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Three of Adam Lambert Music Videos on VH1's Top 5!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, June 21, 2010

Posted at : Monday, June 21, 2010

This chart monitors how popular each videos are on VH1 daily. They are updated daily. Looks like all of Adam's videos became very popular after last night's Much Music Awards.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Like i just commented on VH1, Adam is the Most Exciting, and Most Interesting Entertainer around. I should have said, "He is also the Most Tallented, Gorgeous, Sensual, Intelligent, Sweetest, Man on this Planet."

Anonymous said...

This is AMAZING!! Congratulations Adam, you definately deserve this!!

Stephanie said...

That's so cool!!

Anonymous said...

FYE is a truly amazing song and never got fair attention because of that AMA silliness. The song and the video are the best.

Anonymous said...

funny if they released fye again in the states.

Anonymous said...

Actually guys - this has been the case sine IIHY premiered last week.

And the reason why "Live Like We're Dying" is probably #2 is because originally, the only way you could access IIHY was in the "American Idols Playlist" and so if you didn't catch the end of IIHY and hit replay, or stop it, then LLWD would come up automatically. That is also why many comments that were meant for Lambert's IIHY are under the comment section for LLWD. **Now, if you use this link:

then, if you don't catch the end of IIHY, at least another Adam Lambert video will play automatically.

I actually run IIHY & the subsequent Lambert videos in this way in one window while I work in another when I'm working on my computer... and that way, several of Lambert's videos get "hits" continuously while I work in my other window. And I suspect that many fans do this as well and that might be why, at least in part, WWFM and FYE vids are back in the top 5 as listed above (which, again, is not new this week, but happened in conjuction with IIHY premiere last week, I'm pretty sure).

Anonymous said...

anon 7:22, you got it right. I was hitting stop/replay right away after Adams video so that to avoid LLWD. LLWD got over 50,000 hits on that same day IIHY was released just b/c of Adams fans. Watch out for our boy fans, we don't want his numbers to go to someone else, do we? I guess not:)

Anonymous said...

OK - but I am officially ticked off by Access Hollywood show I just watched. They did segments on Justin B, Katy P. Keisha and Miley at the MuchMusic Awards and said NOTHING about Adam. They showed him on red carpet, ran his sweet comment about Bieber Fever and then said nothing about his awesome performance, the crowd reaction and then said that Miley had won best international vid award. (#%@&#&@^%*#*)

Anonymous said...

GO ADAM !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I saw an Access Hollywood clip of Adam after the show finishing his award thankyous. Maybe it wasn't aired. I saw it in one of the 24/7 small squares under one of the videos.I had hoped ET or Showbiz Tonight would have showed Adam.Don't understand why Adam's award wasn't mentioned on those shows.