"God Doesn't Hate"
Filed Under (tour news,twitter ) by Admin on Thursday, July 15, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, July 15, 2010

The hate group who call themselves as the "Westboro Baptist Church" is targeting Adam's Glam Nation concert tonight with both homophobic and anti-semitic taunts.
Adam uploaded this picture and had this to say:
"*sigh* God doesn't Hate." http://yfrog.com/2d350rjj
-Adam Lambert
Those people are disgusting and I hope it doesn't affect Adam's performances tonight. Doubt it. He's such a professional afterall!
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How can these people ever consider calling themselves Christian. Where is their compassion, hope, love. This kind of hate is unbelievable. You are the best example of a wonderful soul Adam, you just stay the same.
Only a handfull of haters who claim to be christians. I beg to differ. How could anyone call themselves a Godly person and do such a thing. I am just heart sick over those pictures. Please Adam I hope all the love coming your way outways those 5 losers with the hate signs. So Sorry. Please know you are loved.
These people make me so mad GRRR!!!
Oh my gosh! I can't believe some people can be so IGNORANT! and on top of it they are dragging their innocent kids with them!...SO, SO SAD!!!...the worst thing they could ever do to their kids!
They are brainwashed people.
These assh*** makes me angry and sad at the same time. But whatever. I just can't believe Adam had to see this.
I can't believe this is happening to Adam. :( That's horrible.
Those people are not Christians - they taunt people so they will do something that Westboro can sue them for. That is how they make a living.
I really find them to be some of the most disgusting people on the face of the earth. They will probably win Adam Lambert more fans because they also target the funerals of soldiers. I hope he considers the source - that is what I keep telling myself but I am having trouble hearing me.
These same people protested Gaga's concert too and plenty of other people's concerts. They tend to protest people who support gay rights.
"Those people are not Christians - they taunt people so they will do something that Westboro can sue them for. That is how they make a living."
7:08 PM
You think Adam will be judged one day? Oh please.
I don't welcome you here. Please GTFO and stop being a fan of Adam. You're embarrassing us.
Shirley, I guess you don't belive there is a God. We will all be judged someday, don't show your ignorance
Why are there no police? Cops should make them go away, they have had their say.
Well anonymous, you might be judged on stupidity. That passage in leviticus referred to raping fallen soldiers on the battlefield. People who quote that book should do some historical research.
Adam is love!
I don't believe in "your" god. I'm a buddhist and there's not judgemental day or whatever.
Christianity isn't the only religion in the world.
Absolute ignorance rears it's ugly head once again. Such hypocrisy.
There will always be people who condemn, judge
and really only want to make their opinions
known. What we all have to do is to ignore,
and go on with our lifestyle. These people
only want recognition and public knowledge.
Most are harmless, just wanting a bit of media
attention. I am not all that good, just SHOOT THEM, AND GO ON WITH THE CONCERT!!
Bless all those that love our
He always makes me smile
This makes me so sick! How can they say something like that
Let's not turn this into a Biblical verse battle. I don't give a flying f*ck what the Bible says or who interprets it to suit their beliefs. No more Bible talk please!!!!!!
these people should be ignored and not given any space on Adam’s sites. Adam - you are bigger man and human being than any of them; if there's a god, I would be surprised if he/she is not Glambert!!! No one promotes and practices love more than Adam!! ADAM - we ALL love you!!!
Hey you bible quoting freaks! GTF off this site.How dare you come to an Adam site and start with your bull s . . . ! Adamluv
wow ! This still does exist ? I'm disapointed America
This definitely looks like a sect. Europe has neo nazis.
*Fenderx Morrie Schwartz* quotes
“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”
So true! I feel sorry for the child holding the sign and I am ashamed of the mother who is raising him, what a hypocrite!
..ignorant tone deaf white trash idiots...end of story....and anon 7:37 you are their leader...with anon 7:08 as your lieutenant....
It must be really hard to sit back and quote bible verses to suit your purpose-pathetic person.I feel sorry for your miserable life-learn to love, not judge, learn to live,without hate, and learn to laugh, because you are hilarious!! ADAM ROCKS THE UNIVERSE!!!
