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New VH1 Videos! Adam Answers Fan Questions

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Anonymous said...

I don't know but the questions he answers it seems as though he's doesn't really understand his talent....

Anonymous said...

So some new things I have in common with Adam Lambert - my favourite candy is also Reese's peanut butter cups - but i have to buy them at a special international store, quite expensive, cuz you can't buy them in normal stores in Poland but what can you do?;) I also love the lyrics to Aftermath but my favourite lines are "if anybody pulls you down, if anybody says you're not allowed - remember you are not alone!"... cuz you got your other Glamber buddies on 24/7:)
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

Adam is so brilliant about keeping secrets. Love his answers.

Anonymous said...

That is so nice 1:19.

Anonymous said...

The last one is make love to a girl !!!! I know cause I've heard him say that before !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:51 - you are a genius! That I didn't think of that earlier! I'm positive you're right!
you clever Glamberts:)

Anonymous said...

Yea, he covers up things really well..I'm not sure what or how to think of him at times..

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon 1.51. I think I remember hearing him say something like that too.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the conversation because I CANNOT see the video! ARGH!! VH1! Please unlock it so people worldwide can see it!!!! PLEASE!! :(

Anonymous said...

You know I just want him to come out and say I'm doing this because I know this is what I wanna do and I know this is what feels right...because I know I love this and I love how it makes me feel and all the ways that I can use this to express how I feel..

Anonymous said...

I agree with 1:51 as well. Make love with a woman was my first reaction when he said it was inappropriate and he didn't want to talk about it. In an interview a long time ago he did say it was something he wanted to experience.

Anonymous said...

is there a transcript of what he said because the video doesn't work on vh!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Would not be surprised if the last thing had to do with girl parts...he does have a really adorb look on his face when he starts to talk about "the last one"'s not like he'd have to go to far either!

Anonymous said...

someone please describe what he said about girls and the question asked please?

Anonymous said...

Yes!I also agree with 1:51 and have heard him say it. Hope he can have the experience and no longer have to wonder. He can enjoy kissing a woman, maybe...Just want him to be happy and love whomever he chooses. He is so deserving and worth loving. I hope he will always be cherished and protected from any opportunists that would try to exploit him. Anyone would be very fortunate to be on the receiving end of his love and affection.He has such a beautiful soul. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

My first thought was that the last thing was making love to a girl, and my second thought was that it was getting a genital piercing. If it's either one of those, I would want to tell him that neither of them is worth the risks.

glitzylady said...

Yep, guessing you are right about the last one-the secret-it did elicit a happy and slightly embarrassed smile and a look in his eyes. A while back he would have just come out with it but has that filter in place a little more now (probably a good thing...) but we know...Heard (read) it too somewhere back there in one of his really open interviews...(Have read a few myself...).. Imagine he would have a lot of volunteers to help him with that wish....

And about Paris....hoping he goes on his international tour and it just so happens that I may be going there this fall, never been either (big ugly birthday coming up...husband thinks I need to be cheered up) and it would definitely be a huge cheer-me-up-forget-the-ugly-birthday present if he happened to be there at the same time...Hmmm... My husband would be compelled to say "But of course you can go see Adam (again), anything for the Birthday Girl!!!" Not definite yet but I am sure keeping my options open, waiting for his tour schedule....May even be some other European city that I am dying to visit all of a sudden......Or some other city in the world...

Anonymous said...

Can someone write down what Adam said? I can't view the video!

Anonymous said...

His smile was so cute and coy at the end...
And Paris is beautiful......but you have to watch where you're walking because of all the dog s**t everywhere..

HK fan

glitzylady said...

@HK fan

Good to know...

Anonymous said...

Wow, I see a bunch of delusional fans. If Adam actually wants to fuck a girl, he would have done that by now. He’s nearly 30 and lived for 8years in LA, went to underground nightclubs and burning man where tons of pretty and willing girls are partying. He could have fucked tons of pretty girls if he wanted. It's so much easier for a guy to have a heterosexual sex because it's considered the norm in our society. You guys need to stop believing he will suddenly find a "right girl" and have a sex with her.

Anonymous said...

