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Adam at a piercing shop! (Plus a new old picture!)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 5, 2010

Posted at : Monday, July 05, 2010

New pictures were posted on twitter. This is a picture of Adam supposedly at a piercing shop (or tattoo parlor) yesterday.

And a new picture from Sasha's twitter! Pretty! (Not Adam)

And NEW (OLD) pictures!


Anonymous said...

lmao that picture is of sashaaaa. the second one she posted it on twitter of herself

Shirley said...

LOL. I actually thought it was Adam too. people on twitter were confused as well. Sasha and Adam......look similar.

Anonymous said...


Shirley said...

Can someone tell me who that person is? (The last picture) Is it brad?

Anonymous said...

i prefer adam and tommy licking can we have some more please

Anonymous said...

I think that guy there is Cheeks, right??

Anonymous said...

shirley i hope you don,t mind me saying but how can adam and sasha look similar?? lol

Anonymous said...

shirley's not alone. I saw that picture posted on Idol forums and I immediatel thought that was Adam......

am i bad fan? lol

Anonymous said...

I love that everywhere Adam goes, there's Glamberts!

Anonymous said...

NO you are not a bad fan but you should see that adam has alot more style and taste when it comes to jewellery and just about everything really lol
no offence sasha

JaniceMan said...

I see some blond hair in the last picture. So beautiful

Anonymous said...

Here is a funny vid with some pics I've never seen before by Sandrasoss...check out Simon Cowell LOL!

Anonymous said...

The last photo isn't Cheeks, but don't know who he is.Neil said on Twitter he didn't get a tat. Don't think his Dad was in favor. He said,"start small and don't get a tramp stamp." lol No news about Adam.Hope not. It might limit him in films later. It won't hurt if he only remains a rock star, but I'd hate to see him limit himself.It won,t look that cool at 60, but it's his choice. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

The last one is not an old picture, look at the haircut. It was probably from last week when he spent some time boating.

Anonymous said...

It's a generational thing with the tats, I think. I think Adam has the artistic sense to get something that will look awesome-- he's been talking about a sleeve...

Arta Arias said...

OOOMMMMGGGG!!! GUYS WHY HASN'T 24/7 REPORTED THIS YET?!?!?!? I was just at Vh1's homepage and saw a link there: "TOP 100 VIDEOS OF 2010"!!!
No.2 - Gaga, Bad Romance
No.1 - ADAM LAMBERT, WWFM!!!!!!!!!

Arta Arias said...

OOOMMMMGGGG!!! GUYS WHY HASN'T 24/7 REPORTED THIS YET?!?!?!? I was just at Vh1's homepage and saw a link there: "TOP 100 VIDEOS OF 2010"!!!
No.2 - Gaga, Bad Romance
No.1 - ADAM LAMBERT, WWFM!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lookout Tat parlors - if Adam gets a new tattoo, we will follow!

Arta Arias said...

:O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm still shocked! Went there again, Adam has 2 videos in top 10 WWFM is 1 and FYE is 6! Only Gaga has 2 in top 10, which one of'em is the collaborative telephone at 9! Adam agan reapears on at 13 with Time for Miracles and Maaaaaan what a miracle are you Glamberts with what you've done!!!! I wish I too knew so I could help him get even higher on the chart!
Anyway our boy Kris is at 4, of course he can't beat Adam but good to know he's there too, don't like to see him fail just because I love his ex-rival more and since they're great friends right now so why not share the top 10 together. OF COURSE AS LONG AS ADAM STAYS ATOP...! :)))) :p
Oh and one more thing, fan favorite Taylor Swift and Justin bieber both come at 22 and 29 respectively in their first entries on the chart.

Arta Arias said...

:O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm still shocked! Went there again, Adam has 2 videos in top 10 WWFM is 1 and FYE is 6! Only Gaga has 2 in top 10, which one of'em is the collaborative telephone at 9! Adam agan reapears on at 13 with Time for Miracles and Maaaaaan what a miracle are you Glamberts with what you've done!!!! I wish I too knew so I could help him get even higher on the chart!
Anyway our boy Kris is at 4, of course he can't beat Adam but good to know he's there too, don't like to see him fail just because I love his ex-rival more and since they're great friends right now so why not share the top 10 together. OF COURSE AS LONG AS ADAM STAYS ATOP...! :)))) :p
Oh and one more thing, fan favorite Taylor Swift and Justin bieber both come at 22 and 29 respectively in their first entries on the chart.

