.

Stephanie said...

Me too MiMi. I'm not gay but I have gay friends and I will fight for them. When the next Prop 8 comes, we're going to fight 10 times more than we fought last time.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:04 am;
Are you sure? He was on both in May. I went to the site and only saw those dates. Please confirm the dates and get back to us!

Anonymous said...

There's no reason for Adam to be on Oprah or Ellen right now considering he's on tour. He's so busy. I think he'll be on their shows again in 2 years when he release his sophomore album.

Anonymous said...

Someone on AO said the audience nearly gasped, not believing it was Adam. I couldn't hear that on the vid, maybe it was only obvious on the TV

It is quite a transformation though :)

DC Canadian

twyla said...

what a nice boy then

what a sensational man today

Anonymous said...

There is a pic of him as a blond, with a Beatle hair cut and he looks 20 or so floating around the web. ADORABLE! Very thin and he looks like a totally different person but beautiful.

Incredible that no one saw him as recording potential! What were they blind and deaf?