Okay - well - I was gonna jump in and lightheartedly say - whew, maybe I don't need that sexual re-assignment surgery afterall...glad I read this before I started taking those mandatory pre-surgery testosterone pills ;)

but maybe instead of that comic relief - I should just say - hey, Anony @ 3:42, relax, it's all in good fun!! Chill friend.


glitz and sparkles said...


I just went to Paris last month for my first time...thoroughly enjoyed it. The dog poop situation wasn't that bad and in fact the guys in the green 'suits' do the street/sidewalk clean up. While there I would watch their MTV always checking for Adam's video...didn't see it. I think France hasn't had an ADAM EXPOSURE yet. France has Novelle Star which is the same as American Idol...the show runs for hours. Italia hasn't had a proper dose of ADAM yet also. I've sent Adam video links to my friend in Italia so she can enjoy. I am willing to go somewhere in this world to see him if he doesn't plan on visiting our Pacific isle. I've got to save up my airline miles so I can go somewhere again!!!!
I would love to see him in the colosseum or some piazza. That would be totally fabulous and romantic, under the stars.

glitzylady said...

Okay, nobody says we are right, and obviously what you say is true as far as the opportunities that exist out there, but some of us did read an interview (was it in OUT magazine???) or two where he was being almost painfully honest and he said that is something he would like to experience, and whether he does or not is nobody's business but his....So go ahead and be "right" if that makes you feel better....No body is saying he will suddenly turn "straight" either, none of us really expect or want that to happen. I doubt that any of us here are delusional. Adam is gay and just part of who he is, wouldn't have him any other way. So sorry I have upset you by sharing an opinion (but not really...) We're just having fun...

Anonymous said...

To Glitz and Sparkles,
It has been a very long time since I've been to Paris, so glad to hear they've improved the dog did used to be pretty bad, didn't detract from the beauty of the city though.

HK fan

glitzylady said...

Well, we MAY be a little delusional as times, on second thought, we are also realistic when its all said and done. I do love my little delusions tho.....and I do like that hand in the pants picture mentioned above. Nothing delusional about that....(going to my Happy Place now.....)

glitzylady said...

OOPS! Wrong thread re hand in the pants pic....still going to my Happy Place tho

glitzylady said...


Is that you Negative Neil???? And yes, Adam really is hotter than you, even tho someone tweeted that you are hotter, now that's delusional.....That entry above was actually meant for your blog, right???? Off you go...

Just kidding of course, love "Negative Neil", but sort of had that tone....And you are hot in your own way...

glitz and sparkles said...

@HK fan

yeah, I don't know how bad the dog mess was b4. There was still an occasional poop but not what I had expected...and luckily I never stepped in it. And then it might also depend on what part of the city you visit??

Hopefully the French and Italians will embrace our Adam as other countries have.

Anonymous said...

-pouts- can't watch ne VH1 vids

Anonymous said...

@3:42pm, Chill. We are a fun loving, pretty bright bunch that realistically knows without a doubt that Adam is gay.That doesn't stop some of us from hoping that Adam will get a well-rounded education lol and experience whatever he wants to in life. No one is trying to "turn" him or dictate his life. He just happenens to be the sexiest man alive that appeals to both genders and probably every living thing on this planet. So don't worry, be happy, all in good fun! funbunn40

glitzylady said...

@glitz and sparkles at 4:00 pm

You are right, Adam hasn't really hit France yet, but one can always hope! I suppose he'll be visiting some of the places that his songs are playing currently, otherwise not so many would know about him (although how sad for them!) Just a matter of time...

You are more than welcome to come to the west coast to see him, you can still get tickets even though many venues are "sold out"....Hasn't stopped me before!! Of course on top of airfare it gets pricey, have done that before too. You never know what you may decide in the months to come, although wouldn't it be great to see him in Hawaii! You'd most likely see a few of us mainlanders over there as well, any excuse to go to Hawaii AND see Adam, well, just perfect!

Anonymous said...

uuummm having sex with a girl is not that shocking...i think its more *interesting* than that...possibly he wants to be double penetrated. just sayin.

Anonymous said...

oh or maybe fisting...

Anonymous said...