Such a disgusting sight....sickening! These people ooze hatred.....yuck!!!
Do a little research on the Westboro Baptist church. They are a bunch of Warped Minded Fanatics! Adam had problems in Tampa with them threatening him. He had to have Police as guards. For those of you who think that they are just practicing their Religion. Read your Newspapers and listen to the news.They have been the new many times. Let me inform you that these people go to the Funeral Services of our Soldiers , who have been killed SERVING OUR COUNTRY, carrying signs and yelling to the soldiers family that he deserved to die, and that he is burning in Hell. They have been in the news many times doing this at a Soldier's funeral. The only actions the Courts have taken against these ABOMINATIONs is to make them stay 100 yards away from the grieving Family. To make up for this, these ROTTEN DIRTY NUT cases started using BULLHORNS to shout their Filth to make sure they are heard loud and clear. They have did this at 2 Fallen Soldiers Funerals here where I live, and I get very upset about it, thinking of how the parents, wives, children feel having to put up with these people, and no one will make them stop.
I don't support drugs either. I like to think that IIHY is about paranormal and shamanism and has nothing to do with psychedelic.
Well gayness is genetically preprogramed just as deficient IQ is (ie: gay hater bible thumpers) but Adam is extremely preprogramed with a VERY proficient IQ not to mention incredible SEXINESS!!!
I can't believe this shit. They are allowed to do this???? Legally? Seriously?
I'm glad the 24/7 admins are active and deleting stupid and offensive comments. I don't want to read comments by bible thumpers on this site. Thank you 24/7!!!
(btw, I'm born Christian but I do not support bigotry and if you quote the bible to insult gay/lesbian people, then you're a bigot.)
pitiful people have pitiful lives full of sadness and ignorance. what do they get out of making asses of themselves? almost makes me wish adam would skip the cities these poor excuses for human beings live but that would just be punishing all of the other people who have to live there with those idiots.
Ignorance is NOT bliss!!!!
ANON 7:40 pm:
Sorry Adam had to see that. I think ignorance like that is best given civil disattention.
Those kids.......
Just wow.
That's just pathetic. It's a shame to see the little ones holding signs they don't even understand.
Sick, just SICK!
I can't believe in this day and age crap like this is still going on.
Poor Adam to have witnessed this bigotry!
Thank you to the blog administrator for deleting those offensive comments. A few months ago, the father of a dead serviceman took these creeps to court for picketing outside his sons funeral. He lost and had to pay this group thousands of dollars. Bill O"reilly, whom I despise said he was going to pay the bill. Dont know if he ever did or not. Would like to know.? To Adam, Jewish, gay and fantastic!!!! We love you! Adamluv
ig nore those signs-protesters be happy and smile we have a good concert tonight.
When those little ones grow up and realize the hatred their parents tried to invoke on them, these ignorant, ugly grown ups will find themselves alone. Adam is strong, loving and loved. The fact that he feels sadness for these awful people, rather than the rage I felt when this picture came up, is a tribute to him. Please take this picture down as soon as possible. I know that KC is welcoming Adam with excitement and joy and they don't deserve to have this be the memory of their city.
check out this phillipino little girl singing her face off... AMAZING!
Unbelievably hideous....I am disgusted with these people and their horrible and hateful ways.... and very sad for their children....In my universe, God is LOVE....period.... and loves us all....These idiots just want to be "better" than the rest of us....Phooey....It is indeed sad....To live your life full of hate is no life at all....
This is DISGUSTING........2010!!!!!
These LOWLIFE SCUM of the EARTH..should be locked up and their kids taken away!!
i can,t see anyone in the UK tolerating this DISGRACEFUL PROTEST!!
there'd be hounded down
whats up with the American Police Force too busy chasing and busting kids with small amounts of weed....when they clearly should be locking these guys up!!!! FOREVER!!!!!!!!!
ADAM its is so sad that you had to see this
there are so many hateful things in this world..
this BEAUTIFUL MAN has taught us all so much with his Beautiful Inner Beauty filled with LOVE
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Shouldn't this child be learning about LOVE & ACCEPTANCE rather than HATE & IGNORANCE!!!
Does he truely understand what the sign really means & the purpose of his action represents???
His parents should be ashame of themselves for misleading the innocence. This makes me SICK!
I am sorry Adam has to see this. Hey Adam, do some VOODOO & throw some Glitter than sing to them WWL.
What I would like to say to the protesters is
I was shocked to see this hideous picture. It brought back raw memories of the 60's and the civil rights struggle, which I lived through. And it's all the more disgraceful to see children being warped to believe this garbage. I'm so sorry that Adam has to endure this during his phenominal, upbeat tour. Sweetheart, stand tall and know that you are LOVED. Your philosophy of tolerance and love will prevail! It's still a GLAM NATION, unfortunately marred by a few very sick souls. I know you'll stay strong and take comfort that your fans adore you and want to protect you always. Peace and love to you always, Adam.
it's alright, WE LOVE YOU ADAM :)
Poor Adam. It had to be him to post this up on his twitter. :( It would have been better if he hadn't seen this.
Screw those A-holes.
July 15, 9:07PM Woops! Should be WLL.
MESAGE TO Westboro Baptist Church
If those people knew God, they wouldn't be spreading hate !!!
Adam is a beautiful human being who exemplifies love !!! This is one of the many reasons I love him so much !
All the positive energy is coming your way ! Adam
It saddens my heart to know that someone as loving and accepting of all people, our Adam, has to endure hate spewed at him from ignorant people who don't even know what love is.
Oh they are babtists, they are very annoying sect.
this is sickening and heartbreaking, and that hate is tearing into our good 24/7 group. thank you administrators for removing some comments. my heart hurts that people teach hate and actually spend energy spreading it.
the same horrid picketing took place in charlotte nc but glamberts put an adam cd on and happily drowned them out, now there's a great plan!
I think i'm sick after seeing that picture....
It is time to take the picture down, it has caused too much hate in these comments.
The best way to counteract people like this is to ignore them, keep supporting Adam, buy his albums, download his singles, buy videos, share his music with friends and strangers, support his shows, and make him more successful than can be imagined. Adam has challenges other artists don't have to face, because not only is he gay but he is a proud of who he is as well he should be. Some DJ's still won't play his music. Many radio people are coming on board though. As he becomes more successful and popular, they will have to respond and play his music, CAUSE HE IS HERE TO STAY. Talent and love overpower this ignorance and hate.
I so admire Adam for how he is able to rise above this kind of intolerance & hatred. He has such a beautiful soul. These "people" could learn much from him. We all can.
Seeing a child in the middle of this saddens me and I am so sorry Adam or anyone has to endure senseless bigotry and hatred.
This type of behavior should make us all angry enough to be determined not to tolerate it in our lives and to speak out when we see it as many have here but let's be careful not to lower ourselves to hateful remarks that compromise our own integrity. Lets not let "them" drag us into their playground. Anyone agree?
10:03 PM
There's no hate on this thread. Just frustration. and Adam posted this pic on his twitter so it's relevant.
Yes, Bec, I agree with you. We should all follow Adam's lead in dealing with this hatred & ignorance. He takes the high road every time. Heard he gave 120% of himself at tonight's show. That was the best response he could have given!
I agree its time to take this picture off 24/7.
Why give them any more space or time for their hate. Adam is amazing and so right. GOD LOVES
EVERONE. Please get rid of the picture.
7:03 Thanks for your comment. I was starting to have fantasies about rotten eggs. Glad that Adam has Neil with him, also the band and dancers. I hope Sutan put some extra glitter on him to cheer him up! WLL Adam, in this Mad World.
sorry I mean #1
10:22 please read 10:13 comment
We love you Adam just keep being your usual beautiful, talented loving self, hopefully it will rub off on the sad, unhappy people who need it. A lot of us are better people for having gotten to "Know " you.
Jan. xx
Monte posted an interesting comment on Twitter. Saw it on MJ's. There was also a re-done picture, changing all the hate to LOVE and Glam Nation support! Adam's fans are the best .... following the inspiration that is our loving Adam.
