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"If I Had You" Music Video NOW ON ITUNES!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, June 21, 2010

Posted at : Monday, June 21, 2010

The music video for Adam Lambert's third single If I Had You is finally released on iTunes! Buy it now!

Click the link below to buy it!
If I Had You - Adam Lambert

Do not forget to rate the video after you purchased it!

Update: the video is #6 in the US iTunes and #7 in Canada iTunes!




Anonymous said...

it's fantastic to have the real video- go get it now!!!! It's amazing-

buy the FYE album if you haven't or an extra one for the car!!

Stephanie said...

I just bought it...!!

Let's make him #1! I remember FYE and WWFM were both #1 for a day or something.

Anonymous said...

I have all the Adam videos from I Tunes. The fans who did not purchase Adam's American Idol Videos really lost out on some wonderful performances. I Tunes is usually slow in putting Adam's work on, but not this time. UPDATE- If I Had You is #1 download in Music Videos. He is #1 in everything for me. Also, please rate and write a review when you purchase the video. Let's show I Tunes how important Adam is to us.

Anonymous said...

It's #2 right now!!!

Anonymous said...

This is probably a dumb question, but can you buy the dvd or just by downloading it? If so,where? Have to get more savvy on the computer, sorry to say and have to learn how to download too, as I want to support Adam and have bought 8 FYE cds, Take One,Ten Commandments and anything else I can get my hands on. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I want to know if the single for IIHY is on a CD with the FABULOUS cover! That's what I'm looking for ... anyone know if it is available on CD ... or is it just downloads from itunes? ANY help would really be appreciated. Thanx!