Arta Arias said...

:O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm still shocked! Went there again, Adam has 2 videos in top 10 WWFM is 1 and FYE is 6! Only Gaga has 2 in top 10, which one of'em is the collaborated telephone at 9! Adam again reapears at 13 with Time for Miracles and Maaaaaan what a miracle are you Glamberts with what you've done!!!! I wish I too knew so I could help him get even higher on the chart!
Anyway our boy Kris is at 4, of course he can't beat Adam but good to know he's there too, don't like to see him fail just because I love his ex-rival more and since they're great friends right now so why not share the top 10 together. OF COURSE AS LONG AS ADAM STAYS ATOP...! :)))) :p
Oh and one more thing, fan favorite Taylor Swift and Justin bieber both come at 22 and 29 respectively at their first entries on the chart.

Arta Arias said...

Why aren't my commnets getting published? :(

Arta Arias said...

:O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm still shocked! Went there again, Adam has 2 videos in top 10 WWFM is 1 and FYE is 6! Only Gaga has 2 in top 10, which one of'em is the collaborated telephone at 9! Adam again reapears at 13 with Time for Miracles and Maaaaaan what a miracle are you Glamberts with what you've done!!!! I wish I too knew so I could help him get even higher on the chart!
Anyway our boy Kris is at 4, of course he can't beat Adam but good to know he's there too, don't like to see him fail just because I love his ex-rival more and since they're great friends right now so why not share the top 10 together. OF COURSE AS LONG AS ADAM STAYS ATOP...! :)))) :p
Oh and one more thing, fan favorite Taylor Swift and Justin bieber both come at 22 and 29 respectively at their first entries on the chart.

Arta Arias said...

:O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm still shocked! Went there again, Adam has 2 videos in top 10 WWFM is 1 and FYE is 6! Only Gaga has 2 in top 10, which one of'em is the collaborated telephone at 9! Adam again reapears at 13 with Time for Miracles and Maaaaaan what a miracle are you Glamberts with what you've done!!!! I wish I too knew so I could help him get even higher on the chart!
Anyway our boy Kris is at 4, of course he can't beat Adam but good to know he's there too, don't like to see him fail just because I love his ex-rival more and since they're great friends right now so why not share the top 10 together. OF COURSE AS LONG AS ADAM STAYS ATOP...! :)))) :p
Oh and one more thing, fan favorite Taylor Swift and Justin bieber both come at 22 and 29 respectively at their first entries on the chart.

Anonymous said...

I agree with funbunn40. I want Adam to have all the wonderful film roles he could ever want + the classy status good actors without tats can have.

Some of those photos on the video from anon at 11:05 are really funny!
Thanks 11:05!


Anonymous said...

Check out Twitter. Adam did get a tatto, a very tasteful "INfinity" Symbol right above the "Eye of Horus" It looks great - check it out on Twitter.

Anonymous said...

Reports are out there just this morning that Adam does have a new tat

Anonymous said...

Adam did get a new Tatto. He tweeted a picture just 32 minutes ago. It is an Infinity symbol just above his Eye of Horus. It is very tasteful, very beautiful.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert no more tatoo pls make ur body clean as possible when u get older tatoo doesnt look good.niel is a smart guy no tatto on his body. stay clean.

Anonymous said...

anon Arta Arias
this is an adam lambert site! no kris talk please!

Anonymous said...

No offense guys, but I think this blog should appoint another mod from a different time zone. I mean, this is Adam Lambert news 24/7 right? So, you guys in the US are probably sleeping while us fans in the Asian region are wide awake and waiting for any, (yes, ANY!) news/ updates on Adam Lambert, especially the venues of his international Glam Nation tour. What do you say, ms moderator? Do you need another committed blogger to co-moderate this site? Just my two cents. :)

Malaysian fan

ps: Loved that infinity tattoo, Adam!

Anonymous said...

The infinity tattoo looks very nice. He probably can't resist with some of his band members and dancers had it all over.
I would like to have the infinity tat smaller than the eye tat, so the eye pop out more and have a couple tiny infinity tat swimming around the arm. Will be an epic artwork.

