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"Dinner with Dad"

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, July 29, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, July 29, 2010

Adam just posted this funny picture of him and his dad Eber on his twitter.xD


Anonymous said...

lol what's wtih that expression? I don't get it.

Shirley said...


Anonymous said...

what can't u get? Dont be too serious...theyre just playing around...

7788 said...

So cute. :D I love it when Adam goofs around.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:34 PM

They are just making faces! or trying to be goofy! that's all!:) By their looks... dinner must have been oooohhhh soooooooo yummmmy!!!

Anonymous said...

Must be so nice to have dinner with his family as he has been on the road working so hard all summer. I hope that he gets to BUY his own house as he keeps talking about how excited he is to be renting. I want to go to dinner at his house. I'll serve dinner, clean the dishes, whatever he wants me to do, DONE!!!!! I LOVE HIM!!!! and he's so cute when he's fooling around.

Anonymous said...

so glad adam has time to hang out with his dad.

Yuna said...

haha that's a funny pic.

Anonymous said...

WTF 8:34, you haven't taken pics like this? They're messing around.

Anonymous said...

Love this. I love when families get silly.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I'd guess Adam takes after his Mom and ?Neil after their Dad.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam has the best qualities of his parents. Neil looks more like Leila, and Adam more like Eber. But Adam also has the Leila look in his expression. His features are the best of both worlds. Can't imagine a face put together any better! Even though Adam said he was chubby with acne issues when he was younger, I just haven't seen a bad picture of him. Ha, maybe the above one, but it's cute. Reminds me of my brothers clowning around.

Anonymous said...

Hey,all you followers, how did you find out that Adam had lunch with his Dad? Please share by posting the URL Addy. Many thanks. We all like to read every little report or sighting of our dear Adam. Also, thanks to everyone of you who shares the address to news about Adam.
Many thanks,

Anonymous said...

He tweeted it. Here is his tweet:

Dinner w Dad 7:38 PM Jul 29th via Twitter for iPhone

Here is the addy:
