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Sasha's family and Adam!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, July 29, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, July 29, 2010

"My family and few friends back stage with Adam... yea we took up a whole row haha "



Anonymous said...

WOW...that's impressive!!

OT: leaving for the airport soon...VEGAS and Adam here I come!!

glitzylady said...

Hey G& S, did you notice that I am coming to Hawaii for the concert???Can't remember if you knew that or not.....

Have a great time, drink lots of water, and ENJOY!!!!

Anonymous said...

So Wonderful.

@G&S - yipeeeee - have a great time...reports when you get back please.


ps. Everybody - are you voting and requesting and all that stuff...don't know where Gina went?? Down the rabbit hole I guess - but she popped into my head today and she used to be such a good cheerleader about voting and such :), thought I'd shout out. And speaking of not hearing from peeps, Fan4Fun must be getting her keyboard fixed?? :)

7788 said...

G&S, have fun!!

glitzylady said...

So great that they were all there... and got to meet Adam...she is so cute and such a good dancer...and gets to sleep in Adam's bus.....One talented and lucky girl...

Anonymous said...

G&S and glitzylady - I am oozing glittery jealousy that you get to see Adam in HI - but in the best possible I'm-so-happy-for-you way!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Yes - where's fan4fun? And where is our friend GIOW/UK? I don't think she has yet recovered from her bertday. She woke up in the woods somewhere, all covered in glitter, and has not been heard from since. Will send out a search/rescue crew soon.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

G&S and glitzylady - REMEMBER TO TELL US ALL ABOUT IT!!! <33

Anonymous said...

To G&S,
You're the one going to Atl from HI, right?


Anonymous said...

G&S, leaving to go see ADAM is never OT ! Enjoy and give us lots of details. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Sasha looked so good on the stage, as did everyone. They all seemed pumped up and I'm glad they had family and friends time. All had to be so proud of them! She's also so good at giving fans a glimpse of life on tour on twitpic. They are all so likable and fun to see in their natural element. Hope they'll all continue to go on together and enjoy the unimaginable success that will come their way through the exposure of this and European tour. They all seem such a perfect fit. I'm also wondering what happened to Gina. Think Fan4fun blew out her keys typing about Adam's hotness and burned her fingers! Hope all will be fixed soon and she'll be wearing asbestos gloves in the future! haha funbunn40

Anonymous said...

off topic:

Haven't even looked at this or the last several posts yet, but HAVE to share this if ya'll haven't seen it:

some girls snuck into a sound check for WLL....what Adam sings at the beginning made me laugh out loud and got my imagination going overtime.....whew!


glitzylady said...

@Sweetie at 2:11 pm

I am slightly acquainted with the two ladies who sort of inadvertently and happily found themselves in this great position....(It was already posted yesterday with the other Costa Mesa concert vids...but thanks for mentioning it again....)If I may mention another fansite, the whole story behind it is on the "Adam Official Unofficial Website", with Carol and Lila as the lucky ladies...With the key word being Soundcheck.....I met Carol and Lila at Fantasy Springs, and the other main site administrator is Sue, who was the (also) lucky mom with her daughter Jess who was on Oprah with Adam last January and the one that re-ran yesterday...who I also met at Fantasy Springs....small world...and all very deserving ladies....we Adam fans are very resourceful...and we do get around...

Glitz and Sparkles said...

hey justpeachy...
yeah I booked Atlanta first using my expiring airline miles...way before the HI concert was announced. I just got the 'fever' for booking Adam concerts and did Vegas also...(also before the HI concert date). So after thinking I would never be able to experience Adam...I AM...sorry for this...trying to get out the door for the flight...Are you attending the HI concert??

Glitzylady....please keep me posted - where are your seats?? A bunch of us (we haven't met yet) are planning a GREETING for Adam....

laters.........out the door!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sasha's whole gang were there too?! that's fantastic!!! I thought it was just Adam's troop were there!... seems like everyone had their family in the audience at Costa Mesa's show!... One Huge Happy Glamily!!! ** PARTY ON!:) **

glitzylady said...