Oh god. So - here I was, all reved up when Adam was talking about peeling his leather pants off his sweaty body, and snaps and velcro (oh, the places my mind could go!) when someone has to go and mention double-penetration and fisting!! OK, whole new realm, there. **whew!!**

Gliztylady: love the "happy place" line, ha, ha! Going to retreat to mine, for a couple minutes now, too!

All these posts are great, lol on a bunch of them! Glitz and Sparkles - come over to the west coast to see Adam! Actually, can't believe he's not scheduled to stop in HI as part of his tour.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or do Adam's eyes look "tired" in this vid? Don't know how else to describe it. They look a little "flat".

Hope he is getting enough rest...we know he's giving us his all on this tour, being the professional that he is!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

OMG, double penetrated and fisting. Wow, you wouldn't believe some of the things I have learned thanks to stanning Adam-ha! I too believe that it may be something more "interesting" than the guesses of to be with a girl. He seemed to be more bicurious a while back than as of late but of course we're just guessing--like Adam likes it. Could also involve his new nipple piercings-according to his pre-idol myspace (or was it facebook) he talked ~very fondly of it on another guy.

Anonymous said...

Good for Bebe in keeping some things private .... and I know it's not just so that we will have fun speculating. In my opinion, his relationship with Drake was deeply affected by the trashy media hounds and I bet he doesn't want anything like that to happen again. Such a beautiful, romantic guy .... lucky anyone who is the receiver of his love.

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a kind, beautiful soul. He's really beautiful inside and out.I'm happy he learned to filter. He's such a top though that the whole double penetration and fisting thing made me LMAO. I remember reading an interview that he talked about girls but yes, it was a while back.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I don't think Adam is a perve. So I wouldn't put fisting or double-penetration on his bucket list. just my opinion. who comes up with these f****** ideas!? I think I'm too conservative for this crowd;)
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

Chill out people. LIfe wth some delusion and immagination can sometimes help yourself understanding more of your inner self and end up you may achieve a better life afterall. What Adam gives me so far , besides his voice that can melt you heart, it is the wildest life experiences that I had suddenly pop up in my head. After marry for a long time, life had been settle down for a while, being a"mom" and a "housewife", Adam sure inspires me to take life in a whole new level. I recently started a home business, life is thrilled of doing what I like to do. Now I don't look back, I go ahead and achieve the dream that I always want.

Anonymous said...

Adam Fix, this isn't the first time I've seen Adam look like that in interviews. I wonder if he takes sedatives sometimes to help deal with all the craziness that is his life now.

Anonymous said...

@Poland Loves Adam June 30 - your comments at 2:19AM made me howl :)... I'm not going to add any 2 cents one way or the other cuz WTF do I know :)... but I will add that Adam has said that he's actually sort of "vanilla" in this arena... don't know if I believe him, lol, but I recall him saying that on two seperate occasions (in interviews). I wouldn't categorize the sensuality and sexuality he gives us on stage as "vanilla" (holy hot hell the FACES alone that he gives us...never mind anything below the neck) and that stage persona is all I care about, LOL. (and btw PLA, thanks for comments on previous/older thread...and glad to hear from you again!!!)

Anonymous said...

Adam def said he was "vanilla" in his sexual tastes and also didn't like "toys" when someone was asking about his love life. So take it from there, I don't think we can put all gay men into one category, they all have their own preferances. I really think this guy is a romantic looking for the "one". Only problem he has to get over the little guys as his types and especially when he keeps mentioning young in their early twenties. Hope he is not saying the same thing when he is in his forties. I would like to see him with a man who is successful in his own career what ever that may be, and not a hanger on. Nuf said.

Anonymous said...

I do believe that Adam still has some of his insecurities. You can tell because of his reaction to all the screaming and adoration of his female fans. He likes guys who are young, beautiful, and small. He is Masculine, but he wants someone who is Feminine. I am just curious as to WHO the LUCKY girl will be.

Anonymous said...

Some of you are out of your oh way too explicit minds. Go to another site for that. Keep this a place for the love of Adam's music knowing that some young teens come here. Good God! Some of you sound OTT and simply disgusting. Would you say these things to Adam's face?