The Westboro Baptist Church can be identified with Radical Islamics who use their children in suicide bombings. Now, don't beat me up for this, but here in America we have freedom of speech which our troops fight and die for. I think our laws have to be closely looked and some of them rescinded so that one person or one small group of people cannot take away the rights of all. Remember Madeline Murray O'hare who alone got prayer taken out of schools because it offended her? The law could have been written so that the children whose parents did not want them to pray in school could have stood quietly with their fingers in their ears as the other children prayed. Ms. O'hare got her freedom of speech and everyone else was silenced. Fair? No! So now you have the Westboro Baptists protesting and raising children who will raise their children to hate.
The pendulum has swung far, far to the left. It will swing far, far to the right before it settles in the middle.
Please, let's not go after one another on this site due to different beliefs, tenets, credos, etc. This is an Adam Lambert site and he would not agree with any of the comments slung at each other on this thread. Christians: don't quote bible passages here. Atheists: don't call people names because you do not believe as they do. Both are no better than the picture above.
I've had my say.
Adam, you're the best. Keep on keeping on.
It's too late to do anything about the adults in that cult ... but I wish the authorities would do something about removing those children from that HATEFUL environment before they grow up with the same HATRED & BIGOTRY they are CONSTANTLY fed day in & day out. That needs to be ELIMINATED at the source. Put those kids in LOVING decent homes like ADAM had. Where are the Child Protective Services in KC?
deus te amat and I do too
what is happening with you, WESTBORO CHURCH? WHAT HAPPENED TO CHRISTIANITY? what happened to one of the bible's principles 'DON'T JUDGE OR YOU WILL BE JUDGED? WHAT KIND OF CHRISTIANS ARE YOU?
I agree, take the photo down. This site has already given these pathetic whack jobs too much energy. Turn it down, turn it off. Like Adam asks before Ring Of Fire....."WHO ARE YOU"? We have got
to very quickly turn the energy around to the positive or we as humans do not stand a chance.
Adam has his word on this and i'm sure has moved on. Let's do the same. Fight this s--- with nothing but LOVE!!!!!
@ 24/7 Please post the picture with the altered signs by an Adam's fan. It will cleanse the palate and make us smile again. It was on twitter. I am so sorry that Adam and the Glamily were subjected to this hateful lunacy. The WBC are a cancerous cult that should also be arrested for child abuse. Sad to say, our freedom of speech can be a double edged sword. What they don't realize is that their actions just make us all the more protective and supportive of Adam. They give Christianity a bad name and totally defeats their sick, evil purpose. Adam has such grace and class, the most loving heart. It's like my own child has been attacked and subjected to the most cruel form of ugliness. I would love to send Adam and the glamily worldwide hugs and love from all of us. I want him to be empowered and energized by that love and respect we hold for him. He may never see our regard and care for him, but I hope he can feel the energy of this powerful universe. Love you, Adam funbunn40
Never give another human being the power to break your spirit. Be who you are, say what you feel. Those who mind don't matter. Those that matter don't mind. We love who you are, Adam. It's a new day... funbunn40
Hate comes from the Devil. We all LOVE you Adam. You are a much better person than they can even dream of being.
Anon at 11:04
Yes, we have freedom of speech in the US and religious speech is one of the most protected. But this is hate speech, obscene speech, directed at a minority (yes, IMHO gays should have the same rights as other minorities)which should not be protected. I don’t think we’ve made nearly enough progress if Adam Lambert touring in 2010 is faced with the same type of hate and bigotry that Billie Holiday faced while touring nearly 70 years ago.
May these people find love in their hearts and minds someday. I pray for them, as I do for all of mankind. We are all God's children. Adam is correct God loves, He does not hate.
Anon 11:04 is correct. America has faults,but it is still a young country.
People like that give Christianity a bad name. Jesus was all about loving everyone.
Adam is a loving man doing what GOD wants him to do: Singing and performing. How can anyone doubt that when they hear Adam's voice. It came straight from Heaven.
I looked at the picture again and just noticed the sign about Jews. How horrific. They are worse than the other signs. How very sad and disturbing.
