Adam Lambert Interview with Life In Lansing!
Filed Under (interview,tour news,video ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, July 14, 2010
97.5 NOW FM's Alabama interviews Adam Lambert at the Common Ground Music Festival in Lansing!

97.5 NOW FM's Alabama interviews Adam Lambert at the Common Ground Music Festival in Lansing!
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This site updates so fast! Thank you to whoever operates this site! It saves me a lot of time between my work and my hobby. Love it!
Adam sounds so tire. He needs a break. I bet he'll sleep for days after the tour ends.
Name another young artist who gets asked a question prefaced by "my grandmother asked me to ask you ....."! So funny! Signed, Adamluv
Now, that mascara company must give Adam $$$ for promoting it. I think the whole world now knows what type of mascara he wears. PLEASE ASK OTHER QUESTIONS DJs!
Adamluv - I KNOW !! It's so hilarious! xD
His hair is growing out. Yea. This is the first time I've seen him chewing the gum he has in his mouth; usually you know it's there but he hides it. Love love love the picture that comes up when you click to watch the interview.
Man oh Man what a Man.
Mac makeup (spelling?), david Bowie, Chace Crawford and Muse should all give Adam money or at least a shout out for all the promos he has given them!!! Signed, Adamluv
Ok, that was a good & more informative interview! Good choice between Brad Pitt over Tom choice too! Good extra tip on the add eye shadow over it... thanks for that tip Adam! By the end of your US tour we would know almost everything about you Adam! yay...we're not nosey just inquiring minds!:)
I have that same shirt that Adam is wearing! lol
Cool Jake L - hope you look as good in it...I'm sure you do, right!
Loved this interview - he's nice, I like nice.
ADAM'S Fans please vote for his video against Hanson's he's behind. They were tied last night but now Adam needs his fans support.
yay youtube version!!! <3 thank you 24/7 for the update!
OK, was it just me, or did it bug anyone else - that she'd ask him a question, sort of wave the mic in his direction, but not really let him speak into it or hold it there until he was finished. She kept pulling the mic away while he was still talking! It was hard to catch everything he was seemed like she was cutting him off before he was done.
- Adam Fix
Is he not the cutest guy? How people can not see that is beyond my comprehension! Signed, Adamluv
This interview was fun (and one of the best). I actually liked his hair shaved down once it started growing in a bit. I think he should cut it down a lil bit. Anyone agree?
MAC eyeliner should send ADAM a lifetime supply at no cost. It seems to me that ADAM is the best spokesperson they could have. (LOL) Just love to watch him talk ... little mannerisms .. little 'pouty' lips ... such a DOLL!!!!
did you guys read some of the comments the band Hanson is throwing out at Adam and his fans...yes they are winning the contest by a's a one on one with adam being the challenger...very devoted Adam fans tried really hard this week it's over tomorrow, they said they would not let Adam win this on either......check it out
to all of us who voted all week...good job!!
This is JMO .. so please don't shoot me. This Hanson vs. ADAM contest to me is just a waste of valuable time that can be better spent VOTING at VH1 or any othe sites that impact radio play for ADAM ... wplj .. z100 ... q102 .. siriusxm .. ryanseacrest .. etc. Who cares about a contest with some 'unknown' artist (at least I never heard of them till now). So they beat Jason Castro ... big deal. Let them say whatever they want ... WE KNOW ADAM is BETTER than they are. Are they even on the Top 20 countdown??
Oops! My Bad! Yes ... Hanson is on the Top 20 countdown. So let's BEAT them where it really counts!! Put ADAM at #1 & KEEP ADAM at #1!!
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