Don't tell me it's all in's degrading to Adam.

Not a Prude

Anonymous said...

Okay "Not a Prude" Anon @ June 30 2:57pm - I will genuinely ruminate on what you're saying.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope "Not a Prude" @ 2:57pm wasn't reading when "Rachel" had her TMI moment a few weeks back!

Anonymous said...

uuummmm im more than pretty sure Adam would be rightfully comfortable discussing fisting and DPs over drinks any night of the week... some of you newbies to gay culture need to chill the fuck out. it is what it is.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous June 30, 4:31PM

Adam will never discuss about those things in front of kids, idiot. Most of the vocal fans seem to be older idol-loving housewive fans but that is not the brunt of his fan base. He has many teenage fans all over the world and they visit fansites like this. And normanl music fans who appreciate his music and don't rely on him for their own sexual pleasure are turned off by discussion like that about him. Any time normal fans try to speak out against OTT fan comments, they are told "chill". But remenber that this group of OTT fans isn't big enough to sustain a career for Adam.

Anonymous said...

MGF @ 4:07 Yes I read what "Rachel" had to say with her too much information moment regarding her nether regions and I told her what I thought about that as well. The rest of you who thought that was ever so funny have your minds in a place I do not care to go on this site.

Anon @ 4:31 Me being a "newbie to the gay culture" in your eyes does not mean I have to discuss every aspect of that life style on a fan site that (I will repeat) teen agers visit. And since this is not over drinks with Adam any night of the week, you should not either. Btw, fyi my older brother is gay and if there's anything I haven't heard and/or want to know, I'll ask him. Tyvm

As I said before and will say again using other words so as to inform some of you who don't get anything over 4 letters: There is a time and a place for every thing. This site is not the place.

I don't need to chill out.

Not a prude.

Anonymous said...

Adam has learned to filter many of the things he says. This site...not so much. Some fans need to think before they type.

Anonymous said...

@Not a prude/June 30/6:40 - I said what I said @ 4:03pm - I approached your POV with sincerity.

Anonymous said...

I have said this before and I will say it again for emphasis. What would be written on this site if our email addresses or actual names were required. What would be said on this site if our parents or children or spouses were able to read what we said. Alot of you don't even realize you are objectifying Adam as if he were not a living, breathing human being. To you he's open fodder about whom you can say anything you please. Judging by some of the comments above me, I am not alone in this opinion.

Annonymity is a great thing, isn't it. It let's you spew venom, drop the f bomb and write anything that comes to mind with absolutely no consequences for your actions. I hope you're proud of yourselves.

I'm Not A Prude Either


Anonymous said...

Hey can anyone just tell us (the fans who sadly cannot watch this video) a few of the questions asked and his response?

Please :)!

-Thank u soo much!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the internet Stanley and Not A Prude, good/bad, warts and all. Yes the anonymity creates certain results, good/bad. There is also this little thing called FREE-WILL, use it. (Teens and tweens should have access to the internet only in living rooms, kitchens, dens, etc., not in bedrooms or private rooms, or on unrestricted and unsupervised ipods, like experts continually suggest. Naive, maybe, but a concept worth pushing and promoting. Still not an excuse or greenight to post without limits on internet, but a good practice for families nonetheless, parental involvement needed, mandatory). This group is hardly a bunch to throw limits and caution to the wind, hardly. This group talks about Mr. Lambert's talent and music endlessly. As a person who works in IT, I could give you a long list of sites that could use some policing 1000% more than this one. This group has every reason to be proud of themselves, of their fierce support of Mr. Lambert's music career, of their heartfelt gratitude for his unique vocal artistry, of their deep appreciation for how Mr. Lambert seems, by all public accounts, to be as a human being, proud of their evolving support of each other in albeit small ways, and encouraging each other in small seemingly inconsequential but ultimately positive ways, despite some comedic, but yes, saucy exchanges sometimes, despite some spicy and mature discussion about other aesthetic qualities that Lambert possesses and exposes within his particular artform. Yes the anonymity creates certain results, good/bad. There is also this little thing called FREE-WILL, use it.

Anonymous said...