Let's keep voting on VH1 and requesting Adam's songs and buying his album. Show our support--and pray, but ignore the enemy.
I love the ralley of support for Adam in this tread; it shows that there are so many good people amongst us. We have to watch we don't sound like the haters sometimes with the f...word though. I know we are upset however we need to hold our heads high. This group is (in the picture)brainwashed and has mental issues too. We never want to stoop to their level. I think in Adams own way he was saying he needed his fans today for assurance and love. Well Adam you will have it ALWAYS!!!
This is for the Westboro Church.
Would fans please sing this back to protesters but change the chorus to 'Thank You' so they won't get arrested?
Enjoyed these supportive comments, lifted my spirits, thanks to all.
And you know what this does for me - it just STRENGTHENS MY RESOLVE to raise my own two children with open minds and open hearts! That's the best way I can think of, for me, to combat this sort of hatred.
Good luck on the rest of your tour Adam Lambert (of course, where there is skill, luck is not needed :) ).
I saw a comment below the twipic Adam posted that said something like:
This is not sad, it is not painful. It is just RIDICULOUS.
Viewing it that way is way more positive and healthy for all of us.
Let's let any event like this just be a reminder to focus on what we DO want for the world. If we add enough energy to THAT, we will surely create it - simply through the law of attraction. Everything starts as a thought.
Adam has awakened in us a powerful wish for all manner of GOODNESS and LOVE. Let's focus on that and be a part of the solution!!
My uncle is a priest and he is fine with adam!! He may not necessarily agree with gay marriage but from what i showed him he likes his music and doesn't have a problem with his performing. Gosh come on people Christians are supposed to love. I can't wait for that day when scientist prove that homosexuality is not by choice.
I've read about mind control and all the tracks lead to Europe, Britain actually..
These are the same people who picketed Heath Ledgers funeral for his role in Brokeback Mountain. I love what Eber Lambert had to say about this whole thing, "No, God hates figs. And most seafood as I recall."
Jack, Thanks so much for posting what Eber had to say. So funny and just the right response! The other day he answered an email from the AMA ppl. asking who do we want to open this years show? His response was I dont care who opens the show but I think adam Lambert should close it! What a fabulous sense of humor!! One of the reasons I love Adam so much is that ability to laugh and make fun of himself. Love that family!! Adamluv
Opps, Sorry! I need to clean my glasses. Should have thanks to JAKE, not Jack!
Adam's statement,"Sigh, God does not hate" shows more class and intelligence than any absurd rant that the wbc[lower case letters intentional]have to offer. Today is a new day, but I still have sorrow in my heart for the hurt these pathetic creatures are trying to inflict on Adam and all gays and lesbians, as well as Adam's family and friends that love him. We can't give these hate-filled misguided ones the power to hurt and any satisfaction. I'm going to repeat this to myself 100 times and listen to If I Had You. My heart will be filled with joy, because that is what Adam does. Keep spreading the Lambert love. funbunn40
If this happened in the UK these people would be arrested for inciting hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation and race. It's a pity this isn't an option in the USA
@Jake 10:41,Adamluv11:18, and Funbunn40 11:43
Thanks to Jake and Adamluv for posting Eber's comments and I agree with you all as well....One of the big reasons why Adam is so grounded and "happy in his own skin" is because of his family, their sense of humor, wisdom, and the ability to put things in perspective, to know what is truly important to pay attention to and those things which are not, in the whole scheme of things.....(BTW, I hate FIGS, too....) And I really hope Adam is invited back to the AMA's this year, he'll be fabulous wherever they put him....
Once again I’m late with reading the comments but whatever… I’m posting my thoughts anyway.
At first, I was angry and sad with all the protesters and trolls and negativity against Adam, but you know what? I thought about this and now I'm kind of wellcoming those ‘angels of’… whatever sort (as long as no one is physically hurt) BECAUSE:
FIRST, we can learn more about ourselves from the way we react to enemies than to friends. Adam didn’t ignore them, didn’t mock them, didn’t respond in anger, but reminded those who would listen that (Christian) God doesn’t hate (not his God, because it seems that he believes more in ‘The Universe’ than in God or YHWH). That tells me something about him and makes me love him more. In all he does, Adam preaches love. I think LOVE is more universal that (any) GOD. That’s why his fanbase is so diverse.
