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Katy Perry Grabbed Adam's butt at the MMVAs!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, June 21, 2010

Posted at : Monday, June 21, 2010


And Adam grabbed her back! It's funny! Watch it by...



Anonymous said...

Hey Glitz and Sparkles...just dropping this here, as it's the most up-to-date posting right now, so I figure you'll eventually see it...

Hooray, so glad you've given yourself a "name"! Look forward to reading more of your comments! :-D

Where do you live? My guess would be HI, too, as someone else already speculated.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

lol I used to hate Katy Perry but now I love her :D That was so cute.

Luca said...

I can't see the video :( I hope there's a youtube version soon.

Anonymous said...

Hahahhaahha hilarious!

Anonymous said...

They are lovely and adorable together! I love their friendship! It's even more adorable that she was the one who started it! Funny stuff.

Anonymous said...

the interviewer should have asked katy what it is like too grab that glambutt, that's what I wanna know!!lol Hollandfan

Anonymous said...

I couldn't see video either. Katy looked gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

To anon 11:12:
Here's a downloadable link!
Adam is soooo cute


Glitz and Sparkles said...

aloha Adam Fix......yes Hawaii.

Anonymous said...

Yeah it was awesome that Kate did it first:) I think she's really pretty.
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

HOW SWEET !!!!!!!!LOVE IT !!!

Anonymous said...

Great Clip, i know alot of America don,t like Russell Brand her soon to be husband...but he is a very funny guy and i love his humour..good luck to both of them xx
Loving all the Adam Pictures and Videos and comments from the award show,
Well Done Beautiful Adam we knew you would do it,
lets hope for more airplay and that everyone can now see what a Fantastic Human Being Adam Lambert is
and Adam will now attract even lots more fans
Love that Lambert
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

I love these 2, Katy is gorgeous and Adam is Adam(super-duper-dead-gorgeous!!!).
Don't take me wrong, but it boggles my mind that katy perry's song California girl is #1 n charts and IIHY is still not getting a play...come on people, california girls is just a stupid song, I don't get it:( I think this proves that the teens control the downloading market and the Ugly old men who are all drools and horny for girls(like katy) control the radio market. How Pathetic could they get! JMHO!

Anonymous said...

awwww, that's sweet. bff

Anonymous said...

if I grab Adam's will he grab mine? lol

Anonymous said...

They are so cute together. I would want to grab but would resist that. HE is so adorable who could resist him? Not

Anonymous said...

They are so cute! Nice to have good friends in life.

jordan!! said...

hahahah!! thats so funny im glad adam has katy as a friend lol i wish i was katy :[[[ i wana do that lol!

Anonymous said...

I wish they were a couple, they look so good together. A girl can wish. Love them both.

donnaw said...

How freakin cute is that clip??? I just love the look of surprise on Adam's face!! He has the greatest sense of humor.....he must be a riot at a party!!!
She's just gorgeous....and its nice that he appreciates a "nice butt"!!!

Anonymous said...

So playful and cute! Love the affection that Adam and his friends have for each other. He's a loyal and giving friend and I'm glad that it comes back to him. He deserves all of the good in life. He has such a beautiful soul. Katy has such beautiful eyes, as does Adam. Could you imagine if they had children together, what eyes they would have? I know, that would be an impossible stretch! lol funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I'd love to grab anything Adam, but only with permission! Cutest butt in the world! Lucky Katy!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I am glad Adam had fun at the awards - I am sure that this is just the beginning of his career. He and Katy are cute together with their pretty blue eyes and black hair.

Anonymous said...

ADAM seems to have a GREAT time at every function. He is so UPBEAT & REAL ... just like the REBEL boy next door. I'm sure a lot of you remember one from your teen years ... always SMILING & READY for whatever may happen!! Just LOVE ADAM!!

Anonymous said...

i just read this on our UK News

Katy had 17 stitches in her leg after hurting herself while dancing at a club in Toronto, Canada, following the MuchMusic Video Awards earlier this week.
poor girl ouch!!
Glambrit isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Katy Perry's new stuff is fun but pretty average.
The new image, clever and appealing but that's about it. She seems a fun girl but not in the realm of Adam one bit. Oh, the things Adam has to tolerate even if they look or could be fun!!

Anonymous said...

Katie never seems to fit her look or image to me. I like Ke$sha so much better.

Anonymous said...

You can view more video clips of them on