8:11 I think Not a Prude and Stanley are acting responsibly in using their own FREE-WILL in posting here.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely Michael @ 1:42, well said, and it is in part what I meant, however I also meant, which I think you picked up on, perhaps they should move along if they are uncomfortable with the banter, or should check only the posted items by 24/7 administrators and leave the comments section unopened. They are acting responsibly for themselves, seemingly good people, as much as one can tell from the vast anonymous internet, but if they don't feel good inside after visiting here, perhaps they should re-evalutate their utilizing this site. And please don't come back at me with the idea of nobody should be run out of town from this site so to speak...I don't visit the site as much as others seem to, but on the whole, exceptions always of course, they seem to be an intelligent group, totally devoid of a mob/group mentality. From what I can glean from Stanley & NAP's comments, they have visited this site many many times, and even spoken up a few times (good for them if that made them feel more comfortable) but there is indeed a certain tenor in some of the threads from time to time, Stanley & NAP seem to know and understand this, and so perhaps it is time for them to exercise their free-will fully and move along, if participating in this site makes them feel uncomfortable, ill-at-ease, unhappy, disgusted, or what have you. Or again, perhaps they can enjoy the wealth of information that is posted by 24/7, without opening up the comments sections. I will add this, a while back I was participating in a blog. It was more American Idol focused. I soon came to learn that it was very snarky, I didn't like the tone. I mentioned it when commenting one day. Many of that sites' regulars chimed right in and said that is how that particula blog (a small very unofficial one) was, snarky was the tenor of the blog, that was how the blog had evolved with its participating members and things probably weren't going to change much and I had to choose to stay or go. They posted comments saying that they were respectful of whatever decision I made, whatever was best for me and my mindset and spirits. I chose to go. Have not been back since. The points you have made Michael, Stanley and NAP too, are not without merit, but again I say "welcome to the internet, good/bad, warts and all.

Anonymous said...

Its a comment section...on a blog...on the internet. Police your kids if you wish but they have access to MUCH more "unaccaptable" shit than what is posted here. But it is NOT the job of a commenter to babysit YOUR children. And how wonderful for a previous commenter to play the "my-best-friend-is-gay" card. You have very simply made the point that Adam tried to make following the AMAs. You can BE gay but the minute you SHOW gay, people freak out. Well apparently the minute you TALK/COMMENT gay the same thing happens. And lets be real for all those who wish to annoint Adam as gay saint of the year...he had his sexual awakening in Berlin. If you dont know what goes on in the gay clubs of Berlin, maybe you should google it. Trust me the boy has had his share of experiences. I say let the boy live and if he or anyone else wants to TALK be it. I love it!! If you dont care for it, dont participate.

Anonymous said...

Valid points Anon on July 1 @ 7:00am.

People, watch videos from just one GNT concert, maybe the most recent Whole Lotta Love, and then come back here and tell me that Adam Lambert is unwilling to have both his vocal prowess and physical prowess recognized, appreciated, referenced and talked about by fans. Good Lord, if you are on this site enough to know what various people are saying from time to time, thread to thread, then you are on this site more than just every now and then and you are on this site enough to know what Lambert is about, the multi-faceted and complex Adam Lambert (as much as he chooses to show the public anyway, which is a lot). It certainly doesn't strike me that Adam Lambert is feeling like an unappreciated, used, objectified piece of meat. For crying out loud, go watch the most recent Whole Lotta Love from Norfolk Virginia. What occurs to me is that Adam Lambert is quite content to have all of what he is willingly offering appreciated and talked about, audio AND VISUAL, sound AND SIGHT, vocal ability AND PHYSICALITY. This doesn't mean that Adam Lambert himself is giving an across the board thumbs up for children to participate in every lively conversation that is had about him between fans, but I'd venture to guess that he is quite fine with the existence of blogs just like this one, where fans become more deeply rooted in their fandom and discuss ALL aspects of what he's offering, apparently offering quite willingly and by his own choosing. My God, Adam Lambert himself is the king of PLAYFUL, playfulness of various, multiple sorts. What Adam Lambert are some of you following? I'm reminded of an every day household staple right now, the TELEVISION REMOTE, change the channel if you're not interested in the programming.