We can also learn more about the visitors of this site... Some of you are ready to ignore the haters, others to fight back with Bible quotes, some are believers of any sort, some are not, some are ready to fight even other Glamberts, others just sharing their wisdom... It seems, however, that many of us are still ignorant in so many areas … I, for one, am very much aware about the diversity of faiths and believes but I cannot say FOR SURE what the Bible says about hate and sinners (or Koran or Torah, for that matter). I’m pretty sure there are some things there which 'God’ (as told by man) hates .. But all of them are in fact words put in ‘holy’ books by humans. I rather go with buddhists who have no holy book, but books of wisdom which tells the readers to criticize everything and take in what is up to one’s own standards. (is it right, Shirley, our buddhist friend?). Is this a better way to go? Not sure. Isn’t this what the protestors are doing?...
I only have the questions not the answers.
SECONDLY, some say that ‘adversity breeds creativity’ so I’m hoping for some songs written by Adam-Monte team that answer to (all?) the criticism and hate out there (by choise, not by chance as WWFM did). I think controversy is good in order to become ‘iconic’, but I also think BB needs more powerful personal messages. I’m waiting and hoping for those while enjoying the present ones : ‘we can all party together’, ‘let’s have (hot) fun’, ‘be yourself’, ‘it’s ok to be imperfect, hurt or down, there’ll be someone to lift you up’, ‘I’ll be there for you’, ‘it’s ok to be gay’, etc.
Nevertheless, there is also so much love from us for him to feed upon. :-))
Wow....reading all these comments, I thought the trolls would be here. But I guess they're too busy or maybe they're tired of being pounded by us!
Also glad no bible thumpers have commented yet....
Stay positive everyone! That is what Adam is all about! Let's enjoy his music and don't let these get to us! Adam's career barely started. Haters will be a norm so we better get used to them and don't let them get in our way of enjoying Adam's career!
English isn'st my first language. So sorry!
@ An0nym0us 1.29 PM Let me tell y0u fell0w: t#is site is t#e best sc#00l y0u can get, if y0u want t0 practice Englis# ... and dif y0u d0n't mind freaking kaybards fl0ating in t#e middle 0f t#e Atlantic, y0u trust me, I'm d0ing pretty well... I guess. And y0u t00. BE WELC0ME and c0mment m0re times #ere in Paradise 24/7, 0K? Sweet Adam is waiting f0r y0ur feelings! Fan4fun
Trolls are fun, like a jester..
The 2 nastiest comments were deleited yesterday by the blog administrator and was very pleased to see that. Adamluv
Thanks for that info about Eber's response to the AMA people Adamluv... you're a wealth of great info!!!
As a gay activist and the parent of a fantastic young man, these positive comments make my heart soar. These signs are from an extreme group, but there is subtle ignorance out there,too. It makes parents worry about the safety of their wonderful children. Adam, you are one of the greatest connectors I have ever seen. Look what a simple, honest comment from one beloved man has created! This is a fight for civil rights. The other side's weapons are hate and ignorance. Our side's weapon is simply LOVE. Love conquers all.
All you need is love...Beatles
Love thy neighbor as thyself...Jesus
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win....Gandi
Love has no orientation....Adam Lambert.
Love like you'll never be hurt ( sign in my bathroom, but I don't know who said it..ha.)
PFLAG sign: Closets are for clothes and not our kids. Love this Glamily!
Tonight, I listened again to Adam's studio version of "One" by U2 - the whole thing....ALL the words. Also, the performance on Idol of that song - the look on his face as he pointed to all of us with the only message of the Universe - "One life, one love, each other .... sisters and brothers". Bono's words, Adams soul.
