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"If I Had You" is #1 in New York, Boston and Cleveland!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, July 30, 2010

Posted at : Friday, July 30, 2010

Adam Lambert's third single "If I Had You" was #1 on last night's countdowns in New York, Boston and Cleveland! The airplay has increased in these states!

On the overall Top 40 Radio chart, the song is currently #27, after passing Justin Bieber's new song.

28 27 ADAM LAMBERT If I Had You 1922 1678 244 9.359
+15 Spins
-25 Bullet
+0.088 AI

Credit: kms15423


Anonymous said...

I am so happy about this! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Adam and Adam's team. Unfortunately, I haven't heard IIHY one single time in central Texas. The nation is indeed split.

Anonymous said...

This is amazing. This is just the beginning I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Nice! VERY IMPRESSIVE!!! Congrats... ADAM!

Anonymous said...

Vh1 top 20 countdown...Adam is #2 behind B.o.B. Gaga has been removed from the voting list. Let's get going today so Adam will be #1 again. C'mom we can do it.

Anonymous said...

Yay on this info in this thead, awesome!

Gaga removed from voting list - interesting.

Speaking of voting on VH1 - going away on vaca - will be a real pain to vote...24/7'ers - could you guys throw a few extra votes towards VH1 for me, thanks!

Have fun commenting everyone.


7788 said...

Sure thing Massglamfan!! I'll be voting a lot today.

7788 said...

Oh and have fun vacationing, Massglamfan!

Anonymous said...

We'll miss you, MGF - have fun!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Still haven't heard it here near Chicago, Illinois. It won't be played until top 40 Billboard. Media Base doesn't matter here.

Shirley said...

I'm in LA and I haven't heard IIHY on the radio yet.

Anonymous said...

And yet in Vancouver, it's played on our top radio stations ( 95.3 and 94.5 FM ) multiple times a day!... yaaaaaaaaay for Vancouver, Canada!

glitzylady said...

I live just south in WA....just have to start tuning into those smart Canadian stations I guess...So great to hear that!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm in San Francisco and they played it a few times.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 1:07, I'm also in Vancouver and I love getting in the car and turning on the radio and IIHY is playing - always puts me in a good mood.
Hope he comes back here soon - in a larger venue.
Last time, both shows sold out in a matter of minutes. Canada loves Adam.

uranus said...

Looks like Canadians are luckier than most of the US

Anonymous said...

As less they're playing IIHY twice per day in Boise! But they do not play any Justin Bebier songs at all!

Yana said...

If you don't hear Adam's songs on your local radio, remember to request for it! it's jsut a call to your local radio station. it makes a huge difference!

Anonymous said...

I've requested it nicely and multiply times on phone and via web. Still nothing.

Anonymous said...

I request it every day many times. They already recognize my voice :) But still play it on radio once per day:(

Anonymous said...

Ugh..hope this isn't a repost but a very positive reveiw of AL tour on yahoo music page for all who haven't seen it..Enjoy!! The writer is totally fan-crushing on AL.


Anonymous said...

I'm worried because there's nothing impressive about the aiplay of that song, and I hope WWFM won't be his only hit single.

9.359 is veeeeeeery low compared to songs from Katy Perry and Eminem which get more than 140 :(

Anonymous said...

~@ MassGlanFan..... Neighbour, you don't worry, now it's my turn to vote also for you, count on me, OK? Have a nice vacation, enjoy your family and don't forget us, you promise?

Anonymous said...

Melissa Toronto, where are you? in vacation with Poland Loves Adam???? Come on guys, I miss you, please talk to me....Hey, I 've got a new keyboard, you see?

Anonymous said...

Yay glad you have a new keyboard!


Anonymous said...

love being an aussie, they play adam's songs on B105 in brisbane, queensland, all the time, i get a thrill everytime i hear him :)

BTW love this site & want to thank the people who maintain it, first place i go to for adam news & it alway's has the latest, big shout out to you guys/girls from australia. Also love to read the posts from like minded people who saw a star appear when adam was on AI & sang bohemian rhapsody, first time i watched the show & the last time i will watch it. love the lambert.