So far in the balcony, got in late to the sales...but that could change...let me know re any "plans"... know at least two others from the NW going...

Anonymous said...

ADAM FANS!!! Don't forget to keep voting everywhere but especially VH1

Anonymous said...

@ MassGlamFan
Hello there, you almost guessed what,YES!I G0T A NEW KEYBOARD!!!! Welcome back letters «H» and «o», welcome back spaces and new lines!!!!! Finally, no more weird spelling comments, although the comments may still quite weird in their context...HA! But my laptop is not fixed yet, neighbour, it has to be sent to Spain for at least 40 days (no way during Glam Nation Tour!), so a friend of mine got me this «special» helper keyboard pluged in my laptop (this new keyboard is twice the size of my laptop but, who cares??? Sweet Adam' talents are also twice the size that my pour brain can assimilate and I survived....)
So, how was your birthday? I hope better than just a «birt#day». Glambrit UK should be a bit drunk at her «bertday» because in a comment shecalled you GlamMassFan or something like that (LOL) and read in the headlines «bulge» instead of »bowl»; wouldn't it be great for her to share a room with AdamFix at the Adam Rehab? ha, ha...Again, thanks for having voted for Adam in my place but from now on I take back the charge, with so much pleasure, ok? LET'S, VOTE, LET'S VOTE!!!

@ Glitz and Sparkles
Aloha, fellow, so... Vegas will the first of a dozen Adam's shows you got tickets???? You lucky little Glamthing!!!! God bless you, baby, have a good trip, fly carefully and do not forget to tell sweet Adam how much I love him, ok?!


glitzylady said...


Glad to see you are able to type without the interesting things going on, although i have to say it was sort of fun trying to figure out what you were trying to deciphering a secret code....and always knew it was you without even seeing your name...Ha Ha!!! and Yay!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Funbonn40
Hi fellow, talking about asbestos gloves, I wasn't wearing them yesterday when I burned my left hand and 2 fingers of my right hand in the oven at the hotel´s hellkitchen....and yes, at that moment I had sweet Adam and his beautiful sweet smile fixed in my mind (instead of the fish). Oh, sweet Lord, now I got this «tique», constantly whispering his sweet name (Adam... Adam... Adam) all the day long while working; people at hellkitchen got really worried about my scary behavior yesterday... when I got burnt in the oven I shouted «No, Adam!, It burns, burns!» Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady
Yes, fellow, it wasn't necessary to sign my tag as well it wasn't possible for me to comment as «Anonimous»....HA! Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

adam and his Dad, out for dinner...Oh, How cute!


Anonymous said...

Yay - it's the return of fan4fun! Welcome back! Sorry about your burns, but glad you're thoughts will be slightly more comprehensive, now that you have a working keyboard (ha, ha!).

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Hi back at 'ya Fan4Fun, glad you can comment without added stress again :)... going away for a little bit - will be lurking, but probably not a little extra for me on VH1 if you can :)!!

ps. I just noticed that above I said "going away for a little bit..." then realized that it sounded like I was going to the loony bin, the crazy house...or maybe some Adam Rehab, Ha Ha Ha... probably should be going away for a little AL Rehab, but it's just for vaca... have fun everyone.

glitzylady said...

Whatever you say MGF...seems a lot us are "going away for a little bit..." People are definitely going to start wondering.....So, yes, I'm going away for a little bit....too....only for the least that's what they told me....Hmmm....

Anonymous said...

glitzlady/MGF - ha, ha!! I'll meet you in the loony bin! We have Adam's cd on constant repeat rotation. We constantly scan the web for any little crumb on Adam so we can obsess over it, discuss it, drool over it, etc, with other like-minded fans. It's Adam, Adam, Adam - all the time. Life is good. Don't be scared.

Oh wait, sorry, that's MY house I'm describing! ;)

- Adam Fix