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"Glam Nation Tour" in Mall of Asia Show (The Ad)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, July 30, 2010

Posted at : Friday, July 30, 2010

Mall of Asia is on Manila Bay, Philippines!


Anonymous said...

The Oriental Gods must be sooooo jealous of our adorned and sooooo adored young god! (What in the Oriental Paradises could be more beautiful than our prodigious sweet Adam????? Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

I Love this Ad!... I approve! as if!... lol

I love the date too! 10 - 10 - 10!!! It will be a whole new experience for Adam! Huge venue, huge crowd... Wooooooooooow!

Wish I can go... but I can't :( Busy building a house!

Anonymous said...

How I love that photo! OT but driving home at 12 last nite from the Aerosmith concert (which was very good) WWFM came on the radio. It still excites me to hear him on the radio. Then this a.m. turned on the same station and they're playing it again. Not IIHY unfortunately but then they announce Adams coming on! They interview him for about 10 mins. and offer tickets to Vegas to see him. Have to answer a no brainer for us hard core fans "Name the show he was in here in LA for 2 years?" Prolem is, Adam answered the question on air. They all laughed and when asked to spell Iraheta, he only could get out the first few letters! How I love this man! Sorry that this got so OT but didnt know where else to post it! Is it possible to just have a heading titled OT STUFF ? Go to San Diego to see Adam again tonite! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Fan4fun. I didnt notice the 10-10-10 but yes, that's so cool. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@9:55 Love Love Love the video, Adam is truly amazing!! thanks for making & posting the montage!

Anonymous said...

I will not be surprised if Adam sells out this 50,000 seat venue. Regardless it will be the biggest non-television audience he has ever preformed for! :)

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:55 AM

Thanks, great montage of great specific songs!

I'm running out of words to describe Adam's awesomeness and amazingness... lol

He is sooooooooooo magical!!!

jamayajuami said...

wow!!im from manila and excited with this news!!!VIP section here we come..the philamberts!!!

Polly said...

where did this ad originally came from? this wasnt on Blue Dream's FB page, nor officially announced by Music Management Intl. Even Ticketnet has no idea yet on the ticket prices indicated in this poster. please kindly confirm if this is legit.thanks.

Anonymous said...

Philamberts?? Never heard that one before - love it!! :)

- Adam Fix