Anonymous said...

I just checked out the VH1 site - and it's true! Since Bad Romance is the #1 most watched video of all time on youtube, I had a hard time believing Adam could be #1, but there it is.....maybe it's based on votes?


Anonymous said...

mmm wonder how that new tat tastes(ha ha)

Anonymous said...

Nice pics. Thanks. Anonymous 3:09AM: Unless Adam is wearing the same shirt, I don't think this pic is recent. There are pics of him with a short haircut and wearing a similar shirt on or near water that have been kicking around for a while. In one close-up that looks to have been taken at the same time he's wearing sunglasses and has LOADS of freckles on his shoulders. Sorry, I don't have a link.

Arta Arias said...

Hey guys,
I really wanted to apologize to you and 24/7 for the comments. I didn't mean to spam, I just thought my comments are not getting published and the site is having some trouble. Though it was the time thing that one of you explained above. So I'm very very sorry...
And Annon 9:31, I think I completely know what this site is and what I said wasn't "Kris talk". It was just a report which I was too excited to share with you guys and of aaaallll the positive things you picked on the negative one.
And seriously guys... The Glamberts in my country are all excited about who really adam is and what immense tallent he has. By saying such things as "Kris Talk" you're giving the neggies and adam haters the chance to offend us.
Anyways Sorry again for the comments...

Anonymous said...

@ Arta Arias
Hi fellow, once again welcome! All apologies accepted, good news about vh1 checked and very well accepeted (let's keep voting) but baby, take it easy, have a glass of fresh water, take a breath, vote again 20 times your heart for our lovely Diamond Boy. Deal?

Anonymous said...

@ Arta Arias
... and what's your country again? Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

@ Arta Arias, this is what I'm talking about! The news came at different time (and there's no updates on 24/7 YET and I know you just had to share it with some one!!!) Thanks for sharing. I'm so excited I can't sleep and it's already 4.30am and I have to wake up at 6.30 to go to work. (-_-)

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that FYE is right there at the top - WWFM is sweet and emotional, IIHY is gorgeous and fun but my vote for best goes to FYE .... for production, energy, beauty, best Adam elements. I think FYE is one that will still be on the books, 20 years from now. It did not get the pos reviews it deserved because it was released after the AMA's and critics were still skittish. Watch it again - it is SO HOT!! And Ima so happy for Gorgeous Man!!

Arta Arias said...

@Fan4Fun: Ok, Deal! :D I think I'm much more relaxed right now! :p It was a great Excitement though! ;)
Oh by the way, I think you asked earlier but I forgot to answer. I'm from Persia(Iran) and I'm a 24 year old Glambert and I know you think I'm a she but I'm a HE! :)))))
I love the fact that you've upgraded him to Diamond boy form Golden. Although here they call him Wonderboy, cause we believe he's too good to be materialised! ;)
Thanx Again.

Arta Arias said...

@Annon 1:22,
:)) I know exactly what you're talking about. 24/7 has been so considerate from the start and I think they'll be coming up with an idea about that very soon.
I'm a student and I completely understand the excitement you have for the Adam news. I used to stay up for hours on the nights I had to drive to the town my university is in for the morning (a 2 hour mountainous drive!!!) but was never feeling a bit of exhaustion since it was about Adam. The only thing that annoyed me was that I was going to have to wait for 14 hours to be able to check 24/7 again! Although I was doing it every hour while I knew it wouldn't be updated... :p Even my girlfriend thought I was turning homosexual because of Adam!!! :))) But the thing is I just can't get over his outrageous musical talent! The way he sings is so soulful, professional and out of this world that it elevates you to a whole another level of energy and a new state of mind!

aye 03 said...

owhhhh ...
that was close ... !!

Anonymous said...

Arta Arias - LOVE your posts and your passion for Adam! He inspires that sort of "rabid" fandom in so many. He is so unique. I get WAY less sleep than I used to, since Adam entered my life - but I agree. It's so worth it. Ha, ha!

Welcome. So cool to hear from so many fans from around the world.

- Adam Fix

Arta Arias said...

Thanx Adam Fix for the welcome! ;)