Anon7:27 Every time I hear Adam sing that song{Idol's version my fave}and see the emotion in his face it touches my soul. Wish we could get a boxed set of all of his Idol performances and the judges comments.[all clips of him] It would be a win win for everyone. Love your quote,"Bonos words, Adam's soul." funbunn40
Haven't had time to comment on this...now the topic's kind of "cold". And, I couldn't have said it better than all of you here in this thread already. My sentiments exactly.
Feelin' love for the Glamily, their brave children who are gay and my heart swells for Adam!
- Adam Fix
Here is what Monte said:
On Thursday 15th July 2010, @Monterrific said:
"God doesn't hate anyone. Just for the record. Includling bushels of sticks that stick out. God might slightly dislike people who put signs in their kids hands that have negative conotations. I'm going to hurt these people someday. Law or not. Where I come from, sometime you need your ass beat. Just sayin' "
Rahaha! Here is what Ebert Lambert said about that new haircut of Neil's:
@negativeneil http://twitpic.com/254622 - "I think your mug shots came out better than this "
Yes, Anon 7:27 "One", "A Change Is Gonna Come", "Black or White" beautifully done by Adam
this make me cry:( adam is the kindest person ever, so sweet and loving. and the fact that he said *sigh* in his twat makes me think he was sad over it:( i cant stand the thoght of adam being sad..just isnt right..
God does not like Hate Breeders and what they teach their children, God loves you, God loves me and God loves Adam and his family..
Listen to Adam and Noa Dori on youtube singing
Prayer...Thats what makes God smile, not these people standing on the street with hate signs,
remember to spread peace and love and have a happy day!!!! I Love Adam and his Band
The thing that drives me crazy about this sort of thing is that a tiny handful of nutballs can do something like this, and these photos will probably be picked up and broadcast all over the world, and we will get the usual absolute, condemning comments coming from fans in Europe and Asia about how bigoted all "Americans" are.
Well, hear this people, these people are a handful among hundreds of millions of Americans who DON'T hold their views. I am a Jew AND a huge Adam Lambert fan, and my mother was a Holocaust refugee (that slaughter took place in Germany, Poland and Europe, in case any of y'all don't remember) and I love my country (the U.S. of A), and I love everything and anything about Adam and the band.
I just attended a sold-out Glam Nation tour at the Nokia in NYC last month, and have tickets to the one in SoCal in a few weeks, and I've seen all the love that's out there.
Peace, love and happiness. Love you, Adam!!
If you people knew ANYTHING about God you would know that he hates NO ONE.
Stop spreading your hate and do something better with your lives.
I am ashamed of these people, if they don't like Adam/gay people thats their loss. They need to realize that they are people just like us.
I was there and those people that were protesting didn't affect anyone except for Adam. A word of advice to Adam is don't worry about the little people. You had thousands of people there in support of you and what you do best-Entertain! The concert was incredible and you had the best "game-face" ever. Keep doing what your doing and continue to pay your dues because we love and support you 100%. Your fan base continues to grow along with the message about love that you send. We are sooooooooooo
proud of you for fighting the fight...
I have to disagree with you above. If you watch the Animal Planet, Discovery, visit the Field Museum in Chicago, google any university inquiring about the animal kingdom, you will find many species of gay animals. REGARDING HUMANS; Embryogenises-Orientation is determined by chemicals [hormones]flushes during the formation of the hypothalmus gland before the end of the 12th week of pregnancy. More info on this subject will be in any medical school library if you wish to be more knowlegeable on this subject. I respect your right to believe what you wish if it gives you comfort. I tend to give more weight to scientific facts, but that is just my personal opinion in the info I've accumulated over the years in a medical environment. Love for me could never be a sin. It's a very human response to show affection and we all have our personal perceptions to be respected. funbunn40
anon 5.34pm
you idiot sayin
"god he DOES NOT like 2 men making out"
there are lots of gay animals out there the the animal kingdom do your research!! go back to school
Ridiculous. Why on earth do people spend so much time and energy hating other people for no reason? Adam's awesome. I'd like to hear those people hold a note for more than half a second. They act like Adam's some evil beast but yet he's more talented than any of them. It takes no skill to hate.
Just keep on singing Adam. You're the best. Sending lots o' love your way.
Tom Rudd
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